Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 15.djvu/351

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He entered the army as a second lieutenant in the 95th regiment, afterwards the Rifle Brigade, on 28 Jan. 1801. He was promoted lieutenant on 16 July 1802, and captain into the 79th regiment (the Cameron Highlanders), with which he served during the rest of his military career, on 19 April 1804. He first saw service in the siege of Copenhagen in 1807, and then accompanied his regiment with Sir John Moore to Sweden and Portugal. He served throughout Sir John Moore's retreat and in the battle of Corunna, in the expedition to the Walcheren and at the siege of Flushing in 1809, and in the Peninsula from December 1809 till his promotion to the rank of major on 31 Jan. 1811. The only great battle in the Peninsula at which he was present during this period was Busaco, where he was shot through the left arm and shoulder, and he had to leave the Peninsula on promotion to join the second battalion of his regiment. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel on 3 Dec. 1812, and in the following April rejoined the first battalion in the Peninsula. He commanded this battalion, which was attached to the second brigade of Cole's division, in the battles of the Pyrenees, the Nivelle, the Nive, and Toulouse, and was at the end of the war rewarded with a gold cross for these three victories. In the following year the regiment was reduced to one battalion, which Douglas commanded at Quatre Bras, where he was wounded in the right knee, and at Waterloo. For this campaign he was made a C.B., and also received a pension of 300l. a year for his wounds. He continued to command his regiment for twenty-two years until he became a major-general, and during that period many distinctions were conferred upon him. In 1825 he was promoted colonel and appointed an aide-de-camp to the king; in 1831 he was knighted and made a K.C.H. and given the royal license to wear the orders of Maria Theresa and St. Wladimir, which had been conferred upon him for his services at Waterloo; and in 1837 he was made a K.C.B. He was further promoted to the rank of major-general in June 1838, lieutenant-general on 9 Nov. 1846, made colonel in 1845 of the 81st regiment, from which he was transferred to the 72nd regiment in 1847, and to his old regiment, the 78th, in 1851. He died on 1 Sept. 1853 at Brussels. Douglas married in 1816 the daughter of George Robertson, banker of Greenock, by whom he was the father of General Sir John Douglas, G.C.B., who was a distinguished commander in India during the suppression of the Indian mutiny.

[Hart's Army List; Gent. Mag. October 1853.]

DOUGLAS, PHILIP (1758–1822), master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, was born at Witham, Essex, 28 Sept. 1758. His father was Archibald Douglas, colonel of the 13th dragoons, and M.P. for Dumfries Boroughs in 1771. He was educated at Harrow, and admitted a pensioner of the above college in 1776. He proceeded B.A. in 1781 (when he was third in the second class of the mathematical tripos), M.A. 1784, B.D. 1792, D.D. 1795. He was elected joint tutor of his college in 1787, and proctor of the university in 1788. On 1 Jan. 1795 he became master, an office which he held till his death; and in 1796 was presented by the crown, on the recommendation of Mr. Pitt, then M.P. for the university, to the vicarage of Gedney, Lincolnshire. In 1797, after the death of Dr. Farmer, master of Emmanuel College, Douglas was nominated by the heads of colleges for the office of protobibliothecarius, together with Mr. Kerrich of Magdalene College; but the senate, resenting what was regarded as the unjust exclusion of Mr. Davies of Trinity College by the heads in favour of one of their own body, elected Mr. Kerrich by a large majority. Douglas was vice-chancellor 1795–6 and 1810–11. During the latter year he presided at the installation of the Duke of Gloucester as chancellor. He married in 1797 Miss Mainwaring, niece to Dr. Mainwaring, Lady Margaret professor of divinity, by whom he left a son and a daughter. It was on this occasion that Mr. Mansel, afterwards master of Trinity College and bishop of Bristol, wrote the epigram, in allusion to the thinness of both the lady and the gentleman:—

St. Paul has declared that persons though twain
In marriage united one flesh shall remain;
But had he been by when, like Pharaoh's kine pairing,
Dr. Douglas of Bene't espoused Miss Mainwaring,
The Apostle, methinks, would have altered his tone,
And cried, these two splinters shall make but one bone.

Douglas died 2 Jan. 1822, aged 64, and was buried in the college chapel.

[Masters's Hist. of Corpus Christi College, ed. Lamb, 1831, p. 258; Nichols's Illustrations, vi. 715.]

DOUGLAS, ROBERT, Viscount Belhaven (1574?–1639), was the second son of Malcolm Douglas of Mains, Dumbartonshire, who was executed at the Edinburgh Cross, on 9 Feb. 1585, for his supposed complicity in the plot of the banished lords for the assassination of the king. His mother was Janet, daughter of John Cunninghame of Drumquhassle. Douglas was page of honour to