Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/14

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councillor (19 June 1701), first lord of the treasury (30 Dec. 1701–6 May 1702), and a commissioner for the union with Scotland (10 April 1706). At the death of Anne, 1 Aug. 1714, Howard was appointed one of the lords justices of Great Britain until George I should arrive from Hanover. He was reappointed lord-lieutenant of Cumberland and Westmoreland on 9 Oct. 1714, and again acted as first lord of the treasury from 23 May until 11 Oct. 1715. He was also constable of the Tower of London (16 Oct. 1715–29 Dec. 1722), lord-lieutenant of the Tower Hamlets (12 July 1717-December 1722), constable of Windsor Castle and warden of the forest (1 June 1723–May 1730), and master of the foxhounds (May 1730). He died at Bath on 1 May 1738, and was buried at Castle Howard. On 5 July 1688 he married Lady Anne Capel, daughter of Arthur, first earl of Essex, by whom he had two sons and three daughters. The second son Charles is separately noticed. The countess died on 14 Oct.1752, aged 78, distinguished for her extensive charities, and was buried at Watford. Howard occasionally amused him self by writing poetry. A short time be fore his death he addressed some moral precepts in verse to his elder son Henry (see below). These are printed in Walpole's 'Royal and Noble Authors,'ed. Park, iv. 170-173. There are two oil portraits of Howard at Naworth, and two at Castle Howard; there is also an engraved portrait.

Henry Howard, fourth Earl of Carlisle (1694-1758), eldest son of the above, was M.P. for Morpeth 1722, 1727, and from 1734 to 1738. He succeeded to the earldom in 1738, became K.G. 1756, died 4 Sept. 1758, and was succeeded by his only surviving son, Frederick Howard, fifth earl of Carlisle, who is separately noticed. Isabella, second wife of the fourth earl of Carlisle, daughter of William, fourth lord Byron, etched with ability, and made several copies of works by Rembrandt. She married, after the earl's death, Sir William Musgrave, and died 22 Jan. 1795.

[Doyle's Official Baronage, i. 330–1; Redgrave's Dict.; Political State of Great Britain, iv. 481–482.]

HOWARD, Sir CHARLES (d. 1765), general, was second son of Charles Howard, third earl of Carlisle [q. v.] He entered the army in 1716, became captain and lieutenant-colonel Coldstream Guards in April 1719, and was appointed lieutenant-governor of Carlisle in 1725, and colonel and aide-de-camp to the king in 1734. In 1738 he became colonel of the 19th foot, now the Yorkshire regiment, which he held until transferred to the present 3rd dragoon guards in 1748. The 19th, then wearing grass-green facings, thus acquired its still familiar sobriquet of the 'Green Howards,' distinguishing it from the 24th foot, known as 'Howard's Greens,' and the 3rd Buffs, known as 'Howards,' those regiments being successively commanded about the same period by Thomas Howard, father of Field-marshal Sir George Howard [q. v.] Charles Howard was many years about the court, where he held the post of a groom of the bedchamber. As a major-general he commanded a brigade at Dettingen and at Fontenoy, where he received four wounds, and after wards under Wade and Cumberland in the north. He commanded the British infantry at the battles of Val and Roucoux, was made K.B. in 1749, and was governor of Forts George and Augustus, N.B. In 1760 he was president of the court-martial on Lord George Sackville [see Germain, George Sackville]. He represented Carlisle in parliament from 1727 to 1761 (Off. Return of Members of Parliament, ii. 62 –125). He attained the rank of general in March 1765, and died at Bath unmarried on 26 Aug. 1765.

[Collins's Peerage, ed. 1812, vol. iii. under `Carlisle, Howard, Earl of;' Cannon's Hist.Rec. 3rd Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards; Maclachlan's order-book of William, Duke of Cumberland (London, 1876). Some letters from Howard are in Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 32690, 32692, 32725, 32897.]

HOWARD, CHARLES, tenth Duke of Norfolk (1720–1786), born on 1 Dec. 1720, was the second son and eventually heir of Charles Howard of Greystoke, Cumberland, by Mary, daughter and coheiress of John Aylward (Doyle, Official Baronage,ii.600). He was thus great-grandson of Henry Frederick, earl of Arundel (1608–1652) [q. v.] He was brought up in the Roman catholic faith. On 14 Jan. 1768 he was elected F.S.A., and on 24 March following F.R.S. On 20 Sept. 1777 he succeeded, as tenth duke of Norfolk, his second cousin, Edward Howard, ninth duke (1686–1777) [q. v.], and died on 31 Aug. 1786. He married Katherine, second daughter and coheiress of John Brockholes of Claughton, Lancashire, by whom he had a son and successor, Charles (1746–1815) [q. v.] The duchess died on 21 Nov. 1784. Howard lived chiefly in the country, and is said to have indulged in many eccentricities.

He published:

  1. 'Considerations on the Penal Laws against Roman Catholics in England and the new-acquired Colonies in America,' 1764, 8vo.
  2. 'Thoughts, Essays, and Maxims, chiefly Religious and Political,' 8vo, 1768.
  3. Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family' (with an account of