Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 20.djvu/442

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Elmsall. A portrait of him, formerly in the possession of Sir Levett Hanson [q. v.] of Normanton, is in the possession of G. Milner-Gibson-Cullum at Hardwicke, Bury St. Edmunds. A similar portrait was said to be in the possession of Viscount Galway at Serlby, Nottinghamshire.

[Cartwright's Chapters in the History of Yorkshire; Hunter's South Yorkshire, ii. 211; Banks's Wakefield and its Neighbourhood; Manning's Lives of the Speakers; Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica, i. 226; Calendar State Papers, Dom. Ser., 1539–1574, passim.]

GARLAND, AUGUSTINE (fl. 1660), regicide son of Augustine Garland, attorney, of Coleman Street, London, by his first wife, Ellen, daughter of Jasper Whitteridge of London, was baptised 13 Jan. 1602(Visitation of London, 1633-5, i. 301; Register of St. Antholin's, Budge Row, London, p. 41; Smyth, Obituary, p. 14). In 1618 Garland was admitted a pensioner of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (Brit. Mus. Addit. MS., Cole, 5870, f. 168), and on leaving the university became a member of Lincoln's Inn. By the death of his father, in 1637, he succeeded to property in Essex at Hornchurch and Waltham-holy-Cross, and at Queenborough in the island of Sheppey (will of Augustine Garland the Elder, P.C.C. 9, Lee). In his recount of himself at his trial Garland says: 'I lived in Essex at the beginning of these troubles, and I was enforced to forsake my habitation. I came from thence to London, where I behaved myself fairly in my way' (Trials of the Regicides, ed. 1660, p. 264). On 26 May 1648 Garland was elected member for Queenborough in place of Sir E. Hales, expelled (Return of Names of Members of Parliament p. 490). He signed the protest against acceptance of the king's concessions (20 Dec. 1648), was appointed one of his judges, and acted as chairman of the committee selected to consider the method of the king's trial (Walker, Hist. of Independency, ed. 1661, ii. 48; Nalson, Trial of Charles I, pp. 10, 14). 'I could not shrink for fear of my own destruction,' pleaded Garland on his own trial. 'I did not know which way to be safe in anything—without doors was misery, within doors mischief' (Trial of the Regicides, p. 265). He attended twelve out of the sixteen meetings of the court, was present when was given, and signed the death warrant. Garland continued to sit in the Long parliament until its expulsion by Cromwell, took no part in public affairs under the protectorate, and was recalled to his place in parliament in May 1659 (Old Parliamentary Hist. xxi. 375). On 9 May 1660 he appeared before the lord mayor of London and claimed the benefit of the king's declaration. Nevertheless he was put on his trial, and on 16 Oct. 1660 condemned to death. Besides his share in the trial he was accused of spitting in the king's face as Charles was led away from Westminster Hall after being sentenced. Garland strenuously denied the charge, saying, 'If I was guilty of this inhumanity I desire no favour from God Almighty' (Trial, p. 264). The death sentence was not put into execution, but Garland's property was confiscated, and he was kept prisoner in the Tower. A warrant for his conveyance to Tangiers was issued on 31 March 1664, but whether he was actually transported is uncertain (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1633-4, p. 536).

[Nalson's Trial of Charles I. 1684; Noble's Lives of the Regicides, 1798; Trials of the Regicides, ed. 1660.]

GARLAND, JOHN (fl. 1230), grammarian and alchemist, was assigned by Bale and Pits to the eleventh century, and Dom Rivet, accepting this date, argued that he was also a native of France. They were not acquainted, however, with Garland's poem, 'De Triumphis Ecclesiæ.' Garland there describes himself as one whose mother was England and his nurse Gaul, and says that he had studied at Oxford under one John of London, a philosopher. From Oxford he went to Paris, and since he there studied under Alain de Lille [q. v.], who died in 1202, we may assume that he was born about 1180. When at the close of the Albigensian crusade in 1229, Count Raymond VII had to consent to the establishment of a university at Toulouse, Garland was one of the professors selected by the legate to assist. In his 'Dictionarius Scolasticus' he says that he saw at Toulouse, 'nondum sedato tumultu belli,' the engine by which Simon de Montfort was killed. Wright infers that he had already been at Toulouse some time between 1218 and 1229, but the expression would not be inappropriate to the latter year. At Toulouse Garland remained teaching and writing for three years; but after the death of Bishop Fulk in 1231, he says that the university began to decline, perhaps owing to the natural enmity of Fulk's Dominican successor Raymond for Parisian scholars. In any case Garland was among the first to leave, and after a variety of adventures made his way back to Paris in 1232 or 1233, and there he would appear to have spent the remainder of his life. The last event which he notices in the 'De Triumphis' is the preparation for the crusade by Ferdinand of Castile, which was prevented by his death in May 1252. Garland must have been