Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Sup. Vol III (1901).djvu/70

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among the writers of his time, and in every history of English education in the second half of the nineteenth century he will occupy a prominent place.

The following is a list of Jowett's works:

  1. 'St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and Romans,' 2 vols. 1855; 2nd edit. 1859.
  2. 'Essay on the Interpretation of Scripture,' in 'Essays and Reviews,' 1860.
  3. 'The Dialogues of Plato,' translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions, 4 vols. 1871; 2nd edit. 5 vols. 1875; 3rd edit. 5 vols. 1892. (The 'Republic,' published separately, 1888.)
  4. 'Thucydides,' translated into English, with Introduction, Notes, &c. 2 vols. 1881; 2nd edit. 1900.
  5. Aristotle's 'Politics,' translated into English, with Introduction, Notes, &c. 2 vols. 1885.
  6. Plato's 'Republic,' Text and Notes (Jowett and Campbell), 3 vols. 1894.
  7. 'College Sermons,' 1895.
  8. 'Sermons: Biographical, &c.,' 1899.
  9. 'Sermons on Faith and Doctrine,' 1901.

[Jowett's Life and Letters by Dr. Evelyn Abbott and Dr. Lewis Campbell, 2 vols. 1897; Letters, 1899; Benjamin Jowett, Master of Balliol Coll., L. A. Tolleraache (1895); W. G. Ward and the Oxford Movement, by W. Ward, 1889; Life of Dean Stanley, by R. E. Prothero, 1893; Swinburne's Studies in Prose and Poetry, 1894; Leslie Stephen's Studies of a Biographer, 1898; article in the Jewish Quarterly, by Claude G. Montenore, January 1900; personal knowledge.]

E. A.

KAY, Sir EDWARD EBENEZER (1822–1897), judge, fourth son of Robert Kay of Brookshaw, Bury, Lancashire, by Hannah, daughter of James Phillips of Birmingham [cf. Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James; and Kay, Joseph, was born on 2 July 1822. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1844, and proceeded M.A. in 1847. He was admitted on 22 April 1844 student at Lincoln's Inn, where he was called to the bar on 8 June 1847, and elected bencher on 11 Jan. 1867, and treasurer in 1888. Like Lord Blackburn and some other eminent judges, it was in the capacity of a reporter that Kay learned his law (see infra), and it was but slowly that by dint rather of industry and perseverance than brilliance he acquired one of the largest practices ever possessed by a stuff-gownsman. He took silk in 1866, and after enjoying a prolonged lead in Vice-chancellor Bacon's court, confined his practice to the House of Lords and privy council (1878). On the retirement of Vice-chancellor Malins in 1881, Kay was appointed (30 March) justice of the high court (chancery division) and knighted (2 May). He proved a strong judge, a sworn foe to lucrative abuses and dilatory proceedings, and as competent on circuit as in chambers. On 10 Nov. 1890 he succeeded Sir Henry Cotton [q.v. Suppl.] as lord-justice of appeal. His tenure of this office was abridged by a painful disorder which, after frequently laying him aside, compelled his retirement at the commencement of Hilary term 1897 not, however, before he had given proof of unusual independence of mind.

He died at his town house, 37 Hyde Park Gardens, on 16 March 1897. His remains were interred (23 March) in the churchyard at Brockdish, near Scole, Norfolk, in which parish his seat, Thorpe Abbotts, was situate. He married, on 2 April 1850, Mary Valence (d. 1889), youngest daughter of Dr. William French, master (1820-49) of Jesus College, Cambridge, by whom he left issue two daughters. In her memory Kay founded several divinity scholarships at Jesus College.

Kay was author of 'Reports of Cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery before Sir William Page Wood, Knight, Vice-chancellor, 1853-4,' London, 1854, 8vo, continued in conjunction with Henry P. Vaughan Johnson to the close of the year 1858; in all 5 volumes, 8vo.

[Grad. Cant.; Foster's Men at the Bar; Lincoln's Inn Adm. Reg.; Law List, 1848, 1867, 1868; Times, 17 March 1897; Law Journ. 20 and 27 March 1897; Ann. Reg. 1897, ii. 145; Vanity Fair, 28 Aug. 1886, 7 Jan. 1888; Whitehall Rev. 27 March 1897; Men and Women of the Time, 1895; Burke's Peerage, 1896; Law Reports, Appeal Cases, 1891, Memoranda.]

J. M. R.

KEELEY, Mrs. MARY ANN (1805?–1899), actress, whose maiden name was Goward, was born in Orwell Street, Ipswich, on 22 Nov. 1805 or 1806. After acting in Norwich, York, and other country towns, she made her first appearance in London as Miss Goward, play ing at the Lyceum, 2 July 1825, Rosina in the opera of that name, and Little Pickle in the 'Spoiled Child.' Here and at Covent Garden she met Robert Keeley [q.v.], whom she married in the summerof 1829. On 28 Oct. 1825 Miss Goward made, as Marga-