Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 2.djvu/543

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Machray exhibitions at the college for sons of clergymen and contributed to the foundation of St. Jolin's Ladies' College. When the University of Manitoba was constituted in 1877, Machray became chancellor, holding the office until his death. St. John's College was made a constituent college of the university. He was also chairman successively of the provincial board of education and the advisory board; and exerted in that capacity constant influence upon the educational development of the province.

Meanwhile Machray was faced by great difficulties in organising his diocese. Frequent destruction of the crops by locusts and the rebellion of Riel in 1870 arrested his progress. At the same time the population was growing, and Machray did all in his power to organise the diocese on lines likely to serve the future. In course of time the bishopric was subdivided into eight sees (Moosonee, 1872; Mackenzie River, 1874; Saskatchewan, 1874; Athabasca, 1884; Qu'Appelle, 1884; Calgary, 1888; Selkirk, 1891; Keewatin, 1901). One hundred and ninety clergy and numerous lay readers were enlisted in church work. In 1875 Machray became metropolitan of Canada under the primacy of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and at the union of the Canadian Anglican churches in 1893 he was created archbishop of Rupert's Land and primate of all Canada. He aided in the formation of the general synod of the Dominion which met in that year, when he was also created prelate of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Machray attended the Lambeth Conferences in 1878 and 1888, and in the latter year preached before Cambridge University. He received the honorary degree of D.D. from Manitoba University in 1883; from Durham in 1888, and that of D.C.L. from Trinity College, Toronto, m 1893. He died unmarried at Winnipeg on 9 March 1904. A state funeral was decreed, and he was buried in the cemetery of St. John's Cathedral.

A portrait by Colin Forbes was presented to Machray in 1882.

[Robert Machray, Life of Archbishop Machray, 1909; Morgan, Canadian Men and Women of the Time; Dent, Canadian Portraits; Mockridge, Bishops of the Church of England in Canada and Newfoundland; Lowndes's Bishops of the Day, 1897.]

MACINTYRE, DONALD (1831–1903), major-general Bengal staff corps, born at Kincraig House, Ross-shire, on 12 Sept. 1831, was second son of Donald Macintyre of Calcutta by his wife Margaret, daughter of John Mackenzie of Kincraig House, Ross-shire. Educated at private schools in England and abroad, he was at the East India Company's Military College, Addiscombe, from 1848 to 1850, obtained his first commission in the Bengal army on 14 June 1850.

With the 66th Gurkhas he served under Sir Colin Campbell, afterwards Lord Clyde [q. v.] in the two expeditions of 1852 against the hill tribes on the Peshawar frontier, including the destruction of the fortified village of Pranghur and the action at Ishkakot. He also joined the expeditionary force against the Boree Afridis in Nov. 1853. In 1856 he took part with the 66th Gurkhas in the expedition under Sir Neville Chamberlain [q. V. Suppl. II] to Kuram Valley, Afghanistan, and with the Doaba field force in Peshawar Valley in 1864, receiving the medal with clasp. He was made lieutenant on 23 Nov. 1856. During 1857 and 1858, when engaged in raising an extra Gurkha regiment (now the 4th Gurkhas), he took part in protecting the hill passes on the Kale Kumaon frontier from the Rohilkund rebels and in keeping the district in order. For these services he was awarded a medal. He was promoted captain in June 1862 and major on 14 June 1870. He served with the Lushai expedition in 1871-2, being several times mentioned in despatches, and being made brevet lieut.-colonel on 11 Sept. 1872. For an act of gallantry in this campaign, at the storming of the stockaded village of Lalgnoora on 4 Jan. 1872, he received the Victoria Cross. Macintyre, who was serving as second in command to Colonel (Sir) Herbert Macpherson, C.B., V.C., commanding the 2nd Gurkhas, while leading the assault, was the first to reach the stockade, which was from 8 to 9 feet high. To climb over it and disappear among the flames and smoke of the burning village was the work of a very short time. The stockade was successfully stormed by Macintyre under the heaviest fire which the Lushai delivered that day.

Macintyre, who became lieut.-colonel on 14 Jan. 1876 and colonel on 1 Oct. 1887, commanded the 2nd Prince of Wales's Own Gurkhas with Sir Garnet Wolseley's force at the occupation of Cyprus and also with the Khyber column, directed against the Zakha Khel Afridis, in the Afghan war of 1878-9. He was also in both expeditions to the Bazar Valley under Lieut.-general Sir Francis Maude, V.C. (medal). He retired with the rank of major-general