Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 08.djvu/234

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of Aldermanburie,' in reply to Henry Burton's 'Truth shut out of doores'), 7. 'The Great Danger of Covenant-refusing,' &c. 1646, 4to (sermon before the lord mayor, 14 Jan.) 8. 'A just and necessary Apology,' &c. 1646, 4to (against an attack in Henry Burton's 'Truth still Truth,' &c.) 9. 'The Saints' Rest,' &c. 1651, 4to (sermon). 10. 'The Monster of sinful Self-seeking anatomised,' &c. 1665, 4to (sermon before the lord mayor, 10 Dec. 1654). 11. 'The Doctrine of the Bodies Fragility,' &c. 1655, 4to (funeral sermon for Dr. Samuel Bolton). 12. ' The Godly Man's Ark,' &c. 1657, 12mo, 8th edit. 1683, reprinted 1865, 12mo (five sermons). 13. 'A 'atteme for all,' &c. 1658, 4to funeral sermon for Robert, earl of Warwick). 14. 'A Sermon ... at the Funeral of the Lady Anne Waller, ... 31 Oct. 1661,' 1662, 8vo. 15. 'The Fixed Saint, a Farewell Sermon,' &c. 1662, 4to (printed also in the volume of 'Farewell Sermons' by London ministers). 16. ' A Sermon ... at Aldermanberry-Church, Dec. 28, 1662,' &c. Oxford, 1663, 4to. Posthumous were: 17. 'The Art of Divine Meditation,' &c. 1667, 8vo (printed from a hearer's notes). 18. Sermon on the resurrection of the dead in 'Morning Exercises at St. Giles's, Cripplegate,' 1676, 4to. Wood mentions also: 19. 'A Leading Case,' &c, and says Calamy had a hand in ' Saints' Memorials,' 1674, 8vo. An epistle by Calamy is prefixed to Fenner's ' The Soul's Looking-Glasse,' &c. 1651, 4to.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. 1691-2, i. 898, ii. 377; Calamy's Abridgement, 1713, pp. 169, 176; Calamy's Account, 1713, pp. 4, 388; Calamy's Contin., 1727, pp. 7, 149; Calamy's Historical Account of my own Life, 2nd edit. 1830, pp. 62 seq.; Palmer's Nonconf. Memorial, 2nd edit. 1802, i. 76; Birch's Life of Tillotson, 2nd edit. 1763, p. 888; Neal's Hist. of the Puritans, Dublin, 1769, ii. 369, iii. 269 seq.; Biog. Brit. 1784, iii. 131 (article by Dr. John Campbell, a few addenda by Kippis); Monthly Repository, 1817, p. 692; Granger's Biog. Hist, of Eng., 6th edit. 1824, ii. 363, V. 364; Masson's Milton, 1871, ii. 260; Marsden's Later Puritans, 3rd edit. 1872, p. 121; Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury (Laud), 1876, xi. 311; Browne's Hist. of Congregationalism in Norfolk and Suffolk, 1877, p. 88; Mitchell's Westminster Assembly, 1883, p. 121; extracts from Pembroke College books, per the master of Pembroke, from the register of St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, per Rev. W. T. Harrison, and from the registers and vestry book of St. Mary Aldermanbury, per Rev. C. C. Collins.]

A. G.

CALAMY, EDMUND, the younger (1635?–1685), ejected minister, was the eldest son of Edmund Calamy the elder [q. v.], by his first wife, Mary Snelling. He was born at Bury St. Edmunds about 1636. His early training he got from his feither, who sent him to Cambridge, where he was entered at Sidney Sussex College on 28 March 1652. On 10 Nov. 1653 he (and two others) received presbyterian ordination at Moreton, Essex, of which Hoard (not one of the five ordainers) was rector. Having graduated B.A. in 1654 he was transferred to Pembroke Hall on 13 March 1656, and graduated M.A. in 1658. His son states that he became a fellow of Pembroke, but this is not confirmed by the records. Hoard died in February 1658, and Calamy was presented by the trustees of Robert, earl of Warwick, deceased, to the rectory of Moreton, where he had preached for some time with acceptance. On 20 April 1659 the presentation was confirmed by the commissioners for approbation of public preachers. He gave four bonds to insure the payment of 18l. as first-fruits to Richard Cromwell, lord protector, or his successors. Notwithstanding his father's example he never took the covenant. Like his father, he welcomed the restoration of the monarchy, and in 1661 he gave generously to the voluntary contribution for the supply of the king's exchequer. But on the passing of the Uniformity Act in 1662 he suffered ejection as a nonconformist, and went to live with his father in London. In 1665 he was chaplain to Sir Samuel Bamardiston [q. v.], at Brightwell Hall, near Ipswich, but returned to his father in the following year, and was with him till his death. Three years afterwards he married (1669) and set up house in the parish of St. Mary Aldermanbury. Here he preached privately to a few friends. This was illegal, and exposed him to the annoyance and costs of a crown office prosecution. Though warrants were issued against him, he was never disturbed at his services, and managed to avoid arrest. On the king's declaration of indulgence, 15 March 1672, he took out a license and quietly ministered to a small congregation at Curriers' Hall, near Cripplegate. His character was essentially that of a man of peace and piety. His son tells us that he instilled moderation into him from his very cradle. With his brother Benjamin [q. v.], who became incumbent of the parish in which he lived, he was on excellent terms, and among his intimate friends was Richard Kidder, afterwards bishop of Bath and Wells (originally a nonconformist). He led a very retired life, never seeking fame or popularity, and was carried off by consumption. He died suddenly in the night, while on a visit in May 1685 to Edward Haynes, F.R.S., of Totteridge, near Barnet, a member of his flock. He was buried under