Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 1.djvu/668

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Index to Volume I. Supplement II.

PAGE Cleworth, Thomas Ebenezer (1864-1909) . 372 Clifford, Frederick (1828-1904) . . .373 Close, Maxwell Henry (1822-1903) . . 374 Clowes, Sir William Laird (1856-1905) . . 374 Clunies-Ross, George (1842-1910) . . 375 Glutton, Henry Hugh (1850-1909) . . 376 Cobb, Gerard Francis (1838-1904) . . 377 Cobbe, Frances Power (1822-1904) . . 377 Coillard, Fra^ois (1834-1904) . . .379 Cokayne, George Edward (1825-1911) . . 380 Coke, Thomas William, second Earl of Leicester (1822-1909) . . . .381 Coleman, William Stephen (1829-1904). . 382 Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth (1861-1907) . . 382 Collen, Sir Edwin Henry Hayter (1843-1911) 383 Collett, Sir Henry (1836-1901) . . .384 Collingwood, Cuthbert (1826-1908) . * .385 Collins, John Churton (1848-1908) . . 385 Collins, Richard Henn, Lord Collins of Ken- sington (1842-1911) . . . .388 Collins, William Edward (1867-1911) . . 390 Colnaghi, Martin Henry (1821-1908) . . 391 Colomb, Sir John Charles Ready (1838-1909) 392 Colton, Sir John (1823-1902) . . .393 Colvile, Sir Henry Edward (1852-1907) . 393 Colvin, Sir Auckland (1838-1908). . .395 Colvin, Sir Walter Mytton (1847-1908). See under Colvin, Sir Auckland. Commerell, Sir John Edmund (1829-1901) . 397 Common, Andrew Ainslie (1841-1903) . . 397 Compton, Lord Alwyne Frederick (1825- ) 399 Conder, Charles (1868-1909) . . .400 Conder, Claude Reignier (1848-1910) . . 401 Connemara, first Baron. See Bourke, Robert (1827-1902). Conquest, George (Augustus), whose real surname was Oliver (1837-1901) . . 403 Cook, Sir Francis, first Baronet (1817-1901) . 404 Cooper, Sir Alfred (1838-1908) . . .405 Cooper, Sir Daniel, first Baronet (1821-1902) 406 Cooper, Edward Herbert (1867-1910) . . 406 Cooper, James Davis (1823-1904) . . 407 Cooper, Thomas Sidney (1803-1902) . . 408 Cooper, Thompson (1837-1904) . . .410 Copeland, Ralph (1837-1905) . . .411 Copinger, Walter Arthur (1847-1910) . . 413 Coppin, George Selth (1819-1906) . . 414 Coppinger, Richard William (1847-1910) . 416 Corbet, Matthew Ridley (1850-1902) . . 416 Corbett, John (1817-1901) . . . .417 Corbould, Edward Henry (1815-1905) . . 418 Corfield, William Henry (1843-1903) . . 419 Cornish, Charles John (1868-1906) . . 420 Cornwell, James (1812-1902) . . .421 Cony, Montagu William Lowry, first Baron Rowton (1838-1903) . . . .422 Cory, John (1828-1910) . . . .423 Couch, Sir Richard (1817-1905) . . .424 Couper, Sir George Ebenezer Wilson, second Baronet (1824-1908) . . . .425 Cousin, Mrs. Anne Ross (1824-1906) . . 426 Cowell, Edward Byles (1826-1903) . . 427 Cowie, William Garden (1831-1902) . 430 Cowper, Francis Thomas de Grey, seventh Earl Cowper (1834-1905) . . . .430 Cox, George (called Sir George) William (1827- ) 433 Craig, Isa. See Knox, Mrs. Isa (1831-1903). Craig, William James (1843-1906) . . 434 Craigie, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teresa, ' John Oliver Hobbes ' (1867-1906) . . . .435 Cranbrook, first Earl of. See Gathorne- Hardy, Gathorne (1814-1906). Craven, Hawes (1837-1910) . . .437 Craven, Henry Thornton, whose real name was Henry Thornton (1818-1905) . . .439 Crawfurd, Oswald John Frederick (1834-1909) 439 Creagh, William (1828-1901) . . .440 Cremer, Sir William Randal (1838-1908) . 441 Cripps, Wilfred Joseph (1841-1903) . . 442 Crocker, Henry Radcliffe- (1845-1909). See Radcliffe-Crocker, Henry. Croft, John (1833-1905) . .443 Crofts, Ernest (1847-1911) . .444 Croke, Thomas William (1824-1902) . 444 Crompton, Henry (1836-1904) . . 445 Grossman, Sir William (1830-1901) . 446 Crowe, Eyre (1824-1910) . . .447 Cruttwell, Charles Thomas (1847-1911) . 448 Cubitt, William George (1835-1903) . 449 Cullingworth, Charles James (1841-1908) . 449 Cuningham, James McNabb (1829-1905) . 451 Cunningham, Daniel John (1850-1909) . 451 Currie, Sir Donald (1825-1909) . . .452 Currie, Mary Montgomerie, Lady Currie, Violet Fane ' (1843-1905) . . .454 Currie, Philip Henry Wodehouse, first Baron Currie of Hawley (1834-1906) . . .455 Curzon-Howe, Sir Assheton Gore (1850-1911) 457 Cust, Robert Needham (1821-1909) . . 458 Custance, Henry (1842-1908) . . .459 Cutts, Edward Lewes (1824-1901) . . 460 Dale, Sir David, first Baronet (1829-1906) . 461 Dallinger, William Henry (1842-1909) . . 462 Dalziel, Edward (1817-1905) . . .463 Dalziel, George (1815-1902) . . .463 Dalziel, Thomas Bolton Gilchrist Septimus (1823-1906) 466 Daniel, Evan (1837-1904) . . . .466 Danvers, Frederic Charles (1833-1906) . . 466 Darbyshire, Alfred (1839-1908) . . .467 Daubeney, Sir Henry Charles Barnston (1810- ) 468 Davenport-Hill, Rosamond (1825-1902). See HUl, Rosamond Davenport-. Davey, Horace, Lord Davey (1833-1907) . 469 Davidson, Andrew Bruce (1831-1902) . . 471 Davidson, Charles (1824-1902) . . .472 Davidson, John (1857-1909) . . .472 Davidson, John Thain (1833-1904) . . 474 Davies, Charles Maurice (1828-1910) . . 474 Davies, Robert (1816-1905) . . .476 Davis, Charles Edward (1827-1902) . . 476 Davitt, Michael (1846-1906) . . .476 Dawson, George Mercer (1849-1901) . . 480 Dawson, John (1827-1903) . . . .481 Day, Sir John Charles Frederic Sigismund (1826-1908) 481 Day, Lewis Foreman (1845-1910) . . 483 Day, William [Henry] (1823-1908) . . 484 Deacon, George Frederick (1843-1909) . . 484 Deane, Sir James Parker (1812-1902) . . 486 De la Ramee, Marie Louise, ' Ouida ' (1839- ) 487 De la Rue, Sir Thomas Andros, first Baronet (1849-1911) 488 De Montmorency, Raymond Harvey, third Viscount Frankfort de Montmorency (1835- ) 489 Derby, sixteenth Earl of. See Stanley, Sir Frederick Arthur (1841-1908). De Saulles, George William (1862-1903) . 490