Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 03.djvu/333

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his death. He was an indefatigable worker, with the keenest interest in his studies, and to him are due the important discoveries of the segmentation of the yolk in the mammiferous ovum, and the penetration of spermatozoa within the zona pellucida.

[Edinburgh Medical Journal, 1856; Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte, 1884; Obituary Notice of R. Society, 1885.]

R. R. T.

BARRY, PHILIP de (fl. 1183), warrior, was son of William de Barry, by Angharat, uterine sister of Robert Fitz-Stephen. Having received from his uncle a grant of three cantreds in his own half of ‘the kingdom of Cork,’ viz. Olethan (north of Cork), afterwards ‘Barrymore,’ Muskerry Donegan (round Baltimore), and Killede, he came to Ireland at the end of February 1183 (Expug. ii. 20), accompanied by his brother Gerald [see Giraldus Cambrensis] and their followers, to take possession and to assist his uncle Fitz-Stephen. His son Robert, who had preceded him by some ten years, fell at Lismore in 1185 (Expug. ii. 35) after prolonged warfare. His son William succeeded to his cantreds, which were confirmed to him by King John 8 Nov. 1207 (Cart. 9 John, m. 5).

[Expugnatio Hiberniæ in Rolls series, Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, vol. v.; Smith's History of Cork (1774), vol. i.]

BARRY, Sir REDMOND (1813–1880), colonial judge, was born in 1813, the third son of Major-general H. G. Barry of Ballyclough, Cork, who was descended from a member of Lord Barrymore's family. Redmond was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated B.A. in 1833, and five years later was called to the bar. He went in 1839 to Sydney, New South Wales, and shortly afterwards accepted the office of commissioner of the Court of Requests in the newly formed town of Melbourne, then containing but a few thousand inhabitants, and struggling for a larger existence. Barry remained faithful to the place of his adoption, and in 1850 when the gold discoveries at Bendigo creek and Ballarat gave so startling an impulse to the growth of the colony that it was enabled to part company with New South Wales and form itself into the colony of Victoria, he was appointed solicitor-general with a seat in the legislative and executive councils. In the following year he was made a judge, and manifesting great interest in the promotion of education, he became in 1855 the first chancellor of the new Melbourne university, and in 1856 president of the board of trustees of the public library. He was knighted in 1860, and on visiting England in 1862 he was chosen commissioner for the colony at the International exhibition. He filled a similar office at the Philadelphia exhibition in 1876. At the close of this year, in the absence of the governor and the chief justice, Sir Redmond administered for a few days the government of Victoria. On a visit to England in 1877, when he was made K.C.M.G., he attended the conference of librarians held at the London Institution, and was elected vice-president. He read an instructive paper on ‘Binding,’ another on ‘Lending Books,’ and a note on ‘The Literary Resources of Victoria.’ He died in Melbourne 23 Nov. 1880. That he was one of the most accomplished, able, and energetic of colonists and a truly courteous gentleman, is the opinion of those who knew him on either side of the globe, while the magnificent public library at Melbourne, the Technological Institution, and the National Gallery of Victoria bear testimony to his learning, his taste, and his zeal.

[Heaton's Australian Men of the Time; Proceedings of Conference of Librarians, 1877; Victorian Year-book, 1880–1.]

BARRY, ROBERT de (fl. 1175), warrior, was son of William de Barry, by Angharat, uterine sister of Robert Fitz-Stephen, and brother of Philip de Barry [see Barry, Philip de]. He accompanied his uncle Robert to Ireland in 1169, and took part in the siege of Wexford, where he was wounded. He is mentioned as still engaged in warfare about 1175 by his brother Gerald, the historian [see Giraldus Cambrensis], who highly extols his prowess.

[Expugnatio Hiberniæ in Rolls series, Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, vol. v.]

BARRY, SPRANGER (1719–1777), actor, was born in 1719 in Skinner Row, Dublin. The day of his birth is stated to have been 20 Nov. His father, a man of gentle descent and an eminent silversmith in Dublin, brought him up in his business. With his wife Spranger Barry is said to have obtained a sum of 1,500l. A few years of mismanagement resulted in bankruptcy, and he then became an actor. His first appearance took place for his benefit at the Theatre Royal in Smock Alley, Dublin, on 15 Feb. 1744. The two Dublin theatres in Smock Alley and Aungier Street, then under the same management, were in low water, and the engagement of Barry marked the commencement of a better state of affairs. At the time of his appearance Barry, according to Hitchcock, was the possessor of a figure so fine that imagination