Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 23.djvu/431

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(Autobiog. of Mrs. Delaney, 2nd ser. ii. 423-424). On the 19th he was hanged at Tyburn. Boswell attended the trial, and appears to have ridden to Tyburn with Hackman in the mourning coach (Boswell, Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill, iii. 383-4). According to some authorities Hackman was a member of St. John's College, Cambridge, but his name is not to be found either in the admission register of the college or in the matriculation books of the university. From the Wiveton registers it would appear that Hackman probably never officiated there. The question whether the fact of Hackman having two pistols in his possession at the time of the murder was a proof that he meant to shoot two persons formed the subject of a violent altercation between Johnson and Beauclerk (ib. pp. 384-385). Sir Herbert Croft, in 1780, published a number of fictitious letters purporting to have been written by Hackman and Miss Ray, under the title of 'Love and Madness—a story too true ; in a Series of Letters between parties whose names would perhaps be mentioned were they less known or less lamented' (anon., London, 12mo). A portrait of Miss Ray, by Gainsborough, is preserved at Hinchinbroke House, and several engravings of Hackman are referred to in the 'Catalogues' of Bromley and Evans.

[Sessions Papers, lv. 207-10; Case and Memoirs of the Late Rev. James Hackman, 6th edit. 1779 ; Case and Memoirs of Miss Martha Ray, 1779 (?); Burke's Celebrated Trials connected with the Aristocracy, 1849, pp. 393-426; Celebrated Trials, &c., 1825, v. 1-43 ; Walpole's Letters, ed. Cunningham, vii. 190-1, 194, 338-9 ; Jesse's George III, ii. 240-1; Jesse's George Selwyn and his Contemporaries, 1844, iv. 59-68, 78-86 ; Morning Chronicle for 9, 17, 20 April 1779; Morning Post for same dates; Army Lists, 1773-7 ; Gent. Mag. 1779, xlix. 210, 212, 213 ; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. iv. 186, 232-3 4th ser. iii. 339, 447, 488-9, 514, iv. 147, viii. 369, 7th ser. vi. 87, 212, vii. 172, 296, 392 ; information from Dr. Luard, Dr. Bensly, and the Rev. H. N. D'Almaine.]

HACKSTON or HALKERSTONE DAVID (d. 1680), covenanter, was sprung from the Hackstons or Halkerstones of Rathillet, in the parish of Kilmany, Fifeshire. 'It is not known whether he was born at the family seat. The records of the kirk-session do no go back so far' (New Statistical Account of Scotland, ix. 539). In his youth he is said to have been a profligate, but a 'field preaching' led him to cast in his lot with the covenanters, and he became one of their most trusted leaders. He was asked to lead the party which had resolved to assassinate Archbishop Sharp, but declined 'upon account of a difference subsisting betwixt Sharp and him in a civil process, wherein he judged himself to have been wronged by the primate, which deed he thought would give the world ground to think it was rather out of personal pique and revenge, which he professed he was free of' (Scots Worthies). He agreed, however, to stand by the rest and take the consequences. Accordingly he sat at some distance on his horse, with his cloak about his face, while, led by Balfour of Burley [see under Balfour, John], the others despatched Sharp (3 May 1679). He now fled into the west country, and took part in drawing up and publishing 'The Declaration and Testimony of the true Presbyterian Party in Scotland,' which was affixed to the market cross of Rutherglen on 29 May 1679, the anniversary of the Restoration. He was one of the leaders of the covenanters at the battle of Drumclog on 1 June 1679, and again at the battle of Bothwell Bridge. A reward of ten thousand merks was now offered for his apprehension, and he was obliged to keep in hiding. At length on 22 July 1680 he and a number of others were surprised by a body of dragoons at Aird's Moss in Ayrshire. A skirmish ensued in which the covenanters were worsted, and Hackston, after fighting bravely, was taken prisoner. He was carried to Edinburgh, was condemned, and on 30 July 1680 was executed there with sickening cruelty and barbarity.

[Wodrow's Hist. of the Sufferings; Cobbett's State Trials, x. 791 et seq. ; Howie's Scots Worthies.]

HACOMBLEN, ROBERT, D.D. (d. 1528), provost of King's College, Cambridge, was educated at Eton, where he was admitted a scholar of King's in 1472. He served the office of proctor in 1483, and succeeded Richard Lincoln as vicar of Prescot in Lancashire on 7 Aug. 1492. He became D.D. in 1507, and in 1509, on the death of Dr. Richard Hatton, was elected to the provostship of his college, which he held for nineteen years, dying on 8 Sept. 1528. As provost he was party to the contract entered into in 1526 for filling the windows of King's College chapel with stained glass. He gave the magnificent brass lectern still in use in the chapel, which bears his name, and fitted up the chantry, the second from the west on the south side, in which, in accordance with his will, dated 21 Oct. 1528, he was buried. His memorial brass represents him in doctor's robes, with the legend issuing from his mouth, 'Vulnera Christe tua mihi dulcis sint medicina,' and penitential prayers on the label running round the slab. In the window is