Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 07.djvu/263

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he took an active part in the arrangement for the Pan-Anglican synod. At the close of this year his declining health compelled him to seek rest from his arduous labours, and having obtained six months' leave of absence he went abroad, and died at Mentone of paralysis on 27 Feb. 1879. He married in 1862 Alice Oke Alford, elder daughter of the Dean of Canterbury, by whom he left two daughters. Bullock was the author of some seventy articles in Smith's ‘Dictionary of the Bible,’ and of one on the Book of Ecclesiastes in the ‘Speaker's Commentary.’ In 1878 he published, by request of the Archbishop of Canterbury, a sermon, ‘Builders of the Temple,’ preached by him at the consecration of the Bishop of Newfoundland. He left in manuscript a commentary on the Book of Daniel, written for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and some months after his death a volume of sermons (edited by his widow) was published, on missions and other subjects, most of them preached by him at Kensington Palace Chapel.

[Private information.]

BULLOKAR, JOHN (fl. 1622), lexicographer, was alive from about 1580 to about 1641, and was a doctor of physic, residing at Chichester in 1616, where he was attached in some way to his 'singular good ladie, the Ladie Jane, Vicountesse Mountague' (his English Expositor, Dedication). Bullokar makes no reference to William Bullokar, the phonetist [q. v.], who promised an 'Expositor' (that is, a dictionary) not many years before John Bullokar's was produced; though it is quite probable he was the 'chyld' for whose benefit the other, as he tells, translated certain passages of 'Cato.' John Bullokar was in London about the year 1600, seeing a dead crocodile that had been brought there (Cornhill Mag. No. 258, p. 724), beyond which there is nothing, except as to his books, but conjecture. He wrote his 'Espositor' in his youth, 'at the request of a worthy gentleman whose love prevailed much with him' (Dedication); in those 'yonger yeares' the compilation of it 'cost him some observation, reading, study, and charge' ('To the Courteous Reader, not paged); and then, having no 'leasure as much as to looke on' his 'little vocabulary' (ib.), he had to 'keep it restrained of libertie.' On 17 Oct. 1616, however, he gave it to the world, under the 'noble tuition' of the Viscountess Mountague, the title being 'An English Expositor, teaching the Interpretation of the hardest Words used in our Language, with sundry Explications, Dascriptions, and Discourses.' In the November of 1618 he published 'A True Description of the Passion of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, as it was acted by the blondie Jewes, and registered by the blessed Evangelists; in English Meetre,' this being a life of Christ turned into six-lined stanzas. In 1621 came a new issue of the 'Expositor;' and in 1641 one more, shortly after which it seems certain that John Bullokar died, for a fourth edition, which appeared in 1656, is stated to he 'newly revised, corrected, and, with the addition of above a thousand words, enlarged. By W. S.' In a fifth edition, published at Cambridge in 1676, under the editorship of 'A Lover of the Arts,' Bullokar's 'Dedication' and address 'to the Courteous Reader' are omitted. A sixth edition must have closely followed this, for in 1684, still at Cambridge, another was published 'now for the seventh time revised, and there was yet a further issue from London in 1710, revised by R. Browne, 'author of the "English School Reform'd." '

[Dedication to English Expositor; ib. To the Courteous Render, not paged; Cornhill Mag. No. 258, p. 724.]

BULLOKAR, WILLIAM (fl. 1586), phonetist, lived chiefly in London from about 1520 to 1590. About 1550 he was engaged in teaching, and perceived how the sounds and names of the letters of the alphabet caused 'quarels in the teacher and lothsomeness in the learner' (his Booke at Large, 'To his Countrie,' not paged), 'In Queen Mary's time' he served in the army, under Sir Richard Wingfield (Warton, English Poetry, iii. 283), going into foreign service with him twice (Bref Grammar, To the Reader). He served afterwards under Sir Ad. Toinings at Newhaven, and with Captain Turnor in garrison (ib.); then he studied agriculture and the law (ib.); but by 1573 be had resumed teaching, and finding all the old 'quarels and lothsomeness' arising from the sounds and names of letters, he determined 'to restrain his owne businesse for halfe a yeare,' laying his 'privat doings aside' which his 'abilitie was il able to bear,' in order 'to provide some remedie' (Booke at Large, supra). Becoming convinced (ib. p. 1 ) that 'fower and twentie letters are not sufficient to picture Inglish speech,' which 'wants 40 letters altogether' (ib. p. 21), and having thought out his 'Amendment of Orthographie,' wherein button, for example, was to be spelt butn, Bullokar published a pamphlet, about 1575, to show his method. This he put 'into the hands of men of understanding,' and was checked in his scheme of publication by one of them telling him of the spelling reforms issued by Sir Thomas