Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 23.djvu/307

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  1. 'The Fifteenth Note of the Church Examined, viz. Temporal Felicity' (anon.), pages 365-99 of the confutation of Cardinal Bellarmine's 'Notes of the Church,' published anonymously by W. Sherlock, 4to, London, 1688.
  2. 'The Protestant and Popish Way of interpreting Scripture, impartially compared in answer to Pax Vobis [by E. G., preacher of the Word],' &c. (anon.), 4to, London, 1689. Grove also translated into Latin Bishop Thomas Barlow's 'Popery,' 8vo, London, 1682.

[Authorities quoted; Baker's Hist. of St. John's College, Cambridge (Mayor), pt. i. pp. 277-8, pt. ii. p. 703.]

G. G.

GROVER, HENRY MONTAGUE (1791–1866), miscellaneous writer, born at Watford, Hertfordshire, in 1791, was the eldest son of Harry Grover, solicitor, of Hemel Hempstead, by Sybilla, daughter of George Phillip Ehret. He was educated at St. Albans grammar school. By 1816 he had established himself in practice as a solicitor in London. He retired from business in 1824, and proceeded to Peterhouse, Cambridge, where he graduated LL.B. in 1830. Having taken holy orders he was presented in 1833 to the rectory of Hitcham, Buckinghamshire. Owing to great bodily infirmity he lived in much seclusion. He died at Hitcham on 20 Aug. 1866.

His works are:

  1. 'Anne Boleyn, a tragedy' (in five acts and in verse), 8vo, London, 1826.
  2. 'Socrates, a dramatic poem ' (in five acts, with notes), 8vo, London, 1828.
  3. 'The History of the Resurrection authenticated. A Review of the Four Gospels on the Resurrection,' 8vo, London, 1841.
  4. 'Analogy and Prophecy, Keys of the Church. Shewing the progress of the Dispensation and the Interpretation of the Prophecies by analogies derived from the Mosaic Creation,' 8vo, London, 1846.
  5. 'A Voice from Stonehenge,' pt. i., 8vo, London, 1847.
  6. 'Changes of the Poles and the Equator, considered as a source of error in the present construction of the maps and charts of the globe,' 8vo, London, 1848.
  7. 'A Catechism for Sophs' (being a 'summary of scriptural doctrine'), 16mo, London, 1848.
  8. 'Soundings of Antiquity: a new method of applying the astronomical evidences to the events of history, and an assignment of true dates to the epochs of the Church,' 8vo, London, 1862.

Grover wrote also a political pamphlet entitled 'Corn and Cattle against Cotton and Calico,' articles in the 'Journal of Sacred Literature,' and papers on the 'Theory of the Sun's Orbit' and on 'Tides.'

[Gent. Mag. 1866, pt. ii. p. 553; Law Lists; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

G. G.

GROVES, ANTHONY NORRIS (1795–1853), missionary, was born at Newton, Hampshire, in 1795. His father was originally in a prosperous business in Lymington, but engaging in speculations lost his savings. One of his undertakings was the cultivation under a new system of drainage of an estate near the sea called Normandy. Previously he had a share in the Royal George, a ship which went down, and latterly he was the owner of a factory for refining sugar. His mother died on 24 July 1823. The son was educated at a school at Lymington, and then under Dr. Ray at Fulham. He learnt chemistry in London under Savory & Moore; availed himself of the offer of his uncle, James Thompson, a well-known dentist practising at 22 George Street, Hanover Square, to study that profession, and at the same time walked the hospitals and acquired a knowledge of surgery. He became so skilful a dentist that at the age of nineteen he was able to support himself, and took up his residence at Plymouth on 1 Feb. 1813, where he also devoted himself to many scientific objects, and was a leading member of the Athenæum. He was the early friend of John Kitto [q. v.] of Plymouth, whose advancement he forwarded at considerable pecuniary cost to himself. In 1816 he married his cousin, Mary Berthia Thompson, and soon after removed from Plymouth to Exeter. He had for some time been deeply impressed with a sense of his religious duties, and in 1825 was instrumental in the conversion to Christianity of Michael Solomon Alexander [q. v.], who was afterwards bishop of Jerusalem. In 1828 he stated his views respecting Christians meeting together in brotherhood with no other tenets than faith in Christ. This circumstance gives him a claim to have been one of the founders of the sect afterwards known as the Plymouth Brethren (James Grant, The Plymouth Brethren, 1875, pp. 5-7). While studying at Trinity College, Dublin, with the intention of seeking ordination in the church of England, in 1828 he associated with John Nelson Darby [q. v.] and other early founders of the Plymouth Brethren. Already in 1825 he had taken charge of a small congregation at Poltimore, near Exeter; and in 1829, having from the exercise of his profession saved a considerable sum of money, and his wife at the same period inheriting 10,000l. on the death of her father, they determined to devote themselves and their wealth to missionary work. On 12 June 1829, accompanied by his wife and family, John Kitto, and others, he sailed with Lord Congleton in his yacht the Osprey, and in the following month arrived at St. Petersburg (Henry