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and was elected a member of numerous foreign societies. On his father's death in 1802 he removed from Salisbury to Boyton, where he entertained many eminent foreign naturalists, and formed an herbarium of some thirty thousand specimens. This collection, of the sources of which there is a full account by David Don in Lambert's 'Pinus,' vol. ii., reprinted with some abridgment in Sir R. C. Hoare's 'History of Wiltshire,' was at all times freely open to botanical students. Sir J. E. Smith styles Lambert 'one of the most ardent and experienced botanists of the present age,' and his skill is shown by his recognition for the first time of Carduus tuberosus and Centaurea nigrescens, and by his first independent work, 'A Description of the genus Cinchona,' published in 1797. This work, dedicated to Banks and the Linnean Society, describes eight species, mostly from Bank's specimens. Towards the close of his life, finding that Boyton did not suit his health, Lambert took a house at Kew Green, where he died 10 Jan. 1842. His library and herbarium were subsequently dispersed by auction, Ruiz and Pavon's Chilian Peruvian specimens being purchased the British Museum. Lambert married Catherine, daughter of Richard Bowater of Allesley, Warwickshire, hut she died before him, leaving no issue.

An oil portrait of Lambert by Russell, now at the Linnean Society's rooms, was engraved by Holl, and an engraving by W. Evans from a drawing by H. Edridge was published in Cadell's 'Contemporary Portraits' in 1811. Besides various species of plants that bear his name, Smith dedicated to his friend the genus Lambertia among Australian Proteaccæ, and Martius founded a genus Aylmeria, not now maintained.

Lambert's chief work, to which his paid assistant, David Don [q. v.], was a large contributor, was his monograph of the genus 'Pinus,' one of the most sumptuous botanical works ever issued. Of this the first volume, comprising forty-three folio coloured plates and dedicated to Banks, appeared in 1803; the second, comprising twelve plates, dedicated to Sir R. C. Hoare, in 1824. Of the second edition, vol. i., containing thirty-six plates, appeared in 1828; vol. ii., with thirty-five plates, in 1828; and vol. iii with seventeen plates, in 1837. A quarto edition in two volumes, dedicated to William IV, appeared in 1832. Besides this he published in 1821 'An Illustration of the Genus Cinchona,' 4to, dedicated to Humboldt, describing twenty-one species, and a translation of 'An Eulogium on Don Hippolito Ruiz Lopez,' 1831, 8vo. Lambert's copy of Hudson's 'Flora Anglica,' the manual of his youth, with his manuscript notes, is in the library of the British Museum.

[Athenæum. 1842, p. 1137; Gent. Mag. 1842, i. 667–8: Proceedings of the Linnean Society, i. 137; Gardeners' Chronicle, 1842, pp. 271. 439; Rees's Cyclopædia.]

LAMBERT, DANIEL (1770–1809), the most corpulent man of whom authentic record exists, elder of two sons of a Daniel Lambert who had been huntsman to the Earl of Stamford, was born in the parish of St. Margaret, Leicester, on 13 March 1770. He was apprenticed to the engraved button trade in Birmingham, but in 1788 returned to live with his father, who was at that time keeper of Leicester gaol. The elder Lambert resigned in 1791, and the son succeeded to his post. It was shortly after this period that Daniel's size and weight enormously increased. In his youth he had been greatly addicted to field-sports, was strong and active, a great walker and swimmer, hut although his habits were still active Lambert weighed thirty-two stone in 1793. He only drank water, and slept lees than eight hours a day. In 1805 he resigned his post at the prison on an annuity of 60l., and in the following year began to turn to profit the fame for corpulence which had hitherto brought him merely annoyance. He had a special carriage constructed, went to London, and in April 1806 commenced 'receiving company' from twelve to five at No. 53 Piccadilly. Great curiosity was excited, and many descriptions of Lambert were published. 'When sitting' (according to one account) 'he appears to be a stupendous mass of flesh, for his thighs are so covered by his belly that nothing but his knees are to be seen, while the flesh of his legs, which resemble pillows, projects in such a manner as to nearly bury his feet.' Lambert's limbs, however, were well proportioned; his face was 'manly and intelligent,' and he was ready in repartee. He revisited London in 1807, when he exhibited at 4 Leicester Square, and then made a series of visits in the provinces. He was at Cambridge in June 1809, and went thence by Huntingdon to Stamford, where, according to the local paper, he 'attained the acme of mortal hugeness.' He died there at the Waggon and Horses inn on 21 July 1809. His coffin, which contained 112 superficial feet of elm, was built upon two axle-trees and four wheels, upon which his body was rolled down a gradual incline from the inn to the burial-ground of St. Martin's, Stamford Baron (for Lambert's epitaph see Notes and Queries, 4th ser. xi. 355.).

Lambert's sudden death was owing doubt-