Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 07.djvu/458

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third Article of Religion,’ 1702 (mentioned in Biog. Brit. 1748, ii. 1042). The preface to Zachary Mayne's ‘Sanctification by Faith vindicated,’ 1693, is from his pen.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon., ed. Bliss, iv. 413, 533, 582; Fasti, ii. 331, 383; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), i. 408, 426; Oliver's Monasticon, Add. Supp. p. 21; J. I. Dredge in Western Antiquary, August 1884; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Prince's Worthies of Devon, 1701, p. 600, where he commends Burscough's liberality in allowing him the free use of his ‘very good library;’ Worthy's Ashburton, p. 115.]

C. W. S.

BURT, ALBIN R. (d. 1842), engraver and portrait-painter, commenced life as an engraver, being a pupil of Robert Thew and Benjamin Smith, but finding himself unable to excel in this department, he took to painting heads. He exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1830, and died at Reading on 18 March 1842. A print of his represented Lady Hamilton, whom his mother knew when a barefooted girl in Wales, as ‘Britannia unveiling the bust of Nelson.’

[Redgrave's Dictionary of Artists, 1878.]

L. F.

BURT, EDWARD (d. 1755), author of the ‘Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland,’ largely quoted by Walter Scott and Macaulay, has been variously described as an engineer officer who served with General Wade in Scotland in 1724–8, as an army contractor, and an illiterate hack-writer, who ended his days in dire distress (Notes and Queries, 1st ser. xii. 496). Of his early history nothing is known. There is nothing in the military entry books and other war office records to show that Mr., or, as he is often styled, 'Captain,' Burt ever held military rank. He appears to have been with General Wade in Scotland, at the period stated, in some civil capacity, and by virtue of actingwarrants to have then and also afterwards (ib. 2nd ser. vii. 128-9) discharged sundry duties which in later times would have been performed by officers of the commissariat and other army departments. This is indicated in one of General Wade's order-books, which is preserved in the British Museum (Add. MS. 23671). An order therein, dated Inverness, 28 Sept. 1726, directs all commanding officers and others in the northern highlands, on due application from Mr. Edmund Burt or his subordinates, to send with him such parties of soldiers as shall be thought necessary to collect the rents of the estates formerly the Seaforth's. Another order of the same date directs Mr. Burt to state and adjust all accompts relating, to the 'highland galley,' and to report on all matters connected with the said galley as he shall think necessary until further orders.

Evidence in the 'Letters' shows that they were written in 1725-6, although not published until long afterwards. The period of General Wade's command in Scotland is a blank in the records of the regiments employed under him; but some details of his movements, collected from various sources, will be found in the 'Ordnance Gazetteer for Scotland' (under 'Glasgow,' &c), and in 'Colburn's United Service Magazine,' August 1869. Of the later circumstances of the author of the ' Letters' there is no authentic information. His death is thus announced in the 'Scots Magazine' for 1755: 'On 4 Jan. 1755, in London, Edward Burt, esq., late agent with General Wade, chief surveyor during the making of the roads through the highlands, and author of the "Letters from the North of Scotland."'

The first edition of the 'Letters' appeared in London in 1754. Subsequent editions appeared in Dublin in 1755, in London in 1/59 and 1815, and at Haarlem and Hanover. The last edition, which was edited by R. Jamieson, and to which Sir Walter Scott contributed some matter, appeared in London, in two volumes, octavo, in 1818.

[Brit. Mus. Gen. Cat.; Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23671; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. xii. 496, 2nd ser. vii. 128–9, 174; Scots Mag. xvi. 359–529, xvii. 52.]

H. M. C.

BURT, WILLIAM (1778–1826), miscellaneous writer, son of Joseph Burt of Plymouth, was born there on 23 Aug. 1778, educated at Exeter grammar school, and afterwards articled to a banker and solicitor at Bridgwater. Finally he practised at Plymouth as a solicitor until his death on 1 Sept. 1826. He edited the ‘Plymouth and Dock Telegraph’ for several years, and at one period he held a commission in the 38th foot.

His works are: 1. ‘Twelve Rambles in London, by Amicus Patriæ,’ 1810. 2. ‘Desultory Reflections on Banks in general, and the System of keeping up a False Capital by Accommodation,’ London, 1810, 12mo. 3. ‘The Consequences of the French Revolution to England considered, with a view of the Remedies of which her situation is susceptible,’ 1811; dedicated to Lord Holland. 4. ‘A Review of the Mercantile, Trading, and Manufacturing State, Interests, and Capabilities of the Port of Plymouth,’ Plymouth, 1816. 5. ‘Preface to and Notes on N. T.Carring-