Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 29.djvu/300

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Countersnarle,’ 1613, 4to. 2. ‘The Christian's Apparelling by Christ’ (with a recommendatory preface by R. Sibbs), 1625, 8vo. 3. ‘The Citie's Safetie; or, a fruitfull treatise … on Psalm cxxvij. 1,’ 1630, 8vo. 4. ‘Newcastle's Call to her Neighbours and sister Townes and Cities throughout the Land, to take Warning by her Sins and Sorrows lest this overflowing Scourge of Pestilence reach even to them also,’ London, 1637, 12mo. 5. ‘Of Compunction or Pricking of Heart, the time, means, nature, necessity, and order of it, and of Conversion,’ 4to (no date), to which ‘A Catalogue of the most Vendible Books in England,’ London, 1657, is added.

[Cooper's Memorials of Cambridge, ii. 115; Baker's Hist. of St. John's College, Cambridge, pp. 292, 891; Brand's Hist. of Newcastle-on-Tyne, i. 65, 387; Journals of House of Commons, vol. iii.; Memoirs of Ambrose Barnes (Surtees Soc.), passim; Durham Wills and Inventories, vol. ii. (Surtees Soc.)]

T. S.

JENISON, ROBERT (1590–1656), jesuit, born in 1590, was the eldest son of William Jenison, esq., of Walworth Castle in the county of Durham, by Jane, daughter of Barnabas Scurlock, esq., of Ireland, and grandson to Thomas Jenison [q. v.], auditor-general of Ireland (Surtees, Hist. of Durham, iii. 320). He was admitted a student of Gray's Inn on 9 March 1615, was subsequently educated in the English jesuit college at St. Omer, and joined the society in 1617 or 1619. His name appears in Gee's list of priests and jesuits in and about London in 1623. His ordinary alias was Frevil, but he is also mentioned under the assumed name of Beaumont among the jesuits seized by the pursuivants at Clerkenwell in March 1628. In 1645 he became rector of the house of probation at Ghent, and in 1649 missioner in the Hampshire district, where he probably died on 10 or 13 Oct. 1656.

He was a man of erudition, and to him has been erroneously attributed the authorship of two works by Father John Floyd [see under Floyd, John 1572–1649, works numbered 1 and 14], published under the initials ‘J. R.’

[Dodd's Church Hist. ii. 414; Foley's Records, vols. v. and vii.; Gillow's Bibl. Dict. ii. 303, iii. 610; More's Hist. Missionis Anglic. Soc. Jesu, p. 425; Oliver's Jesuit Collections, p. 122; Lysons's Environs of London, vol. iii; Southwell's Bibl. Scriptorum Soc. Jesu, p. 724.]

T. C.

JENISON, ROBERT, the younger (1649–1688), witness to the Popish plot, born in 1649, grand-nephew of the preceding, was second son of John Jenison of High Walworth, Durham, and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Pierson. He spent some time at the jesuit college at Douay, after which he was on 17 June 1676 admitted to Gray's Inn (Foster, Register of Gray's Inn). Emulating the example of Titus Oates, Jenison and his cousin, John Smith, who had previously been confessor to the Jenison family at Walworth, concocted narratives in support of the alleged Popish plot. These statements Jenison presented to the king and council at Hampton Court on 7 Aug. 1679, and to the House of Commons on 9 Nov. 1680. Both Jenison and Smith pretended that the falsity of the dying confession of William Ireland [q. v.], one of the first victims in 1679 of Oates's revelations, had so appalled them as to convert them to protestantism. Jenison published his ‘Informations’ in 1680, and revealed ‘the names of the four ruffians that were to murther the king at Windsor,’ one of whom (Kearney) was arrested, but he was not tried until June 1682, at which date neither Jenison nor Oates ventured to appear against him, and he was consequently released (Luttrell, Brief Relation, vols. i. ii. and iii.) Jenison also published ‘Depositions, with other material Evidences, plainly proving that William Ireland was in London on 19 Aug. 1678, notwithstanding his denial thereof both at his trial and execution.’ He gave evidence against Lord Stafford on the first day of his trial, 30 Nov. 1680, and incidentally denounced his elder brother, Thomas Jenison, a jesuit, who had been educated at St. Omers, and had died in Newgate on 25 Sept. 1679.

Robert succeeded to High Walworth upon the death of his father in 1680, but he sold the property almost immediately to Sir Ralph Jenison (1613–1700) of Elswick, near Newcastle, deputy lieutenant for the county of Northumberland, and died unmarried in December 1688. Sir Ralph, the purchaser of Walworth, was great-uncle of Francis Jenison, who sold the property in 1772 and emigrated to Germany, where he became chamberlain to the elector palatine and a count of the holy Roman empire, leaving numerous children, one of whom, Francis, count Jenison Walworth, is separately noticed.

[Ambrose Barnes's Memoirs, p. 498 (Surtees Soc.); Surtees's Hist. of Durham, iii. 316–20; Burnet's Hist. of his own Time, ii. 187–9; The Impartial Protestant Mercury, 1681 passim; The Informations of Robert Jennison of Graye's Inn, Introduction; Smith's Narrative, containing a further Discovery of the Popish Plot; Foley's Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, v. 632 sq., where a full account of Thomas Jenison and other members of the family who were jesuits is given.]

T. S.