Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 15.djvu/189

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Dodwell, like his father, was a keen controversialist, and measured swords with some of the most eminent men of his day, such as Conyers Middleton, William Romaine, William Whiston, and others. He was also a voluminous writer on other subjects, all connected with religion, though his own writings have now all passed out of remembrance. He died 23 Oct. 1785. His works, so far as can be ascertained, were as follows: 1. ‘Two Sermons on the Eternity of Future Punishment,’ in answer to William Whiston, Oxford, 1743. 2. ‘A Visitation Sermon on the desirableness of the Christian Faith,’ published at the request of Bishop Sherlock, Oxford, 1744. 3. ‘Two Sermons on 1 Pet. iii. 15 on the Nature, Procedure, and Effects of a Rational Faith, preached before the University of Oxford, 11 March and 24 June 1744,’ published at Oxford 1745; these were written specially in answer to his brother's ‘Christianity not founded on Argument.’ 4. ‘Sermon on the Practical Influence of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity,’ Oxford, 1745. 5. ‘Dissertation on Jephthah's Vow, occasioned by Rev. William Romaine's Sermon on the subject,’ London, 1745. 6. ‘Practical Discourses (14) on Moral Subjects,’ vol. i. London, 1748, dedicated to his patron, Arthur Vansittart, esq., of Shottesbrooke; vol. ii. 1749, dedicated to Bishop Sherlock, ‘whose unsolicited testimony of favour to him laid him under personal obligations.’ 7. ‘Free Answer to Dr. Middleton's Free Inquiry into the Miraculous Powers of the Primitive Church,’ London, 1749. 8. ‘Assize Sermon on Human Laws,’ Oxford, 1750. 9. ‘Reply to Mr. Toll's Defence of Dr. Middleton's Free Inquiry,’ London, 1751. 10. ‘Sermon on St. Paul's wish,’ Oxford, 1752. 11. ‘Two Sermons on Superstition,’ Oxford, 1754. 12. ‘Letter to the Author of Considerations on the Act to prevent Clandestine Marriages,’ with a postscript occasioned by Stebbing's ‘Enquiry into the Annulling Clauses in London,’ 1755, by a country clergyman. 13. ‘Two Sermons on the Doctrine of Divine Visitation by Earthquakes,’ Oxford, 1756. 14. ‘Assize Sermon on the equal and impartial discharge of Justice,’ Oxford, 1756. 15. ‘Assize Sermon on the False Witness,’ oxford, 1758. 16. ‘Sermon at the Meeting of the Charity Schools,’ London, 1758. 17. ‘Two Sermons on a Particular Providence,’ Oxford, 1760. 18. ‘Sermon before the Sons of the Clergy,’ London, 1760. 19. ‘Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Berks,’ London, 1764. 20. ‘Sermon at the Consecration of Bishop Moss (St. David's) in 1766,’ London, 1767. 21, ‘The Sick Man's Companion; or the Clergyman's Assistant in Visiting the Sick, with a Dissertation on Prayer,’ London, 1767. 22. ‘Prayer on Laying the Foundation Stone of Salisbury Infirmary,’ subjoined to Dean Graves's Infirmary Sermon,’ Salisbury, 1767. 23. ‘Infirmary Sermon,’ Salisbury, 1768. 24. ‘Three Charges on the Athanasian Creed,’ Oxford University Press, 1802, published by Dodwell's eldest son, the Rev. Henry Dodwell, rector of Harlaxton and Colsterworth in Lincolnshire, at the request of some Oxford friends.

[William Dodwell's Works passim; Gent. Mag. 1803, pt. ii. 1138–9 (where the fullest list of works is given by Dr. Loveday); information privately given by the Rev. H. Dodwell Moore, vicar of Honington, and others connected with the Dodwell family.]

DOGGET, JOHN (d. 1501), provost of King's College, Cambridge, a native of Sherborne, Dorsetshire, was a nephew of Cardinal Bourchier. From Eton he passed to King's College in 1451, and on 22 Sept. 1459, being then M.A. and fellow of his college, he was ordained acolyte and subdeacon by William Grey, the then bishop of Ely. Having been admitted to full orders in 1460, he became prebendary of Roscombe in the church of Sarum, and on 22 Jan. 1473–4 prebendary of Clifton in the church of Lincoln (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, ii. 132); was collated prebendary of Rampton in the church of Southwell on 18 Feb., and admitted on 16 March 1474–5, a preferment he resigned in February 1488–9 (ib. iii. 453), and was advanced to the stall of Chardstock in the church of Sarum in 1475. Elected treasurer of the church of Chichester in 1479 (ib. i. 268), he was appointed on 17 April in that year one of four ambassadors to the pope, Sixtus IV, and the princes of Sicily and Hungary, and on 5 July 1480 was employed in an embassy to the king of Denmark, being the first person named in the commission (Hardy, Syllabus of Rymer's Fœdera, ii. 711). On 8 Feb. 1485–6 he became chancellor of the church of Sarum (Le Neve, ii. 651), on which occasion he resigned the prebend of Bitton in that church. In 1483 he was chaplain to Richard III, and vicar-general of the diocese of Sarum, and became chancellor of the church of Lichfield on 13 Feb. 1488–9 (ib. i. 585). He was created doctor of canon law at Bologna, and obtained in 1489 a grace for his incorporation at Cambridge ‘whensoever he should return thereto.’ In 1491, when rector of Eastbourne, Sussex, his rectory-house and buildings were burnt to the ground and he lost 600l. About 1494 he was master of the Holy Trinity at Arundel (Tierney, Hist. of Arundel, pp. 639–40). On 10 April