Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/371

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most like and most admirably.' The portrait of Queen Catharine as a shepherdess a full length seated figure, surrounded by cupids and a lamb is now at Buckingham Palace. That of the queen as St. Catharine, considered by the painter to be his best work, is now at Gorhambury, Hertfordshire, the seat of the Earl of Verulam. It is a full-length portrait, and has been engraved in line by William Sherwin, and published in mezzotint by R. Tompson. A three-quarters length replica of it is in the possession of Lord Clifford at Ugbrooke Park, Devonshire. Another portrait of the queen is in Painter-Stainers' Hall. Huysmans called himself the queen's painter, and often introduced her portrait as a Madonna or Venus into his pictures. He also painted the altar-piece for the queen's chapel at St. James's. The portrait of Frances Stuart, duchess of Richmond, mentioned by Pepys, is at Kensington Palace, and a full length of her, as Pallas, is in the possession of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon. The portrait of Lady Belasyse, traditionally known as Lady Byron, which is at Hampton Court, has long been ascribed to Huysmans, but it is now, on the authority of an old manuscript catalogue at Windsor, assigned to Sir Peter Lely. It was engraved by T.Wright for Mrs. Jameson's 'Beauties of the Court of Charles the Second,' 1833.

There is in the National Gallery an excellent portrait of Izaak Walton by Huysmans, which has been engraved by Philip Audinet, and also by William Humphrys for Sir Harris Nicolas's edition of the 'Complete Angler,' 1836. The National Portrait Gallery has portraits by him of Queen Catharine of Braganza and of Colonel Legge (‘Honest Will Legge'). At Holkham Hall, Norfolk, the seat of the Earl of Leicester, is a picture of the children of Mr. Coke, which has been reproduced in mezzotint by Paul van Somer and W. Vincent. Among other portraits engraved after him are those of Alexander Browne, painter and engraver, by Arnold de Jode, prefixed to his 'Ars Pictoria,' 1675, and of John Dolben, bishop of Rochester, published by R. Tompson. Huysmans' portraits are well drawn and coloured, and combine somewhat of the power and freedom of Van Dyck with the grace and feeling of Lely. He died in Jermyn Street, London, in 1696, and was buried in St. James's Church, Piccadilly.

[Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, ed. Wornum, 1849, ii. 471-2; Liggeren der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, ed. Rombouts and Van Lerius, 1865-1881, ii. 209; Burton's Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, Foreign Schools, 1889; Scharf's Catalogue of the National Portrait Gallery, 1888; Law's Historical Catalogue of the Pictures at Hampton Court, 1881.]

R. E. G.

HUYSSING or HYSING, HANS (fl. 1700–1735), portrait-painter, born at Stockholm in Sweden, came to England in 1700 as assistant to Michael Dahl [q.v.], the portrait-painter, with whom he lived for many years. He succeeded after Dahl's death to his practice, and adopted his manner. He was patronised by the family of George II, and painted the queen, the three royal princesses, and George III as a boy. Many of his portraits, including Sir Robert Walpole, the speaker Onslow, Dr. Desaguliers, C. F. Zincke (the enamel-painter) and his wife, James Gibbs (the architect), and Humphrey Skelton, were engraved in mezzotint by John Faber, jun., and others. Vertue describes portraits by him of Joseph Goupy and Sir Nicholas Dorigny as ' well painted, much in Mr. Dahl's later manner.'

[Vertue's MSS. (Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23076); Chaloner Smith's British Mezzotinto Portraits.]

L. C.

HUYSUM, JACOB van (fl. 1721), flower painter. [See Van Huysum.]

HYATT, JOHN (1767–1826), preacher, son of a publican, was born at Sherborne in Dorsetshire 21 Jan. 1767. He was educated at a day school, and at fourteen was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, on whose death Hyatt carried on the business. Hyatt first received deep religious impressions through the influence of Miss Westcomb, who became his wife in 1787. She was the niece of a dissenting minister named Vardy. Hyatt, after considerable discussion with one of Wesley's Arminian preachers, became a Calvinist. In 1794 he began to preach; in 1798 gave up his business; moved with his family to Mere in Wiltshire, and devoted himself wholly to religious work. His unauthorised ministration, though acceptable to the multitude, did not meet with the approval of the regular preachers. Monetary difficulties drove him to Frome in Somerset in 1800, but his reputation as a preacher was then established, and shortly afterwards he was invited to become minister of the London Tabernacle. He died in London in 1826, leaving a widow and one son, Charles. Hyatt published many single sermons, and a collection of addresses on various subjects, London, 1811, 8vo (2nd edition in the same year). Another volume of sermons was edited by his son, with a memoir by J. Morison prefixed, London, 1828. 'Sketches of fifty Ser-