Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 21.djvu/36

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27 June 1844. Having been ordained in 1842 by the Bishop of Gloucester, he became curate, first at Tetbury, Gloucestershire, next at Christ Church, Albany Street, Regent's Park, London, and afterwards, in 1847, at Margaret Street Chapel, Marylebone. At the time of the Gorham case he lost faith in the established church of England. He was received into the Roman catholic church, at St. Leonard's-on-Sea, 15 Aug. 1850, and was ordained priest at Rome by Cardinal Patrizi, 23 Dec. 1854, having in the previous month of May graduated as Baccalaureus in Theologiâ in the Collegio Romano. He was appointed domestic chaplain to Bertram, the last catholic Earl of Shrewsbury, in April 1855, assistant priest at St. Mary's, Chelsea, in 1857, and at St. Aloysius's, Somers Town, in May 1861. He died at Posilippo, near Naples, on 21 May 1876.

His works are: 1. ‘The Impiety of Bartering Faith for Opinion,’ London, 1850, 8vo. This pamphlet on the Gorham case was written before the author left the church of England. 2. ‘Discourses on some Parables of the New Testament,’ London [1869], 8vo. 3. ‘The Preaching of the Cross. A brief discourse … introductory to the singing of sacred music illustrative of the Passion of Christ,’ London, 1869, 8vo. 4. ‘The Prophet of Carmel: a series of practical considerations on the History of Elias in the Old Testament, with a supplementary dissertation,’ London [1873], 8vo, dedicated to Dr. (now Cardinal) Newman. 5. ‘The Helpers of the Holy Souls, who and what they are; with some account of the Life of their Foundress, Mother Mary of Providence,’ London, 1874, 8vo. 6. ‘Blessed Margaret Mary Alacocque; a brief account of her Life. To which are added, a selection from her sayings, and the decree of her beatification,’ London, 1874, 32mo. 7. ‘The Sacrifice of the Eucharist, and other Doctrines of the Catholic Church, explained and vindicated,’ London, 1875, 8vo.

[Axon's Annals of Manchester, p. 357; Browne's Annals of the Tractarian Movement (1861), p. 174; Gondon, Les récentes Conversions de l'Angleterre, p. 233; Men of the Time (1875); Cat. of Oxford Graduates, p. 252; Smith's Admission Register of the Manchester School, iii. 242; Sutton's Lancashire Authors, p. 41; Tablet, 27 May 1876, p. 686.]

GARTER, BERNARD (fl. 1570), poet, who describes himself on his title-pages as citizen of London, was, according to Hunter, second son of Sir William Garter of London, and father of a Bernard Garter of Brigstocke, Northamptonshire. But in the ‘Visitation of London,’ 1633–5 (Harl. Soc. i.), ‘Barnerd Garter of Brikstocke,’ Northamptonshire, is described as the son of Thomas Garter, the husband of Elizabeth Catelyne, and the father of George Garter, who was living in 1634. Garter wrote: 1. ‘The tragicall and true historie which happened betweene two English lovers, 1563. Written by Ber. Gar., 1565. In ædibus Richardi Totelli,’ an imitation in ballad metre of Arthur Broke's ‘Romeus and Juliet,’ 1561. A copy of this very rare book is in the library of Christie Miller at Britwell (cf. P. A. Daniel's reprint of Brooke's Romeus, New Shakspere Soc. xxxiii.). 2. ‘A New Yeares Gifte, dedicated to the Popes Holinesse and all Catholikes addicted to the Sea of Rome: prepared the first day of Januarie [1579] by B. G., Citizen of London,’ London, by Henry Bynneman, 1579. This work, wrongly ascribed by Ritson to Barnabe Googe [q. v.], contains, besides verses against the catholics, a reprint of a letter sent in 1537 by Tunstall, bishop of Durham, and Stokesley, bishop of London, to Cardinal Pole, maintaining the royal supremacy; lives of Alexander II and Gregory VII; an account of the frauds of Elizabeth Barton, Maid of Kent [q. v.]; and ‘invectives against the pope.’ ‘A new yeres geyfte made by barnarde Garter’ was licensed for printing to Alexander Lacy in 1565, but no copy of so early a date has been met with.

A tract entitled ‘The joyfull receavinge of the Quenes matie into Norwiche’ (licensed 30 Aug. 1578) includes a masque by Garter and Henry Goldingham, which is printed in Nichols's ‘Progresses,’ ii. 67. ‘Pasquin in a Trance. A Christian and learned dialogue contayning wonderfull and most strange newes out of Heaven, Purgatorie, and Hell,’ 4to, London, by Seres, n.d. (licensed 1565), has some prefatory verses to the reader signed ‘Ber. Gar.;’ it is a translation from the Italian of Celius Secundus Curio, and Mr. Collier is inclined to credit Garter with the whole. ‘Among Coxeter's papers,’ writes Warton, ‘is mentioned the ballet of Helen's epistle to Paris from “Ovid,” in 1570, by B. G.’ This piece Warton also doubtfully claims for Garter. The ‘B. G.’ who wrote ‘Ludus Scacchiæ: Chesse-playe, a game pleasant, wittie, and politicall,’ London, 1597, is further identified with Garter by Hunter.

[Hunter's Chorus Vatum in Addit. MS. 24488, f. 318; Collier's Extracts from the Stationers' Reg. i. 101, 125, 139, ii. 66; Collier's Bibliographical Cat.; Hazlitt's Handbook and Collections; Ritson's Bibliographia Poetica; Warton's Hist. of English Poetry.]

GARTH, JOHN (fl. 1757), musical composer, of Durham, began his great work, the adaptation of the ‘First Fifty Psalms of