Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol III (1901).djvu/130

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for Mounted Rifle Volunteers' (1860). On 6 Dec. 1861 he was sent to Canada in connection with the 'Trent' affair, and he was deputy quartermaster-general Irom 27 Aug. 1862 till 30 Sept. 1867. This gave him an opportunity of extending the frontier surveys which he had been engaged upon as a subaltern.

He was promoted major-general on 27 Dec. 1868. He commanded brigades at Malta and Aldershot from 1 July 1868 to 30 June 1872, and then commanded in the northern district for two years. He drew up a system of 'Infantry Piquets,' which was issued by authority in 1875. On 1 April 1876 he was appointed quartermaster-general at headquarters. He became lieutenant-general and was made K.C.B. on 2 June 1877, and on 14 July 1879 he became general. The colonelcy of the Derbyshire regiment was given to him on 25 Aug. 1878, and he accepted the honorary colonelcy of the first volunteer battalion of the royal fusiliers. From 1 July 1880 to 1 Aug. 1883 he commanded the Aldershot division, and he was then placed on the retired list, having reached the age of sixty-seven. On 29 May 1886 he received the G.C.B., and on 4 March 1890 he was made constable of the Tower.

Lysons died on 29 Jan. 1898, and was buried at Rodmarton. Vigorous to the last, he had been writing on army reform a month before (Times, 17 Dec. 1897). In 1856 he married Harriet Sophia, daughter of Charles Bridges of Court House, Overton. She died in 1864, and in 1865 he married Anna Sophia Biscoe, daughter of the Rev. Robert Tritton of Morden, Surrey. By his first wife he had four sons, of whom the second, Henry, obtained the Victoria cross in the Zulu war of 1879 as a lieutenant in the Scottish rifles.

[Lysons's Early Reminiscences (1896) and the Crimean War from First to Last (1895), the latter consisting of letters written by him in the Crimea; Times, 31 Jan. 1898; Broughton-Mainwaring's Historical Record of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, pp. 159-216.]

MACALLUM, HAMILTON (1841–1896), painter, born at Kames, Argyllshire, on 22 May 1841, was the second son of John Macallum, J.P., of the Kames gunpowder works. While still a boy at school he showed a strong inclination towards art. This, however, was opposed by his father, who insisted on his entering a merchant's office in Glasgow, in preparation for an Indian commercial career. In 1864, when he was twenty-three years of age, he finally rebelled, and, winning a reluctant assent from his father, went to London to become a painter. He entered the Royal Academy schools the same year. From that time onwards his time was divided between London and various painting grounds (the western highlands, among which he prowled in a small yacht of his own, Heligoland, Holland, Southern Italy, the south coast of Devonshire), where his favourite subject, sunlight, could be fully studied. His original and thoroughly personal way of treating this subject soon attracted attention, and won him both detractors and admirers. He had studios successively at Hampstead (Haverstock Hill), in Piccadilly, and at Beer, South Devon. His contributions to the chief London exhibitions extended over twenty years, from 1876, when 'Hoisting the Storm Jib' was at the Royal Academy, until 1896, when his last picture, the 'Crofter's Team,' hung on the same walls. Macallum died very suddenly of heart disease at Beer on 23 June 1896. He left a widow, Euphemia, daughter of Mr. John Stewart of Glasgow, and one son. Mrs. Macallum subsequently (13 March 1900) received a civil list pension of 100l per annum in consideration of her husband's merits as an artist.

Macallum was one of the most original landscape painters of his time. He was single-minded, concentrating his attention on those aspects of nature by which his own sympathies were most closely touched. His pictures have great individuality. He saw colour in a way of his own, but his best works are likely to be prized long after things conceived on more conventional lines are forgotten. Three of them are in the Millbank Gallery, the 'Crofter's Team,' already mentioned, and two drawings in watercolour.

[Private information.]

MACARTNEY, JAMES (1770–1843), anatomist, son of Andrew Macartney, gentleman farmer, of Ballyrea, co. Armagh, and Mary, his wife, was born at Armagh on 8 March 1770. He began life as an Irish volunteer in 1780, and was afterwards educated at the endowed classical school at