Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 24.djvu/69

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Tale of Love,’ 1848.
  1. ‘The Swan's Egg, a Tale,’ 1850.
  2. ‘Pilgrimages to English Shrines,’ 1850.
  3. ‘Stories of the Governess,’ 1852.
  4. ‘The Worn Thimble, a Story,’ 1853.
  5. ‘The Drunkard's Bible,’ 1854.
  6. ‘The Two Friends,’ 1856.
  7. ‘A Woman's Story,’ 1857, 3 vols.
  8. ‘The Lucky Penny and other Tales,’ 1857.
  9. ‘Finden's Gallery of Modern Art, with Tales by Mrs. S. C. Hall,’ 1859.
  10. ‘The Boy's Birthday Book,’ 1859.
  11. ‘Daddy Dacre's School,’ 1859.
  12. ‘The St. James's Magazine, conducted by Mrs. S. C. Hall,’ 1861.
  13. ‘Can Wrong be Right? a Tale,’ 1862, 2 vols.
  14. ‘The Village Garland: Tales and Sketches,’ 1863.
  15. ‘Nelly Nowlan and other Stories,’ 1865.
  16. ‘The Playfellow and other Stories,’ 1866.
  17. ‘The Way of the World and other Stories,’ 1866.
  18. ‘The Prince of the Fairy Family,’ 1867.
  19. ‘Alice Stanley and other Stories,’ 1868.
  20. ‘Animal Sagacity,’ 1868.
  21. ‘The Fight of Faith, a Story,’ 1869, 2 vols.
  22. ‘Digging a Grave with a Wineglass,’ 1871.
  23. ‘Chronicles of a Cosy Nook,’ 1875.
  24. ‘Boons and Blessings: Stories of Temperance,’ 1875.
  25. ‘Annie Leslie and other Stories,’ 1877.
  26. ‘Grandmother's Pockets,’ 1880.

In conjunction with her husband she wrote:

  1. ‘A Week at Killarney,’ 1843.
  2. ‘Ireland, its Scenery, Characters, &c., 1841–3, 3 vols.
  3. ‘Handbooks for Ireland,’ 1853.
  4. ‘The Book of the Thames,’ 1859.
  5. ‘Tenby,’ 1860.
  6. ‘The Book of South Wales,’ 1861.
  7. ‘A Companion to Killarney,’ 1878.

With Mrs. Jonathan Foster she wrote:

  1. ‘Stories and Studies from the Chronicles and History of England,’ 1847, 2 vols., which went to nine editions.

Mrs. Hall also wrote upwards of fifty tales and sketches, the majority of which appeared in various libraries, collections of stories, and periodicals.

[Samuel Carter Hall's Retrospect of a Long Life, 1883, ii. 251–2, 421–78, with portrait; Fraser's Mag. June 1836, p. 718, with portrait; Colburn's New Monthly Mag. August 1838, pp. 559–62, with portrait; Dublin University Mag. August 1840, pp. 146–9, with portrait; Hale's Woman's Record, 1855, pp.691–5, with portrait; Illustrated News of the World, 1861, vol. viii., with portrait; Illustrated London News, 12 Feb. 1881, pp. 149–50, with portrait; Times, 1 Feb. 1881, p. 10; Godey's Lady's Book, August 1852, pp. 134–6.]

HALL, ANTHONY (1679–1723), antiquary, born at Kirkbride, Cumberland, in 1679, was the son of Henry Hall, rector of that parish (William Hutchinson, Cumberland, ii. 485). After some schooling at Carlisle he was admitted a batler of Queen's College, Oxford, 7 July 1696, but did not matriculate until 18 Nov. 1698. He took his bachelor's degree 15 Dec. 1701, and, having been ordained, proceeded M.A. 16 June 1704. He was elected fellow of his college 18 April 1706. In November 1716 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the librarianship of the Bodleian Library, vacated by the death of John Hudson, who had hoped that Hall might succeed him. Hudson bequeathed to Hall the editing of his ‘Josephus,’ then nearly finished, and by Hall's exertions it was published in 1720 in two folio volumes. Hall also married Hudson's widow, Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Harrison, an alderman and mercer of Oxford. On 8 April 1720 he received institution to the college rectory of Hampton Poyle, Oxfordshire, and on 4 July 1721 accumulated his degrees in divinity. He died at Garford, Berkshire, and was buried at Kingston in that county on 6 April 1723. His wife survived him.

Hall, although his literary labours were derided in his lifetime, contrived to get his books liberally subscribed for, and they were printed at the university press. Hearne is especially severe on him: ‘A dull, stupid, sleepy fellow,’ he writes, ‘a man of no industry, it being common with him to lye abed till very near dinner-time, and to drink very freely of the strongest liquors’ (Collections, Oxf. Hist. Soc. ii. 164, 171). Edward Thwaites and other fellows of Queen's persuaded him in 1705 to edit Leland's ‘Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis’ from the manuscript in the Bodleian Library, carefully concealing the fact from Tanner, who had been at work upon an edition for ten or twelve years past. The book appeared in March 1709 in two octavo volumes, and was condemned even by his own friends. Hearne says that it was full of the grossest errors, caused by incapacity to read the manuscript (ib. ii. 174). In 1719 Hall published ‘Nicolai Triveti Annales sex Regum Angliæ. E … Codice Glastoniensi,’ 8vo, Oxford, 1719. From the same manuscript he edited ‘Nicolai Triveti Annalium Continuatio; ut et Adami Murimuthensis Chronicon, cum ejusdem continuatione; quibus accedunt Joannis Bostoni Speculum Cœnobitarum et Edmundi Boltoni Hypercritica,’ 8vo, Oxford, 1722. Hall furnished the introduction or account of the ancient state of Britain for Thomas Cox's ‘Magna Britannia,’ 1720. He ‘owned the account of Berkshire to be his’ (Gough, British Topography, i. 33–4), but repudiated the description of Cumberland in a postscript to his edition of Trivet's ‘Annales.’ In the proposals for the publication of Urry's ‘Chaucer,’ 1716, the addition of a copious glossary was promised by Hall, but it appears to have been afterwards under-