Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 27.djvu/320

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to renew his lease, and he left Fenton Barns, which had been occupied by his family for three generations, for Broadlands, a small estate which he had purchased in Berwickshire.

Hope was an ardent unitarian and a great supporter of that body in Scotland. He was much opposed to the corn laws, gaining a prize of 30l. offered by the Anti-Cornlaw League for an essay on the subject (published with two others in 1842), was a personal friend of Cobden and Bright, and did much to help the abolition movement in Scotland. He was also opposed to the law of hypothec and the game laws. He stood twice for parliament, in 1865 for Haddingtonshire, and in 1875 for East Aberdeenshire. In both cases he was defeated by decided majorities, a fact partly attributed to the strong local influence of his opponent in the first case, and to his heterodox religious opinions (which he did not attempt to hide) in the second. He died at Broadlands, 1 Dec. 1876, and was buried at Dirleton, near Fenton Barns. Hope was married and had a family. Besides the essay mentioned he contributed ‘Hindrances to Agriculture from a Tenant Farmer's point of view’ to ‘Recess Studies,’ edited by Sir A. Grant (Edinburgh, 1870).

[Memoir by Hope's daughter, Edinburgh, 1881; personal knowledge.]

HOPE, Sir HENRY (1787–1863), admiral, eldest son of Captain Charles Hope of the navy, who died commissioner at Chatham in 1808, cousin of Sir William Johnstone Hope [q. v.], and great grandson of Charles, first earl of Hopetoun [q. v.], was born in 1787, and entered the navy in 1800, on board the Kent, commanded by his cousin, W. J. Hope. After serving in her on the coast of Egypt, he was moved into the Swiftsure with Captain Hallowell [see Carew, Sir Benjamin Hallowell], and was made prisoner when she was captured on 24 June 1801. He afterwards served in the Leda on the Mediterranean and home stations, and in 1804 in the Atlas again with his cousin, W. J. Hope. On 3 May 1804 he was promoted to be lieutenant of the Adamant; in 1805, in the Narcissus, was present at the reduction of the Cape of Good Hope; and on 22 Jan. 1806 was made commander and appointed to the Espoir sloop in the Mediterranean. On 24 May 1808 he was posted to the Glatton, and afterwards commanded the Leonidas, Topaze, and Salsette frigates, all in the Mediterranean, cruising successfully against the French privateers. During the latter half of 1811, in the Salsette, he was senior officer in the Archipelago, and at the request of Stratford Canning, the ambassador at Constantinople, drove on shore at Nauplia a French privateer which had taken refuge under the guns of the Turkish batteries, 29 Nov. 1811 (Lane-Poole, Life of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, i. 100; Log of the Salsette).

In May 1813 Hope was appointed to the Endymion, one of the few English frigates carrying 24-pounders, and which it was thought might contend on somewhat equal terms with the large 44-gun frigates of the United States. After eighteen months on the North American station, on the morning of 15 Jan. 1815 she was, in company with a small squadron under Captain John Hayes [q. v.], off Sandy Hook, when they sighted the American frigate President. The accident of position and her superior sailing enabled the Endymion to bring her to action, while the other English ships were some distance astern. It was already dusk, and it seemed possible enough that the President might escape in the dark. The Endymion, however, stuck closely to the flying enemy, and though her own rigging was so cut that about nine o'clock she was obliged to drop astern to repair damages, the President had also received such damage that, on the Pomone and Tenedos coming up an hour later, she at once struck her colours. To say, as is often said, that the Endymion took the President single-handed is an absurd exaggeration, for though her consorts had a very small share in the action, their close proximity, especially that of the Majestic, a cut-down 74-gun ship, terribly hampered the President's manœuvres, and by compelling her to defend herself in a running fight, enabled the Endymion to take up a deadly position on her quarter. Otherwise the result might have been different; for the Endymion was the smaller ship, less heavily armed, with a weaker crew; and, gallant officer and fine seaman as Hope was, Commodore Decatur, who commanded the President, had also a high reputation in the United States navy. In popular opinion the whole credit of the engagement was given to Hope. The admiralty gave him the gold medal, and the war medal to the Endymion alone. The merchants of Bermuda presented Hope with a complimentary letter and a silver cup, and the officers with a second cup, ‘to be considered as attached to that or any future ship which might bear the gallant name of Endymion.’ The cup ultimately lapsed to Greenwich Hospital, and now belongs to the officers' mess of the Royal Naval College. In June 1815 Hope was nominated a C.B., but he had no further service. In 1831 he was appointed naval