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the only medal for mathematical instrument work at the International Exhibition of 1862. This success brought him much work at home and abroad and laid the foundation of his later fortunes. He greatly improved the elegance and stability of surveying instruments, especially the theodolite. In 1866 he published 'A Descriptive Treatise on Mathematical Drawing nstruments,' which became the standard authority (7th edit. 1900). The rapid growth of the business led to the opening of branches at Lincoln's Inn, at London Bridge, and at Norwood, and in 1900 the firm became a limited company, with a capital of 120,000l., under the title of W. F. Stanley & Co.

Stanley's scientific inventions, besides improvements in cameras, lenses, and surveying instruments, included a meteorometer, for recording wind direction, pressure, temperature, moisture, and rainfall (patented in 1867), an integrating anemometer (1883; described in Quarterly Journal Roy. Meteor. Soc. ix. 208 seq.), a machine for measuring the height of human beings automatically — one of the first modern 'penny in the slot' machines (1886; cf. caricatures in Moonshine, 6 Oct. 1888, and Scraps, 8 Dec. 1888), and spirometers, a machine for testing lung capacity (1887; cf. caricature by H. Furniss in Yorkshire Evening Post, 6 Sept. 1890).

Stanley's versatile interests embraced geology, astronomy, anthropology, phrenology, painting, music, the drama, photography, and wood-carving. In the intervals of business he lectured and wrote on scientific subjects for learned societies. He became a member of the Physical Society of London in 1882, a fellow of the Geological Society in 1884, and of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1894. An accomplished musician, artist, and architect, he was the composer of part songs; exhibited three oil paintings at the Marlborough Gallery in 1891; and designed his own residence at Norwood. He was fond of foreign travel, and visited Palestine and Egypt in 1889, and Switzerland in 1893. To Norwood, whither Stanley retired in later life, and where he took a prominent part in philanthropic and municipal affairs, Stanley was a generous benefactor. There he designed and on 2 Feb. 1903 opened to the public the Stanley Public Hall and Gallery at a cost of 13,000l. for the purpose of lectures, concerts, and entertainments. A clock tower and hall were added in 1904. A further benefaction was a technical school, which was opened in 1907, for the education of boys as skilled scientific mechanics. The school met with instant success, and Stanley subsequently presented the buildings to the public with an endowment valued at 50,000Z. In 1907 Stanley was made an honorary freeman of Croydon, and a clock tower was unveiled in South Norwood to commemorate his golden wedding.

Stanley died at his residence, Cumberlow, South Norwood, on 14 Aug. 1909, and was buried at Crystal Palace cemetery. He married on 22 Feb. 1857 Eliza Ann Savoury, but had no issue. Many Croydon and Norwood hospitals, charities, and technical schools benefited under his will.

Besides the work already mentioned Stanley published : 1. 'Proposals for a New Reform Bill,’ 1867. 2. 'Photography Made Easy,' 1872. 3. 'Stanley's Pretty Figure Book Arithmetic,' fol. 1875. 4. 'Experimenta1 Researches into the Properties and Motions of Fluids,' 1881, (this work, which embodies the results of much study and research, was commended by Darwin and Tyndall; a supplementary work on sound motions in fluids was unfinished, and remains in manuscript). 5. 'Surveying and Levelling Instruments, theoretically and practically described,' 1890; 3rd edit. 1901. 6. 'Notes on the Nebular Theory,' 1895. 7. 'Joe Smith and his Waxworks,' 1896. 8. 'The Case of the Fox: a Political Utopia,' 1903.

[William Ford Stanley, his Life and Work, mainly autobiographical, by Richard Inwards, 1911; The Times, 16 Aug. 1909; Croydon Times, 18 Aug. 1909; Engineer, 20 Aug. 1909; Engineering, 28 Sept. 1909 (an account of his inventions); Norwood News, 28 Aug. 1909; Quarterly Journal Geol. Soc. 1910, vol. lxvi. p. lii.; Astron. Soc. Monthly Notices, 1910, lxx. 300.]

STANNARD, Mrs. HENRIETTA ELIZA VAUGHAN, writing under the pseudonym of 'John Strange Winter' (1856–1911), novelist, born on 13 Jan. 1856 in Trinity Lane, York, was only daughter of Henry Vaughan Palmer, rector of St. Margaret's, York, by his wife Emily Catherine Cowling. Her father had been an officer in the Royal Artillery before taking orders, and came of several generations of soldiers. Her great-great-great-grandmother was Hannah Pritchard [q. v.] the actress. Henrietta was educated at Bootham House School, York. In 1874 she began her career as a novelist by writing under the pseudonym of 'Violet Whyte' for the 'Family Herald.' Her