Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 1.djvu/647

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capital rose to nearly three millions sterling; about 10,000 men were employed at Ellis's death, and the output exceeded 100,000 tons of steel per annum. Ellis was managing director from 1864 until 1905, when he became chairman of the company. Brown retired in 1870 and Bragge died in 1884, when Ellis acquired sole charge. In 1899 the Clydebank Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, employing 8000 men, were taken over by the concern.

In 1867 Ellis was decorated with the Cross of the Order of Vasa in recognition of his aid in certain fortifications in Sweden. From the Iron and Steel Institute, of which he was a member from 1875, a member of council in 1888, and a vice-president in 1901, he received the Bessemer gold medal in 1889, when Sir Henry Bessemer acknowledged Ellis's services in establishing the process. He was elected a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers on 8 Jan. 1884. For many years he was a member of the Cullers' Company. He took little part in the public affairs of Sheffield, but was a magistrate for the West Riding, and was for ten years chairman of the South Yorkshire Coalowners' Association. He died at his residence, Sparken, Worksop, on 11 Nov. 1906, and was buried at Carlton in Lindrick.

He married on 5 Dec. 1848 Elizabeth Parsons Bourne of Childs Ercall, Shropshire, by whom he had five sons and one daughter.

A portrait by A. S. Cope, R.A., is at the Atlas Works, Sheffield.

[Journal Iron and Steel Institute, 1906, pt. iv. p. 706; Minutes of Proceedings Inst. Civ. Eng. clxviii. 340; The Engineer, 16 Nov. 1906; Engineering, 16 Nov. 1906; Cassier's Mag., Dec. 1903, pp. 194 seq.]

W. F. S.

ELSMIE, GEORGE ROBERT (1838–1909), Anglo-Indian civilian and author, born at Aberdeen on 31 Oct. 1838, was only child of George Elsmie, ship-owner, of Aberdeen, and from 1843 on the Southampton staff of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. His mother was Anne, daughter of Robert Shepherd, parish minister of Daviot, Aberdeenshire, whose family had been parish ministers in that county for several generations. Educated at private schools at Southampton and from 1852 to 1855 at the Marischal College, Aberdeen, Elsmie was studying German at Canstatt near Stuttgart in August 1855, when he was nominated to a writership in India by his maternal uncle, John Shepherd (1796-1859), for many years director and thrice chairman of the East India Company, and on the transfer of India to the crown member of the Council of India. Elsmie was among the last batch of men to enter, at the close of 1855, the East India College at Haileybury, and to pass out on the eve of its abolition in Dec. 1857.

Arriving in India on 12 Feb. 1858, he was appointed assistant commissioner in the Punjab, and served in various districts until 1863, when he acted as a judge of the small causes courts at Lahore, Delhi, and Simla. Meanwhile he prepared a useful 'Epitome of Correspondence regarding our Relations with Afghanistan and Herat, 1854-63' (Lahore, 1863). In March 1865 he became deputy commissioner (magistrate and collector) of Jullundur, and in October 1868 under-secretary to the government of India in the home department. Taking furlough in the spring of 1869, he entered Lincoln's Inn as a student, and was called to the bar on 27 Jan. 1871.

Returning to India immediately afterwards, he was appointed additional commissioner of the Amritsar and Jullundur divisions, his duties being almost entirely judicial. In October 1872 he was transferred to Peshawur to perform like functions, the lieutenant-governor being anxious to improve the judicial administration and reduce crimes of violence in the district. Elsmie's firmness and good sense in dealing with the Pathans had the desired effect at some personal risk. His suggestions to the government and his detailed examination of the subject in 'Crime and Criminals on the Peshawur Frontier' (Lahore, 1884) largely contributed to the promulgation in 1887 of the 'Frontier Criminal Regulations,' which were specially adapted to borderland conditions.

Elsmie left Peshawur in January 1878 to officiate as judge of the Punjab chief court for a year. After furlough in December 1880 he became commissioner of Lahore, and in April 1882 was appointed permanently to the chief court bench. In the same year he served on the Punjab re-organisation committee. In agreement with its recommendations the Lahore commissionership was greatly enlarged in area and relieved of judicial appellate work, and was bestowed anew on Elsmie in February 1885. He was on special duty for the Rawal Pindi durbar for Lord Dufferin to meet the Ameer Abdur Rahman (April 1885) and was vice-chancellor of the Punjab University (1885-7). He was made second financial commissioner in April 1887, a member of the governor-general's legislative council in May 1888, and first financial commissioner from March 1889.