Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/376

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ceeded in obtaining a dispensation from this payment in 1652, on the ground that Hyde was possessed of lands and woods in Wiltshire, and that his wife's father was wealthy. The matter was brought before the public by John Ley in 'An Acquittance or Discharge from Dr. E. H. his Demand of a Fifth Part of the Rectory of Br. in Barks,’ &c., 1654, 4to, which included 'An Apologie against the Doctors Defamations … at Oxford and elsewhere,' and 'A Preparative to further Contestation about other Differences.' It was followed in 1655 by 'General Reasons … against the Defalcation of a Fifth Part of the Minister's Maintenance, … whereto are added particular Reasons against the Payment … to Dr. E. H. … Together with an Answer to a Letter of the said Dr. E. H., occasioned by the late Insurrection at Salisbury.' An account of the 'further Contestation ' would seem to be given in 'A Debate concerning the English Liturgy … drawn out in two English and two Latine Epistles written betwixt Edward Hyde, D.D., and John Ley;' this was published by Ley in 1656, 4to. Hyde retired from Brightwell to Oxford, and resided in the precincts of Hart Hall. He 'studied frequently in Bodley's Library,' and preached in the church of Holywell in the suburbs till ' silenced by the Faction.' In 1658 he obtained, by favour of his exiled kinsman, Edward Hyde, the lord chancellor, letters patent for the deanery of Windsor, but died 16 Aug. 1659 at Salisbury, before he could enjoy his preferment. He was buried in the cathedral.

Hyde was the author of:

  1. 'A Wonder and yet no Wonder: a great Red Dragon in Heaven,' London, 1651, 8vo.
  2. 'The Mystery of Christ in us,' &c., London, 1651, 8vo. This consists of six sermons on various topics.
  3. 'A Christian Legacy, consisting of two parts: i. A Preparation for Death, ii. A Consolation against Death,' Oxford, 1657, 12mo.
  4. ‘Christ and his Church, or Christianity explained, under seven Evangelical and Ecclesiastical Heads, &c. With a Justification of the Church of England,' &c., London, 1658, 4to.
  5. 'A Christian Vindication of Truth against Errour, concerning these Seven Controversies,' &c., London, 1659, 12mo. The book is against 'G.B.,' who had written on the Roman catholic side against the English church.

After Hyde's death R. Boreman edited two works left in manuscript:

  1. 'The True Catholick's Tenure, or a good Christian's Certainty, which he ought to have of his Religion, and may have of his Salvation,' Cambridge, 1662, 8vo.
  2. 'Allegiance and Conscience not fled out of England, or the Doctrine of the Church of England concerning Allegiance and Supremacy: as it was delivered by the former Author upon the occasion and at the time of trying the King by his own Subjects; in several Sermons, anno 1649,' Cambridge, 1662, 8vo.

A Latin poem by Hyde is prefixed to Dean Duport's translation of Job into Greek verse (1637), and he contributed to the 'Cambridge Poems' some verses in celebration of the birth of the Princess Elizabeth (1635).

[Welch's Alumni Westmonast. p. 97; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 569, 575, 643, iv. 833; Wood's Fasti, ii. 54; Cole MSS. xlv. 233, 240; D. Lloyd's Memoirs, &c.,p. 541; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, p. 260, ed. 1714.]

HYDE, EDWARD, Earl of Clarendon (1609–1674), descended from a family of Hydes established at Norbury in Cheshire, son of Henry Hyde of Dinton, Wiltshire, by Mary, daughter of Edward Langford of Trowbridge, was born on 18 Feb. 1608-9 (Lister, Life of Clarendon, i. l; The Life of Clarendon, written by himself, ed. 1857, i. § 1). In Lent term 1622 Hyde entered Magdalen Hall, Oxford; failed, in spite of a royal mandate, to obtain a demyship at Magdalen College, and graduated B.A. on 14 Feb. 1626 (Lister, i. 4; Wood, Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 1018). He left the university 'rather with the opinion of a young man of parts and pregnancy of wit, than that he had improved it much by industry' (Life, i. 8). His father had destined him for the church, but the death of two elder brothers made him heir to the paternal estate, and in 1625 he became a member of the Middle Temple (Lister, i. 6). In spite of the care which his uncle, Chief Justice Sir Nicholas Hyde [q.v.], bestowed on his legal education, he preferred to devote himself to polite learning and history, and sought the society of wits and scholars. In February 1634 Hyde was one of the managers of the masque which the Inns of Court presented to the king as a protest against Prynne's illiberal attack upon the drama (Whitelocke, Memorials, f.19). Jonson, Selden, Waller, Hales, and other eminent writers were among his friends. In his old age he used to say ' that he owed all the little he knew and the little good that was in him to the friendship and conversation of the most excellent men in their several kinds that lived in that age,' but always recalled with most fondness his ‘entire and unreserved' friendship with Lord Falkland (Life, i. 25, 35).

In 1629 Hyde married Anne, daughter of Sir George Ayliffe of Gretenham, Wiltshire. She died six months later, but the marriage connected him with the Villiers family, and