Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 24.djvu/308

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1803, 4to. A plea for the revival of convocation. 6. 'The Independence of Great Britain as a Maritime Power essential to, and the existence of France in its present state incompatible with, the Prosperity and Preservation of all European Nations.' 7. 'A Letter to Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., on the Folly and Indecency, and the dangerous tendency of his Public Conduct,' 1804, 8vo. Strictures on Sir F. Burdett's speech on the Defence Bill, 18 July 1803, and his speech at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, 29 July 1803. 8. 'Perpetual War the only ground of Perpetual Safety and Prosperity.' 9. 'A Letter to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury on the probable number of the Clergy, the means of providing more effectually for' the Repair and Rebuilding of Churches, and other matters connected with the interests of Religion and Morality.' 10. 'Catholic Emancipation incompatible with British Freedom and the Existence of the Protestant Church.' 11. 'A Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, first Lord of the Treasury, &c., &c., &c. on the state of the Nation at the opening of the First Session of the Eleventh Parliament of George Third,' 1814, 8vo. 12. 'An Inquiry into the present state of the British Navy, together with Reflections on the late War with America, and its probable Consequences,' &c. 13. 'Political Reflections addressed to the Allied Sovereigns on the Reentry of Napoleon Buonaparte into France, and his Usurpation of the Throne of the Bourbons,' 1815, 8vo. 14. 'Adresse à 1'equité et à la liberalité de leurs Majestés impériales les Empereurs de Russie et d'Autriche, leurs Majestés les Rois de Prusse, des Pays-Bas et de France, et à son Altesse Royale le Prince Regent d'Angleterre,' Liege (printed), London, 1817, 8vo. A petition for a reward for the foregoing pamphlet.

[Gent. Mag. 1835, pt. ii. 329; Biog. Dict. of Living Authors, 1816; Hankin's Adresse; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

HANKINSON, THOMAS EDWARDS (1805–1843), divine and poet, born in 1805, was educated at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1828, and proceeded M.A. in 1831. He was curate of St. Nicholas Chapel, King's Lynn, and afterwards incumbent of St. Matthew's Chapel, Denmark Hill. He published various sermons and lectures. One of these discourses, a sermon on the 'Faithful Steward,' appeared in a collection of sermons by 'eminent divines,' entitled 'The Church of England Preacher,' in 1837; others were issued in pamphlet form. His views were strictly orthodox, and in a sermon published at King's Lynn in 1834 he denounced Unitarians as 'blasphemers.' He occupied his leisure in writing for the Seatonian prize at Cambridge for English verse, of which he was nine times the winner between 1831 and 1842; for each of his poems in 1831 and 1838 he was awarded an extra prize of 100l. He died at Stainley Hall, Ripon, on 6 Oct. 1843. His prize poems have rather more than the measure of merit usual in such effusions. They were published severally during his lifetime, and collectively after his death with some other fugitive pieces in a small volume of 'Poems,' London, 1844, 8vo. A volume of his sermons appeared the same year.

[Gent. Mag. 1843, pt. ii. 661; Cambr. Univ. Cal.; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

HANMER, JOHN (1574–1629), bishop of St. Asaph, was born in 1574 at Pentrepant, in the parish of Selattyn, near Oswestry in Shropshire. The family of Pentrepant was of a different stock from the more celebrated Flintshire Hanmers, but took their name from the intermarriage of one of them with a daughter of the Flintshire family (Humphrey's addition to Wood's Athenæ, ii. 879). He matriculated at Oriel College, Oxford, 2 June 1592, and became a fellow of All Souls in 1596, proceeding B.A. 14 July 1596, M.A. 5 April 1600, B.D. 1 Dec. 1615, and D.D. 13 Nov. 1616 (Reg. Univ. Oxf. ii. pt. ii. 191, pt. iii. 198; Oxf. Hist. Soc.). In 1605 he acted as junior proctor when Abbot was vice-chancellor in a year made memorable by a visit of James I to the university. He became rector of Bingham in Nottinghamshire, and in January 1614 was appointed prebendary of Worcester (Le Neve, Fasti Eccl. Angl. iii. 80, ed. Hardy). He was also a chaplain to James I.

On 20 Jan. 1624 he was elected bishop of St. Asaph, in succession to Richard Parry. He was consecrated on 15 Feb. by Archbishop Abbot at Lambeth, on which occasion he distributed 4l. among the archbishop's servants. On 16 Feb. he received the restitution of his temporalities, and, owing to the poverty of the see, was allowed to retain his prebend along with the archdeaconry of St. Asaph and other benefices in commendam, to the amount in all of 150l. per annum (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1623–5, pp. 158, 160). He died at Pentrepant on 23 July 1629, and was buried the next day in Selattyn Church among the ashes of his forefathers. He left 5l. each to the poor of Selattyn, Oswestry, and St. Asaph. A brass in Selattyn Church speaks of his piety, activity, and happy end. He was of the same family as Meredith Hanmer [q. v.]