Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 14.djvu/455

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copy for him.’ He was also apparently shocked at Elliot's extravagance in giving a hundred louis to the widow of a kind friend, Baron Garny (Mem. of Elliot, pp. 46, 46).

[Welch's Alumni Westmonasterienses (1852), p. 320; Oxford Graduates; Burke's Commoners, iv. 321; Memoir of Hugh Elliot, by the Countess of Minto (1868).]

R. H.

DEVON or DEVONSHIRE, Earls of. [See Blount, Charles; Courtenay, Edward and Henry.]

DEVONSHIRE, Earls and Dukes of. [See Cavendish.]

DEWAR, JAMES (1793–1846), musician, born in Scotland 26 July 1793, became deputy leader of the band at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, in 1807, and was afterwards musical director. From 1815 to 1835 he was organist at St. George's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh; he also conducted the Edinburgh Musical Association. He died at Edinburgh on 4 Jan. 1846. An arrangement of Scotch airs for the piano, which he had orchestrated for the theatre, was published after his death. He also composed a little unimportant vocal music, which never obtained more than a local celebrity.

[Brown's Dict. of Musicians; Edinburgh newspapers for January 1847.]

W. B. S.

D'EWES or DEWES, GERRARD, GEERARDT, or GARRET (d. 1591), printer, was the eldest son of Adrian D'Ewes (d. 1551), descended from the ancient lords of Kessel in Guelderland, who settled in England about the beginning of the reign of Henry VIII. Adrian D'Ewes married Alice Ravenscroft, a gentlewoman of good family, who bore to him Peter, James, and Andrew, besides Gerrard. A woodcut of a glass window and inscription erected by Sir S. D'Ewes to the memory of Adrian and his wife in the old church of St. Michael Bassishaw is given by Weever (Ancient Funerall Monuments, 1631, p. 698). The first book which bears the name of Gerrard D'Ewes is ‘Epitome troporum ac schematum, Io. Susenbroto collectore,’ 1552. He was made free of the Stationers' Company 4 Oct. 1557. In 1562 he printed a broadside, ‘The Description of a Monstrous Pig,’ reproduced by Huth (Ancient Ballads and Broadsides, 1867, pp. 163–5). He was taken into the livery of the Stationers' Company in 1568, served renter in 1572 and 1573 and under-warden in 1581. His house was at the sign of the Swan in St. Paul's Churchyard, and his device a rebus mentioned by Camden: ‘And if you require more, I referre you to the wittie inventions of some Londoners; but that for Garret Dews is most remarkable, two in a garret, casting dews at dice’ (Remaines, 1629, p. 142). Between 1552 and 1587 he only printed about thirteen pieces. He married Grace Hynde of Cambridgeshire. She died in 1583, and was buried in St. Faith's Chapel, under the old cathedral of St. Paul's, London. He left the city and retired some years before his death to South Ockendon in Essex, where he also purchased the manor of Gaines, chiefly in the parish of Upminster. Here he lived as a country gentleman and bore coat armour. He died 12 April 1591, and was buried at Upminster Church, where a brass still exists (Weever, Funerall Monuments, p. 653). His only surviving son was Paul (1567-16His only surviving son, Paul (1567–1631), one of the six clerks in chancery, was father of Sir Simonds D'Ewes [q. v.] He had also a daughter, Alice, married to William Lathum of Upminster, Essex.

[Autobiography of Sir S. D'Ewes, 1845, i. 6–18; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), ii. 940–2; Morant's Hist. of Essex, 1768, i. 108; Cat. of English books in the British Museum, printed to 1640, 1884, 3 vols.]

H. R. T.

DEWES or DUWES, GILES (d. 1535), was a writer on the French language. The real form of his name, as used by himself, is found, from a double acrostic in the treatise noticed below, to have been Du Wés, alias De Vadis, and it appears in the ‘State Papers’ as Duwes, but his recent French editor, F. Génin, gives Du Guez as its more exact equivalent. Of his life before his settlement in England nothing is known, but for nearly forty years he held office in the courts of Henry VII and Henry VIII. He was, as we learn from his epitaph, teacher of French to Prince Arthur, who died in 1502, and ‘clerk of their libraries,’ or librarian, to both Henry VII and Henry VIII. In the epistle dedicatory to Henry VIII which is prefixed to John Palsgrave's French grammar, printed in 1530, we are told that he was also French tutor to that monarch, being mentioned as ‘the synguler clerke, Maister Gyles Dewes, somtyme instructour to your noble grace in this selfe tong.’ His warrant of appointment as keeper of the king's library at Richmond, on the accession of Henry VIII, with a salary of 10l. per annum, is dated 20 Sept. 1509, and on 24 March 1512 there is a fresh grant of this salary. Licenses for