Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 04.djvu/11

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Strype's 'Annals,' vol. iii. bk. ii. c. ii. p. 383. 8. 'Means for the Stay of the Declining and Falling away in Religion.' Strype's 'Whitgift,' vol. iii. bk. iii. no. xxxv. 9. 'Opinions concerning the Earl of Leicester's Placard to the United Provinces.' MS. Cot. Galba, c. xi. 107. 10. 'A Summary Collection of certain Notes against the Manner of proceeding ex officio by Oath.' Strype's 'Whitgift,' vol. ii. bk. iv. c. ix. 11. 'Observations upon the Instructions of the States-General to the Council of State, June 1588.' MS. Cott. Galba, D. iii. 215. 12. 'A Consideration of certain Points in the Treaty to be enlarged or altered in case her Majesty make a new Treaty with the States, April 1589.' MS. Cott. Galba, D. iv. 163. In this Beale was assisted by Dr. Bartholomew Clerke. 13. 'Opposition against Instructions to negotiate with the States-General, 1590.' MS. Cott. Galba, D. vii. 19. 14. 'Collection of the King of Spain's Injuries offered to the Queen of England.' Dated 30 May 1591. With a 'Vindication of the Queen against the Objections of the Spaniards.' MS. Harl. 253, art. 33. 15. 'A Deliberation of Henry Killigrew and Robert Beale concerning the Requisition for Restitution from the States. London, August 1595.' MS. Cott. Galba, D. xi. 125. 16. 'A Collection of Official Papers and Documents.' MS. Addit. 14028. 17. 'Historical Notes and Collections.' MS. Addit. 14029. 18. Letters. Several of Beale's letters have been printed. They are marked by considerable energy of style.

[Cooper's Athenæ Cantab, ii. 311-14, 552; Burghley State Papers, ed. Murdin, 355, 778, 781, ed. Haynes, 412-17; Digges's Complete Ambassador; Willis's Not. Parl. iii.; Mosheim's Eccles. Hist. (tr. Murdock), cent. xvi. sect. iii. part ii. cap. i. 39 n; Corresp. of Sidney and Languet (ed. Pears), 132-6, 228-30; Lodge's Illustr. of British Hist. ii. 262-70, 273, iii. 109; Lodge's Life of Sir Julius Cæsar, 15; Froude's Hist. of England, xi. 541, 660; Fuller's Church Hist. (ed. Brewer), v. 15, 22-6; Cal. State Papers, Ireland (1509-1573), Scotland (1509-1603), Domestic (1547-1580); Thomas's Hist. Notes, i. 393; Strype's Annals, iii. parts i. and ii.; Strype's Whitgift; Strype's Parker; Camden's Eliz. i. 260, 338, 445, 457; Britannia (ed. Gough), ii. 178; Cabala, ii. 49, 59-63, 86, 88; Nicolas's Life of W. Davison, 64; Nicolas's Life of Hatton, 461; Dr. Dee's Diary, 18, 38, 46; Zurich Letters, ii. 292, 296, 298; Hearne's Coll. Cur. Discourses, ii. 423; Jardine on Torture, 87, 89; Wright's Eliz. i. 480, ii. 244, 254, 354; Sadler State Papers, i. 389; Ellis's Letters (3rd ser.), iv. 112; Stow's Survey of London, ii. c. 7; Rymer, xvi. 362, 412; Parl. Hist. i. 883-6; Moule's Bibl. Herald, 67; Harris's Cat. Libr. Royal Inst. 313; Coxe's Cat. Cod. MSS. Bib. Bod. iv. 827; Winwood's Memorials; Hardwicke, State Papers, i. 340, 342, 344, 352, 357; Bridges' Hist. Northamptonshire, ii. 163; Atkyns's Gloucestershire, 218; Cat. Cot. MSS.; MSS. Harl. 7, f. 245, 82, f. 43, 1110 f. 102; MSS. Lansd. 27, art. 32; 42, art. 79-82; 51, art. 26; 65, art. 67; 67, art. 10; 68, art. 107, 111; 72, art. 73; 73, art. 2; 79, art. 80; 143, art. 59; 155, art, 62; 737, art. 2; MSS. Addit. 2442, f. 186; 4114, f. 181, 5935, 11405, 12503, 14028, 14029; Malcolm's Lond. Rediviv. ii. 67; Cat. Univ. Libr. MSS. i. 195, iii. 473; Lysons's Environs, i. 22; Madden's Guide to Autograph Letters &c. in British Museum, p. 5.]

BEALE, WILLIAM, D.D. (d. 1651), royalist divine, was elected from Westminster School to a scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1605, and proceeded B.A. in 1609-10. He was chosen a fellow of Jesus College in the same university in 1611, commenced M.A. in 1613, was appointed archdeacon of Caermarthen in 1623, and was created D.D. in 1627. Beale became master of Jesus College on 14 July 1632, and on 20 Feb. 1633-4 he was admitted master of St. John's College, 'per majorem partem sociorum ex mandato regio.' In 1634 he was chosen vice-chancellor of the university. On 27 Oct. 1637 he was presented by his majesty to the rectory of Paulerspury in Northamptonshire. He had also the rectory of Cottingham in the same county, and in 1639 he was presented to the sinecure rectory of Aberdaron.

In the year 1642 Beale took an active part in urging the various colleges to send money and plate to the king at Nottingham. Oliver Cromwell, having failed to intercept the treasure in Huntingdonshire, proceeded to Cambridge with a large force, surrounded St. John's College while its inmates were at their devotions in the chapel, and carried off Beale, whom with Dr. Martin, master of Queen's, and Dr. Herne, master of Jesus College, he brought in captivity to London. The prisoners were conducted through Bartholomew fair and a great part of the city, to be exposed to the insults of the rabble, and finally were shut up in the Tower. At this period Beale was deprived of his mastership and all his ecclesiastical preferments. From the Tower the prisoners were removed to Lord Petre's house in Aldersgate Street, and on 11 Aug. 1643, after having been in detention a year, they were put on board a ship at Wapping, with other prisoners of quality and distinction, to the number of eighty in all, 'and it was afterwards known, upon no false or fraudulent information, that there were people who were bargaining to sell them as slaves to Algiers or the American