Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/264

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another edition, with different title-page, 'A Plea for the Use of Gospel Ordinances.' 1652. This work, together with the 'Communion and Warre.' is dedicated to the author's mother, who would seem to have suggested its preparation. It is principally a reply to William Dell's 'Doctrine of Baptismes.'

[Gent. Mag. 1815, pt. ii. pp. 14-17; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 63-5; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xii. 177, 3rd ser. vii. 377, viii. 98, 289, 5th ser. xi. 601-3, xii. 212, 6th ser. ii. 155, 174, 298, xi. 208; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1652-9; Waters's Chesters of Chicheley, i. v; Cussans's Hertfordshire, 'Hundred of Hertford,' p. 136; Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, ii. 211, 213; Bishop John Wilkins's Eeclesiastes, 4th ed. p. 81; Masson's Life of Milton, iii. 402; Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, ed. Archdall, under 'Barrymore.']

LAWRENCE, Sir HENRY MONTGOMERY (1806–1857), brigadier-general, chief commissioner in Oudh, was the fourth son of Colonel Alexander Lawrence, an officer who had seen a large amount of active service in India in the 77th regiment. His mother was Letitia Catherine, daughter of the Rev. George Knox of county Donegal. He was born on 28 June 1806 at Matura in Ceylon, where his father was then serving in the 19th foot. The family returned to England in 1808, and in 1813 he was sent with his brothers, Alexander and George [see Lawrence, Sir George St. Patrick], to school at Foyle College, Derry, where his maternal uncle, the Rev. James Knox, was head-master. In 1819 he went to Mr. Gough's school, College Green, Bristol, with his younger brother, Jonn Laird Mair, afterwards lord Lawrence [q. v.], the family being then resident at Clifton; and in August 1820 he joined his brother George at Addiscombe. He did not particularly distinguish himself as a cadet, but by application succeeded, on 10 May 1822, in obtaining a commission as second lieutenant in the Bengal artillery.

He sailed for India in the following September, arrived at Calcutta on 21 Feb. 1823, and joined the headquarters of the Bengal artillery at Dum-Dum. Here he met the Rev. (afterwards Sir) George Craufurd, the chaplain, and the little band of religious officers who lived with him at Fairy Hall. At home as a youth Lawrence had come under strong religious influences, and he joined the party at Fairy Hall, although he mingled as before with his old associates. His disposition was naturally reserved, and his religion throughout life showed itself in little outward demonstration.

On 17 March 1824 Lord Amherst declared war with Bunnell, and early in June Lawrence sailed with his battery to Chittagong. He was promoted first lieutenant on 5 Oct. 1825. He took part in the capture of Aracan, and on 18 Nov. was appointed adjutant to the artillery, S.E. division. On 26 April 1826 he was appointed deputy-commissary of ordnance at Akyab, but was seized with the fever and dysentery which had been so active among the troops, and was sent to Calcutta. Here he was nursed by George Craufurd until he sailed for England on 2 Aug. by the China route, arriving in England in May 1827. He remained at home for two years and a half, and during this leisure time he joined the trigonometrical survey in the north of Ireland, and acquired information which was of great value to him afterwards when employed on the revenue survey of India.

In September 1829 Lawrence sailed for India, accompanied by a sister and by his brother John, who had just entered the civil service of the East India Company. They arrived at Calcutta on 9 Feb. 1830, and Lawrence was posted to the foot artillery at Kurnaul, where his brother George, recently married, was adjutant of a cavalry regiment. For eighteen months Henry lived in his brothers house, and devoted his spare time to the study of native languages. In the autumn of 1830 he took a trip to Simla and on his return paid a visit to his friend and brother-officer, Captain (afterwards Sir) Proby Thomas Cautley [q. v.], to see the large irrigation works on which he was engaged. On 27 Sept. 1831 Lawrence was transferred to the horse artillery at Meerut, and on 29 Nov. was posted to the first brigade horse artillery at Cawnpore. He lived a very retired life, studying to fit himself for staff employment, and endeavouring by strict economy to put by some savings for the Lawrence fund, as the brothers called a provision they were gradually making for their mother's support in the event of the death of their father, who was now old and infirm. On 12 Sept. 1832 he was pronounced qualified in native languages, and was recommended for the duties of interpreter. In the cold weather his troop went to Dum-Dum, and he seized this opportunity to pass the language examination at the college, Fort William. On 13 Jan. 1883 he was appointed interpreter and quartermaster to the 7th battery of artillery. This appointment he, however, resigned on the 28th of the same month, and was reappointed to the horse artillery at Cawnpore.

Owing to the good offices of his brother George, on 22 Feb. 1833 he was appointed an assistant revenue surveyor in the northwest provinces, and assumed charge of his