Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 26.djvu/405

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Tournefort, divided into three classes: vegetable, animal, and mineral. … Illustrated with … copper-cuts. … Done into English. … The fourth edition … corrected with … additions,’ London, 1748, 4to; in two parts. 5. ‘History of Fossils,’ London, 1748, fol. 6. ‘A General Natural History; or Descriptions of the Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals of the different parts of the World. … Including the History of the Materia Medica, Pictoria, and Tinctoria of the present and earlier ages. As also … a series of critical enquiries into the Materia Medica of the Ancient Greeks,’ London, 1748–52, fol., 3 vols. 7. ‘The Actor; a Treatise on the Art of Playing,’ &c., London, 1750, 12mo. 8. ‘Lucina sine concubitu. A Letter humbly address'd to the Royal Society,’ &c.; the third edition, London, 1750, 8vo, signed ‘Abraham Johnson;’ translated into French, London, 1750, 8vo; reprinted in vol. i. of ‘Fugitive Pieces on Various Subjects by several authors,’ editions 1761, 1762, 1765, 1771. 9. ‘A Dissertation on Royal Societies. In Three Letters from a Nobleman on his Travels to a Person of Distinction in Sclavonia,’ &c., London, 1750, 8vo. 10. ‘A Review of the Works of the Royal Society of London, containing animadversions on such of the papers as deserve particular observation,’ &c., London, 1751, 4to; second edition, London, 1780, 4to. 11. ‘A History of the Materia Medica,’ &c., London, 1751, 4to. 12. ‘The Œconomy of Human Life. Part the Second. Translated from an Indian Manuscript, found soon after that which contain'd the original of the first part; and written by the same hand. In a second letter from an English Gentleman residing at China to the Earl of ***,’ London, 1751, 12mo. The first part was written by the Earl of Chesterfield, but the authorship of the second part is ascribed to Hill by Whiston. See ‘Notes and Queries,’ 1st ser. x. 8, 74, 318. The book passed through a great number of editions. 13. ‘The Adventures of Mr. George Edwards, a creole;’ the second edition, London, 1751, 12mo; another edition, London, 1788, 8vo. 14. ‘The History of a Woman of Quality; or the Adventures of Lady Frail [i.e. Anne, viscountess Vane]. By an impartial hand,’ London, 1751, 12mo. 15. ‘Letters from the Inspector to a Lady, with the Genuine Answers. Both printed verbatim from the originals,’ London, 1752, 8vo. 16. ‘Essays in Natural History and Philosophy, containing a series of discoveries by the assistance of microscopes,’ London, 1752, 8vo; translated into Dutch, Haarlem, 1753, 8vo. 17. ‘The Inspector,’ London, 1753, 12mo, 2 vols. 18. ‘The Conduct of a Married Life; laid down in a series of Letters, written by the Hon. Juliana Susanah Seymour, to a young lady, her relation, lately married,’ London, 1753, 12mo. 19. ‘The Story of Elizabeth Canning considered. With remarks on what has been called a clear state of her case by Mr. Fielding,’ &c., London, 1753, 8vo. 20. ‘Observations on the Greek and Roman Classics, in a series of Letters to a Young Nobleman,’ &c., London, 1753, 8vo. 21. ‘The Critical Minute; a Farce,’ London, 1754. 22. ‘Urania; or a Compleat View of the Heavens, containing the Ancient and Modern Astronomy in form of a Dictionary,’ &c., London, 1754, 4to. 23. ‘Thoughts concerning God and Nature, in answer to a book written by the late Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke,’ 1755, 4to. 24. ‘The Actor; or a Treatise on the Art of Playing. A new work written by the author of the former,’ &c., London, 1755, 12mo. 25. ‘The Useful Family Herbal; or an Account of all … English Plants … remarkable for their Virtues and of Drugs … and their Uses. … With an introduction, containing Directions for … Preserving … Herbs … and Receipts for Making … Distilled Waters, … and an Appendix;’ the second edition, London, 1755, 8vo; another edition with coloured plates, Bungay, 1812, 8vo; other editions published at Bungay, 1820 (?) and 1822. 26. ‘The British Herbal; an History of Plants and Trees natives of Britain, cultivated for use or raised for beauty,’ London, 1756, fol. 27. ‘The Naval History of Britain … to the conclusion of the year 1756. Compiled [by J. Hill] from the papers of Captain George Berkley, and illustrated with sea-charts,’ &c., London, 1756, fol. 28. ‘Eden, or a Compleat Body of Gardening. … Compiled and digested from the papers of the late Mr. Hale by the authors of the Compleat Body of Husbandry,’ &c., London, 1757, fol., in 59 numbers. 29. ‘The Sleep of Plants and Cause of Motion in the Sensitive Plant explain'd in a Letter to C. Linnæus,’ &c., London, 1757, 12mo; second edition, London, 1762, 8vo; translated into French by M. A. Eidous, Paris, 1773, 8vo; also translated into German and Italian. 30. ‘The Construction of the Nerves and Causes of Nervous Disorders practically explained, &c. By Christian Uvedale, M.D.,’ London, 1758, 8vo. 31. ‘The Virtues of Wild Valerian in Nervous Disorders,’ &c., London, 1758, 8vo; third edition, London, 1758, 8vo; twelfth edition, London, 1772, 8vo. 32. ‘An Idea of a Botanical Garden in England,’ &c., London, 1758, 8vo. 33. ‘The Fabrick of the Eye,’ London, 1758, 8vo. 34. ‘The Management of the Gout. By a