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and costumes of Naples; an etching of G. F. Watts's portrait of Sir Anthony Panizzi in 1878, and two etchings of Italian subjects in 1881. Some of these appeared in volume form in 'Twelve Etchings' (1873 fol.). He presented a collection of his etchings in various states of execution made between 1871 and 1877 to the British Museum in November 1879; they mainly depict Italian scenes and peasants.

Until Panizzi's death Fagan's relations with him remained close, and Panizzi appointed him his literary executor at his death in 1879. In 1880 Fagan published Panizzi's biography (2 vols.), which went through two editions and received Gladstone's commendation. In the same year Fagan edited and published at Florence 'Lettere ad Antonio Panizzi di uomini illustri e di Amici Italiani 1823-70,' and in 1881 he issued Mérimée's 'Lettres à M. Panizzi, 1850-1870,' of which English and Italian translations appeared the same year.

Fagan, who was a popular lecturer on art, travelled widely. He delivered the Lowell lectures at Boston in 1891, and in the course of long tours personally examined almost every art collection in Europe, America, and Australia. He advised on the arrangement of the art treasures at Victoria Museum, Melbourne.

A popular member of the Reform Club, Fagan published in 1886 'The Reform Club: its Founders and Architect.' After his retirement from the museum he lived for the most part in Italy, and built for himself a residence at Florence, where he died suddenly on 5 Jan. 1903. He married on 8 Nov. 1887 Caroline Frances, daughter of James Purves of Melbourne, Australia, who survived him. A portrait in oils (painted by J. S. Sargent, R.A., in 1894) was presented by his widow in 1911 to the Arts Club, Dover Street, London, W.

[The Times, 8 Jan. 1903; Mag. of Art, 1903, xxvii. 311; Bryan, Dict. of Painters and Engravers, 1903; Pratt, People of the Period, 1897; A. Graves, Royal Acad. Exhibitors, 1905; private information.]

W. B. O.

FALCKE, ISAAC (1819–1909), art collector and benefactor to the British Museum, born in 1819 at Yarmouth, was one of twenty children. His father removed to London soon after his son's birth and commenced business as an art dealer in Oxford Street, where in due course he was joined by his sons, David and Isaac. The business was eventually moved to New Bond Street (No. 92), and there before 1858 Isaac Falcke accumulated a comfortable fortune. Thenceforth he chiefly devoted himself to the study of art and to the collection of art treasures mainly for his own gratification. He soon formed a collection of majolica and lustre ware, which owing to some unfortunate investment he sold to a kinsman, Frederick Davis, a Bond Street dealer, who in his turn sold it to Sir Richard Wallace; it now forms part of the Wallace collection.

Falcke soon recovered his financial stability, and next bestowed his chief attention on bronzes of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, which were bought by Dr. Bode of Berlin, where they form the nucleus of the splendid collection in the Kaiser Friedrich Museum.

Falcke was through life deeply interested in Wedgwood china, and he ultimately made a collection of Wedgwood ware which was unique. It was exhibited at the opening of the Crystal Palace in 1856, at South Kensington in 1862, at Leeds in 1868, at Bethnal Green in 1875-6-7, and at Burslem in 1893. This collection Falcke presented to the British Museum on 17 June 1909. It comprises about 500 pieces, and includes one of the few original copies of the famous Barberini or Portland vase and a basalt bust of Mercury by John Flaxman (see Guide to the English Pottery and Porcelain, British Museum, 1910, pp. 74-76).

A fourth collection, a small one of Chinese and other porcelain, with some good bronzes, Falcke retained till his death. It was sold at Christie's on 19 April 1910, and fetched the large sum of 37,769l. 5s. 6d.

Falcke died in London on 23 Dec. 1909, and was buried in the Jewish cemetery at Willesden.

He married on 13 May 1847 Mary Ann, daughter of James Reid, of Edinburgh, but left no children.

[Jewish Chronicle, 2 July 1909, 3 Dec. 1909; The Times, 29 Dec. 1909, 20 April 1910; Frederick Litchfield, Pottery and Porcelain, 1905; private information.]

M. E.

FALCONER, LANOE (pseudonym). [See Hawker, Mary Elizabeth, novelist, 1848–1908.]

FALKINER, CÆSAR LITTON (1863–1908), Irish historian, born in Dublin on 20 Sept. 1863, was the second son of Sir Frederick Richard Falkiner [q. v. Suppl. II]. From the Royal School, Armagh, he went to the University of Dublin, graduating