Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 07.djvu/256

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became lieutenant in March 1825; captain, August 1828; major, December 1890; lieutenant-colonel in August, and colonel in November 1841. In February 1847 he joined his battalion at the Cape, The first Kaffir war had just broken out, and Buller was at once appointed to the command of a brigade, and eventually of the 2nd division. In September 1847 he was appointed second in command to Sir George Berkeley in the campaign in the Amatola mountains, in which his battalion chased Sandilli so hotly that the chief surrendered to Buller on 19 Oct. He was gazetted C.B. in December 1847. In 1848 he served under Sir Harry Smith in the Boer war against Pretorius, and on 29 Aug. led the attack on the Boem Plaats, where he was severely wounded, and had his horse killed under him. His battalion now came home, but in 1852 he was again ordered to go with his reffiment to the Cape. At the head of a brigade in General Somerset's division he burnt the kraals in the Waterkloof in the second Kaffir war, and was present at the battle of Berea, where he was publicly thanked by Sir George Cathcart, and eventually succeeded Somerset in the command of his division in August 1852. In October 1868 his battalion was again ordered home, and in spite of Sir George Cathcart's entreaties that he would remain as a brigadier at the Cape, he insisted on accompanying it. When it was decided to send an expeditionary army to the East in 1854, Buller was appointed brigadier-general, and took the command of the second brigade of the light division, consisting of the 19th, 88th, and 77th regiments. His conduct at the battle of the Alma has been severely criticised, but has been approved by all the greatest military authorities. At the battle of Inkerman he was severely wounded in the left arm. He was promoted major-general in December 1854, and made K.C.B. on 6 July 1855. He had to return home, owing to his wound, in March 1855. He commanded the division in the Ionian Isles from 1856 to 1862, and was made colonel-commandant of the rifle brigade in 1860, and promoted lieutenant-general in 1862. He commanded the troops of the southern division at Portsmouth from 1865 to 1870, was made G.C.B. in 1869, and promoted general in 1871. He was a commander of the Legion of Honour, and knight of the second class of the order of the Medjidie. He died at his house in Bruton Street on 12 April 1884, at the age of eighty-two.

[Cope's History of the Rifle Brigade; Life and Correspondence of Lieut.-gen. Hon. Sir G. Cathcart; King's Campaigning in Kaffirland; Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea.]

BULLINGHAM, JOHN (d. 1598), bishop of Gloucester, was a native of Gloucestershire. He was elected a probationer fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, July 1550, being then B.A. He was slow in embracing the tenets of the reformers. His adherence to the doctrines of the unreformed church and his distrust at the innovations introduced by the influence of the foreign reformers in the latter part of Edward VI's reign drove him as 'a voluntary exile' to France, where, in his own later words, a 'friendless and moniless' fugitive 'for the wicked pope's sake,' he took refuge at Rouen, in which city he remained some time. On the accession of Queen Mary he returned to England, and was restored to his place. He took his degree of M.A. 1 June 1554. A letter relating to his friend Julius Palmer is printed in Foxe's 'Acts and Monuments' (iii. 616); Palmer had also been an exile for his religion, and was converted to protestantism by a perusal of Calvin's 'Institutes.' Palmer paid the penalty of his change of faith, being burnt alive at Newbury 16 July 1556, while his former associate basked in favour as domestic chaplain to Bishop Gardiner of Winchester, and rector of Boxwell and of Withington in his native county of Gloucester. The accession of Elizabeth temporarily clouded his fortunes. He at first maintained his old faith, and was, in Foxe's words, 'quite and clean despatched from all his livings for his obstinacy.' His 'obstinacy,' however, could not have been of very long duration, for we find him appointed by Grindal to the prebendal stall of Wenlocks-barn in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1 Aug. 1565, and admitted to the degree of B.D. at Oxford under the new protestant regime, 'after twelve years' studying,' 8 July 1566 (Wood, Athenæ, ii. 842; Boase, Reg. of Univ. of Oxford, p. 225). The next year, 27 Dec. 1567, he was appointed archdeacon of Huntingdon, in room of Dr. Beaumont, master of Trinity, by his namesake, probably his kinsman, Nicholas Bullingham [q. v.], bishop of Lincoln. He held the post till 1576 (Le Neve, Fasti, ii. 53). Dignities rapidly succeeded one another for the new convert, and he 'became well beneficed' (Wood). He was created D.D. by his university 12 July 1568, and received from Bishop Bullingham the stall of Louth in Lincoln Cathedral 10 Sept. of the same year, and still retaining his other preferments was installed canon of Worcester 13 Oct. 1570 (Strype, Parker, ii. 48). He was incorporated D.D. of Cambridge 7 July 1575. When Grindal in 1576 held a visitation of his province by commission, Bullingham was one of those appointed to visit the diocese of Hereford (Strype, Grin-