Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 33.djvu/440

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and ‘Oblivion’ were jointly written by Lloyd and Colman at a meeting of the Nonsense Club as parodies of the odes of Mason and Gray. 2. ‘The Actor; a Poetical Epistle to Bonnell Thornton, Esq.,’ London, 1760, 4to (anon.); the fourth edition, London, 1764, 4to, with some critical alterations by the author of ‘The Promptor,’ Dublin, 1811, 4to. 3. ‘The Tears and Triumphs of Parnassus,’ 1760, 4to. This ‘occasional interlude on the death of George II and the accession of his successor’ is said to have been performed at Drury Lane (Southey, Cowper, i. 68), but it is not mentioned in Genest. 4. ‘Shakespeare, an Epistle to Mr. Garrick; with an Ode to Genius,’ London, 1760, 4to (anon.). 5. ‘An Epistle [in verse] to Charles Churchill, author of the “Rosciad,”’ London, 1761, 4to. 6. ‘Arcadia; or the Shepherd's Wedding: a dramatic pastoral [in three scenes and in verse],’ London, 1761, 8vo (anon.); another edition [London, 1778?], 8vo. This was produced at Drury Lane on 26 Oct. 1761. 7. ‘Poems by Robert Lloyd, A.M.,’ London, 1762, 4to. 8. ‘The Death of Adam, a tragedy; in three acts [and in verse], from the German of Mr. Klopstock,’ London, 1763, 12mo (anon.); another edition, Portsea, 1810, 12mo. 9. ‘Moral Tales by M. Marmontel [translated from the French by C. Dennis and R. Lloyd],’ London, 1764, 12mo, 3 vols. (several editions). 10. ‘The New River Head. A Tale [in verse],’ &c., London, 1764, 4to. 11. ‘The Capricious Lovers; a comic opera [in three acts in prose, with songs imitated from C. S. Favart's ‘Le Caprice amoureux ou Ninette à la Cour’]. … The music composed by Mr. Rush,’ London, 1764, 8vo; another edition, London, 1780, 8vo. 12. ‘The Capricious Lovers; a musical entertainment [in two acts in prose with songs], taken from the opera of that name,’ London, 1765, 8vo. 13. ‘Phillis at Court, a comic opera of three acts [in prose and verse, an alteration of Lloyd's ‘Capricious Lovers’]. The music by Tomaso Giordani,’ London, 1767, 8vo.

Lloyd's ‘Poetical Works’ were published in 1774 by Dr. Kenrick, who prefixed to them a worthless ‘Account of the Life and Writings of the Author’ and a portrait (London, 8vo, 2 vols.) The ‘imitation from the Spectator by Mr. Robert Lloyd,’ which was printed in the ‘Gentleman's Magazine’ for August 1762 (p. 381), is omitted in the collection. Lloyd's poems are included in the collections of Anderson (vol. x.), Chalmers (vol. xv.), and others.

[The Poetical Works of Robert Lloyd, 1774; Cumberland's Memoirs, 1807, i. 66–7; Southey's Life and Works of William Cowper, 1835, i. 37, 60–9, 74–80, 90, 93–105; Peake's Memoirs of the Colman Family, 1841, i. 33–4, 40, 49, 52, 59–61, 66, 70–1, 88, 102, 105, 145–8; Boswell's Life of Johnson (G. B. Hill), i. 395, 420, ii. 334–5; Davies's Memoirs of Garrick, 1808, i. 362–3; Fitzgerald's Wilkes; John Forster's Biog. Essays, 1860; Chalmers's British Essayists, 1823, vol. xxv. p. xxxviii, xxvi. 3–5, 35, 127–9, 315–19, 364–7; Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary; Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, 1812, ii. 330–1, vi. 425, viii. 498, ix. 495; Baker's Biog. Dramat. 1812, vol. i. pt. ii. pp. 457–8; Grad. Cantabr. 1823, p. 296; Alumni Westmon. 1852; Chester's Westm. Abbey Registers (Harl. Soc. Publ. vol. x.), pp. 431–2; Gent. Mag. 1764, xxxiv. 603; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xii. 48, 7th ser. xi. 287; Watt's Bibl. Brit. 1824; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

LLOYD, SIMON (1756–1836), Welsh methodist, born in 1756, was the son of Simon Lloyd of Plas yn dre, Bala, by Sarah, daughter of Thomas Bowen of Tyddyn, near Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire. His mother had joined the communistic ‘family’ established by Howel Harris [q. v.] in 1752 at Trevecca, but it is believed that most of her property was restored to her on her marriage (17 Aug. 1755) to Simon Lloyd the elder, who was himself a gentleman of means, and the representative of an old Merionethshire family (Hughes, Methodistiaeth Cymru, ii. 21–3). The son entered Jesus College, Oxford, 8 April 1775, and graduated B.A. in 1779. He entered holy orders, and while curate of Bryneglwys, near Mold, in 1785 or soon after, he invited Thomas Charles [q. v.] of Bala to preach in his church after Charles's secession from the church of England. Charles's presence aroused a storm of indignation in the parish. Lloyd resigned his charge, retired to Bala, and for the remainder of his days associated himself with the Calvinistic methodist movement (ib. i. 597–8). It is said that he was nominated in 1803 by Sir Watkin Wynn to the perpetual curacy of Llanuwchllyn, Merionethshire, ‘but after serving the curacy for some time, Bishop Horsley refused to sanction his nomination’ on the ground of previous irregularities (Williams, Eminent Welshmen, pp. 286–7).

Up to 1811 Lloyd was one of the three episcopally ordained priests in North Wales (Thomas Charles of Bala and William Lloyd of Carnarvon being the other two), who alone were allowed to administer the sacraments among the methodists (Hughes, Hanes Methodistiaeth, i. 444). After Charles's death in 1814 Lloyd edited two volumes of the Welsh magazine called ‘Y Drysorfa,’ Bala, 8vo. He died at his residence in Bala, 6 Nov. 1836, and was buried in the family vault at Llanycil Church, Merionethshire.