Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 20.djvu/255

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Viscount], taking part in these extended operations, and more particularly in the capture of a number of the enemy's gunboats at Languelia on 26 Aug. 1795, in the capture of the Unité corvette on 20 April 1796, in the evacuation of Leghorn on 27 June 1796 (the success of which Sir John Jervis officially attributed to Fremantle's ‘unparalleled exertions’), and in the capture of Elba on 10 July 1796. He was then sent to Algiers to arrange some matters with the dey, and to Smyrna in charge of convoy, returning in time to assist in the capture of Piombino on 7 Nov., and to be left as senior officer in those waters when Jervis drew down to Gibraltar.

The Inconstant being ordered home, Fremantle exchanged on 1 July 1797 into the Seahorse, one of the inshore squadron off Cadiz, under Nelson, and Fremantle himself was with Nelson in the barge on the 10th, the occasion on which, as Nelson afterwards wrote, ‘perhaps my personal courage was more conspicuous than at any other period of my life’ (Nicolas, i. 11). A few days later the Seahorse was one of the ships detached with Nelson to Teneriffe, where, in the attack on Santa Cruz on the morning of the 25th, Fremantle was severely wounded. On rejoining the fleet Nelson hoisted his flag on board the Seahorse for a passage to England, the wounded admiral and captain being both together taken care of by Mrs. Fremantle, who had accompanied her husband, and under her kindly nursing both were convalescent when the ship arrived at Spithead on 1 Sept. In August 1800 Fremantle was appointed to the Ganges of 74 guns, in which, in the following year, he went up the Baltic and took a full part in the battle of Copenhagen. When the war was renewed in 1803 he again had command of the Ganges in the Channel, and in May 1805 was appointed to the Neptune. In her he joined the fleet off Cadiz and shared in the glories of Trafalgar, the Neptune being the third ship in the weather line, the Téméraire alone coming between her and the Victory. After the battle Fremantle remained under the command of Collingwood till December 1806, when he returned to England, having been appointed to a seat at the admiralty. In the following March, however, he was appointed to the William and Mary yacht, in which he continued till his promotion to flag rank on 31 July 1810. A month later he was appointed to a command in the Mediterranean, and in April 1812 was sent into the Adriatic in charge of the squadron employed there. During the next two years he was engaged in a series of detached but important and curiously interesting operations, including the capture of Fiume on 3 July 1813 and of Trieste on 8 March 1814. When, shortly after this, he left the Adriatic, he was able to write: ‘Every place on the coasts of Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, and Friuli had surrendered to some part of the squadron under my orders, the number of guns taken exceeded a thousand, and between seven hundred and eight hundred vessels were taken or destroyed during my command.’ Fremantle's services were recognised not only by his own government, which nominated him a K.C.B., but also by the governments of our allies. He was made a baron of the Austrian States, a K.M.T., and K.S.F. In 1818 he was nominated a G.C.B. and appointed to the command-in-chief in the Mediterranean, but held it for little more than eighteen months, dying at Naples on 19 Dec. 1819.

Independent of his actual achievements in war, Fremantle had among his contemporaries a distinct reputation as a disciplinarian. The excellent gunnery order of his ships has been already referred to; what is even more remarkable is that in the very first years of the century, when in the Ganges, he inaugurated a system of petty courts of inquiry formally held by the officers for the examination of defaulters. He wrote of it in his note-book as having worked most satisfactorily, but added that he had felt obliged to give it up in deference to the opinion of his brother-officers. It was not till after the lapse of more than sixty years that the admiralty prescribed the somewhat similar system which remained in force for some time, till the reform of courts-martial and the abolition of flogging seemed to render it no longer necessary.

By his wife, Elizabeth daughter of Richard Wynne of Falkingham, Lincolnshire—she died 2 Nov. 1857—Fremantle had a numerous family. The eldest son, Thomas Francis, was created a baronet in 1821, in acknowledgment of his father's services, and in 1874 was raised to the peerage as Lord Cottesloe [see Supplement]. Another son, Admiral Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, G.C.B., served with distinction in the Crimean war, was afterwards commander-in-chief at Plymouth, and died in 1869.

[James's Naval History, ed. 1860; Gent. Mag. 1820, vol. xc. pt. i. p. 87; Nicolas's Despatches and Letters of Lord Nelson (see index at end of vol. vii.); Foster's Peerage; private journals, &c., kindly communicated by Rear-admiral Hon. E. R. Fremantle, C.B.]

FREMANTLE, Sir WILLIAM HENRY (1766–1850), politician, youngest son of John Fremantle of Aston Abbots,