Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 01.djvu/434

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some years at Weston-in-the-Green, Oxon. Some time after taking his M.A. degree, in July 1656, he became vicar of Leighton Buzzard in Bedfordshire, and published, in 1661, his ‘Fides Catholica, or the Doctrine of the Catholic Church,’ containing the substance of sermons preached before the Restoration. During the next year Annand returned at last to his native country, as chaplain to the Earl of Middleton, the royal commissioner in the parliament which restored episcopacy in Scotland. In 1663 Annand was appointed minister of what was then called the Tolbooth church in Edinburgh, from which he was transferred, a few years afterwards, to the charge of the Tron church in the same city. Mention is made of a sermon which he preached in Edinburgh in 1664, ‘on the composing all differences’ (Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1664–5, p. 93), and in 1676 he was made dean of Edinburgh, the degree of D.D. being conferred on him by the university of St. Andrews in 1685. As dean of Edinburgh, Annand was on the scaffold at the right hand of the Earl of Argyle on his execution in 1686, and received from him ‘his paper.’ Having lived to see episcopacy restored in Scotland, he died just when it was being abolished, on 13 June 1689, the very day that Edinburgh Castle was surrendered to the convention of Scottish estates by the Duke of Gordon, who had held it for James II. On his deathbed Annand said that ‘he never thought to have outlived the church of Scotland, yet hoped others should live to see it restored.’ Besides 1. the ‘Fides Catholica,’ Dean Annand published: 2. ‘Panem Quotidianum’ (1661); 3. a sermon in defence of the liturgy, on Hosea xiv. 2 (1661); 4. ‘Pater Noster, or the Lord's Prayer explained’ (1670); 5. ‘Mysterium Pietatis, or the Mystery of Godliness’ (1672); 6. ‘Doxologia’ (1672); 7. ‘Dualitas, or a two-fold subject explained’ (1674), a politico-ecclesiastical treatise. ‘A Funerall Elegie upon the death of George Sonds, Esq., who was killed by his brother, Mr. Freeman Sonds. Ann. Domini 1655. By William Annand, junior,’ is also ascribed to the dean in the new catalogue of the British Museum library. His writings are flavoured with a lively quaintness, which sometimes reminds one of Thomas Fuller.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxonienses (ed. Bliss), iv. 257, and Fasti, ii. 187, 214; Biographia Britannica (Kippis's), sub nomine; Principal Baillie's Letters and Journals (1841), i. 20; Lord Fountainhall's Historical Observes (1840), p. 193, and his Historical Notices of Scottish Affairs (1848), p. 754 (Bannatyne Club); Grub's Ecclesiastical History of Scotland (1861).]

ANNANDALE, Marquis of. [See Johnstone.]

ANNE of Bohemia (1366–1394), first queen of Richard II, was the eldest daughter of the Emperor Charles IV by his fourth wife, Elizabeth of Pomerania. She was born at Prague on 11 May 1366. Her father was the son of that blind king, John of Bohemia, who was killed at the battle of Cressy, and was king of Bohemia himself as well as emperor. The place he fills in history is peculiar. Educated at Paris, his leanings all through life were French and papal. He was not too well loved by the Germans, and was only accepted as emperor because no rival candidate could be induced to stand. He was not too well loved elsewhere, and got crowned at Rome only on condition never to enter Italy again without the leave of the pope. He was, nevertheless, a man of great energy, made terms with all parties, and obtained from Innocent VI the celebrated Golden Bull, which settled the constitution of the Roman Germanic empire so long as it existed. But, worn out with a hopeless struggle between conflicting interests, he died in 1378 at the age of 62. In that same year the great schism in the papacy began, and though Charles was succeeded as emperor by his own son Wenceslaus, the old alliance with France had received its death-blow. In 1379 Wenceslaus began to make overtures to Richard II touching the support of Urban VI against his rival Clement VII at Avignon; and England, Germany, and Flanders very soon made common cause against France. Towards the end of the following year the Earl of Kent and two others were sent over to Flanders to conclude with ambassadors named by the emperor for the King of England's marriage to his sister, Anne of Bohemia. In the commission given to the English plenipotentiaries it is expressly stated that Richard had selected her on account of her nobility of birth, and her reputed gentleness of character. The omission of all reference to beauty is perhaps significant. The house of Luxemburg to which she belonged was not generally distinguished for this quality.

It was intended to receive the bride in England before Michaelmas (Rymer (1816 seq.), vii. 302); but in June the frightful insurrection of Wat Tyler and the bondmen occasioned some delay. An embassy, however, was commissioned on 1 December to receive her and bring her to England; and on the 13th of the same month a general pardon to the rebels was issued at her intercession. Meanwhile she remained at Brussels, whither she had been conducted by the Duke of Saxony,