Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/377

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Ralph Sadler; the younger daughter, Mary or Maud, married Sir Humphrey Coningsby, knt., second son of John Coningsby, esq., of North Mimms, and afterwards Ralph Pemberton, esq.; she died without issue. Lee's Place and the Sopewell property went to Anne, and were settled on her second son, Richard, who married Joyce, daughter of Robert Honywood of Charing, Kent, and had a numerous family. The rest of the property, settled on Maud, passed on her death without issue also to Anne. Langleybury, which formed part of the possessions of the monastery of St. Albans granted to Lee, was sold by him to Queen Elizabeth.

Nicholas Stone, sen., the statuary, had a portrait of Lee, whom he much esteemed. It was painted on board about a foot high, his sword by his side; it went afterwards to Charles Straker, a kinsman of Stone, by whom it was given to Ben Jackson, master-mason, who died 10 May 1719.

[Chauncy's Antiquities of Hertfordshire, 1700; Clutterbuck's History and Antiquities of County of Hertford, 1815; Scott's Border Antiquities, 1814; Patten's Expedition into Scotland, 1548; State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler, 1809; Stevenson's Calendar of State Papers, 1863-7-9; Palgrave's Ancient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of the Exchequer, 1836; Ridpath's Border History, 1776; Fragments of Scottish History, 1798; Hayne's State Papers of Burghley, 1740; Calendars of State Papers, Henry VIII, 1836, Scottish Series, 1858, Lemon's, 1856, Turnbull's, 1861; Original Documents, Naval and Military Affairs, 16th and 17th Centuries, Brit. Museum; Original Documents relating to the Affairs of France, &c, 16th and 17th Centuries, Addit. MSS. Brit. Museum; Nichols's Chronicle of Calais, 1846 (Camd. Soc.); Camden's Britannia, by Gibson, 1772; Fuller's Worthies of England, ed. Nichols, 1811; Lodge's Illustrated British Hist. 1791; Nichols's Diary of Henry Machyn, 1848; Grose's Military Antiquities, 1801; Cott MSS. Faustina, Caligula; Weever's Funerall Monuments, 1767; Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, 1782; Gent. Mag. vol. lii. 1782; Edinburgh Review, August 1810.]

LEE, RICHARD NELSON (1806–1872), actor and dramatist, son of Lieutenant-colonel Lee, was born at Kew on 8 Jan. 1806, the day of Nelson's public funeral, a circumstance to which he owed his second name. A plan for his joining the navy fell through in consequence of his father's death in India. He first acted in the 'Miller and his Men' at the private theatre in Rawstorne Street, paying for his appearance. He then played as an amateur at Deptford, was also in what is called 'utility' business at the old Royalty, practised legerdemain, and accompanied on tour Gyngell, a professional conjurer. After giving conjuring performances on his own account in Edinburgh, with not very satisfactory results, Lee acted with Richardson, and joined Robert William Elliston [q. v.] in his final occupancy of the Surrey, which began on 24 June 1827. At the Surrey, under different managers, he remained seven years, playing harlequin in the Christmas pantomimes, which he wrote for Osbaldistone, the successor (1831) in management of Charles Elliston. For Yates and Matthews at the Adelphi he is said to have written in 1834 the pantomime 'Oranges and Lemons,' in which in the course of one week he was seen as clown, harlequin, and pantaloon. In 1836 he managed Sadler's Wells for Osbaldistone, then lessee of Covent Garden. On the death of John Richardson [q. v.], the proprietor of 'Richardson's Show.' on 14 Oct. 1836, Lee, in conjunction with Johnson of the Surrey, bought his business, which they conducted with success. In connection with Johnson, Lee managed the Marylebone, the Pavilion, the Standard, and finally the City of London theatres, the direction of which they retained for fifteen years. After Johnson's death in 1864 Lee remained in management until 1867, when he retired, and afterwards confined his attention to miscellaneous entertainments at the Crystal Palace or elsewhere. In 1866 he prepared an autobiography, which, like his other works, remains in manuscript. Lee wrote over two hundred pantomimes and plays, mostly for those East-end theatres which he managed. The dramas consisted principally, if not entirely, of adaptations. His works displayed some invention and familiarity with stage resources, but little literary faculty. In the British Museum Catalogue the 'Life of a Fairy,' illustrated by Alfred Crowquill, London, 1850, 12mo, is assigned to Nelson Lee. Lee died at Shrubland Road, Dalston, on 2 Jan. 1872, and was buried on the 5th in Abney Park cemetery.

[Personal recollections; Era newspaper, 7 Jan. 1872; Era Almanack, various years; Barton Baker's London Stage, 1889; E. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1881; Raymond's Life of Elliston, 1857.]

LEE, ROBERT (1804–1868), professor at Edinburgh, born at Tweedmouth, Northumberland, 11 Nov. 1804, was educated at Berwick-on-Tweed grammar school, and worked for a time as a boat-builder. In 1824 he proceeded to the university of St. Andrews, where he distinguished himself in classics. In 1833 he was elected minister of the presbyterian chapel of ease at Arbroath, Forfarshire; in 1836 was removed to the parish of Campsie, Stirlingshire, and on 29 Aug.