Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 22.djvu/131

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under-master for four years, when he quitted that post for the church, having inherited from his father the advowson of Broughton Poggs, and received from his college the vicarage of Brize-Norton, Oxfordshire. He married on 17 April 1770 Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Dr. James Ford, formerly physician to the Middlesex Hospital. Two years subsequently he established a school at Ealing, and carried it on for twenty-six years, during which time he had the charge of the sons of many noblemen and gentlemen of position. Goodenough's reputation as a classical tutor ranked high. But his strongest bent was towards botany, and when the Linnean Society was established in 1787 he was one of the framers of its constitution and treasurer during its first year. He contributed a classical memoir on the genus Carex to the second and third volumes of the ‘Transactions’ of that body. In addition to being one of the vice-presidents of the Linnean, Sir J. E. Smith being president, he was for some time a vice-president of the Royal Society (of which he became a fellow in 1789) while Sir Joseph Banks was the presiding officer, and he also shared in the conduct of the Society of Antiquaries. In 1797 he was presented to the vicarage of Cropredy by the Bishop of Oxford, in the following year he was advanced to the canonry of Windsor, and in 1802 promoted to the deanery of Rochester. In this preferment he was aided by the warm friendship of the third Duke of Portland, all of whose sons had been his pupils. As a final proof of the duke's favour Goodenough in 1808 was elevated to the episcopal bench as bishop of Carlisle. He died at Worthing on 12 Aug. 1827, surviving the loss of his wife only eleven weeks, and was buried on the 18th of that month in the north cloister of Westminster Abbey. He left three sons, all clergymen (Samuel James, Robert Philip, and Edmund, afterwards dean of Wells [q. v.]), and four daughters.

The bishop was a sound and elegant scholar. Sir J. E. Smith consulted him on points of latinity when engaged on the splendid ‘Flora Græca,’ the ‘Flora Britannica,’ and lesser works. Besides the Carex paper, and another on British Fuci, and two others on natural history, also in the Linnean Society's ‘Transactions,’ Goodenough published three sermons and began a ‘Botanica Metrica,’ which should have included all botanical names, with their derivations, but the work was never finished. The genus Goodenia was dedicated to him by his friend Sir J. E. Smith. It was a sermon preached by Goodenough before the House of Lords in 1809 that gave birth to the well-known epigram:—

'T is well enough that Goodenough
Before the Lords should preach;
But, sure enough, full bad enough
Are those he has to teach.
He is eulogised in Mathias's ‘Pursuits of Literature.’ His portrait is in the hall at Christ Church.

[Nichols's Lit. Illustr. vi. 245–56; Welch's Alumni Westmonast. pp. 374–5.]

B. D. J.

GOODERE, SAMUEL (1687–1741), captain in the navy, was third and youngest son of Sir Edward Goodere, bart., of Burhope in Herefordshire, by his wife, daughter and heiress of Sir Edward Dineley, bart., of Charleton in Worcestershire, and on the mother's side granddaughter of Lewis Watson, first lord Rockingham. The eldest son having been killed in a duel, the second son, John Dineley, who had been brought up at sea in the merchant service, and had served as a volunteer on board the Diamond in 1708, quitted his profession by desire of Sir Edward Dineley, who acknowledged him as his heir. Samuel entered the navy in 1705 as a volunteer on board the Ipswich, with Captain Kirktowne; served in a subordinate rank and afterwards as a lieutenant through the war of the Spanish succession, and on 12 Jan. 1718–19 was appointed first lieutenant of the Preston with Captain Robert Johnson, whom, on 28 Feb., he accompanied to the Weymouth, in which he served during the summer, in the operations on the north coast of Spain; and on 6 Nov. 1719 was, with Johnson and the greater part of the officers, turned over to the Deptford. A few weeks later, however, Johnson preferred against him a charge of misconduct at St. Sebastian's on 23 June, the attack having, it was alleged, failed in consequence. On this charge Goodere was tried by court-martial on 24 Dec. 1719, was found guilty of ‘having been very much wanting in the performance of his duty,’ and was dismissed his ship (Minutes of the Court-Martial), which, in the reign of comparative peace then beginning, was almost equivalent to being dismissed the service. It is very doubtful whether he served again at sea till November 1733, when, consequent apparently on some electioneering job, he was posted to the Antelope of 50 guns. It was, however, for rank only, and he was superseded in a fortnight. So far as conflicting accounts enable us to judge, he lived at this time with his father, now a very old man and at variance with his elder son, the heir to the baronetcy, who is spoken of as rough, uncouth, and of no education. It would seem that Samuel, taking the father's side, was already on bad terms with his brother; and