Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 34.djvu/131

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Donn, monarch of Ireland. Anno Mundi 912.' which he regarded as his masterpiece (Martin, Cat. of Privately Printed books, p. 105).

His son, Barak Longmate (1768-1836), born in 1768, succeeded his father in his profession and as editor of the 'Pocket Peerage,' of which he issued an edition in two duodecimo volumes in 1813; but the increased success of Debrett's 'Peerage' interfered with the sale. He was a good draughtsman, and well skilled in heraldry, and was of much assistance to John Nichols and other antiquarians in their topographical labours.

About 1801 he made notes respecting the churches in many Gloucestershire parishes, with the view of publishing a continuation of Bigland's 'History' of that county. Owing however, to the fire at Nichols's printing-office in 1808, the work was abandoned, and the manuscript was deposited among the collections of Sir Thomas Phillipps at Middle Hill, Broadway, Worcestershire. Longmate died on 25 Feb. 1836 (Gent. Mag. 1836, i. 441).

[Nichol's Lit Anecd. ix, 4. 51; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists, 1878.]

G. G.

LONGMUIR, JOHN (1803–1883), Scottish antiquary, son of John Longmuir and Christian Paterson, was born near Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, 13 Nov. 1803. In 1814 his parents removed to Aberdeen, where he was educated at the grammar school and Marischal College. After graduating M.A. he completed his divinity studies, and taught for some years in schools at Stonehaven and Forres. The presbytery of Forres licensed him to preach in July 1833. In 1837 he was appointed evening lecturer in Trinity Chapel, Aberdeen, and in September 1840 was ordained to ‘Mariners'’ quoad sacra church there. At the disruption (1843) he went over with most of his congregation to the free church, and continued in the same charge till 1881. He was for some years lecturer on geology at King's College, Aberdeen, and on his retirement in 1859 was granted the degree of LL.D. He died at Aberdeen 7 May 1883. He was twice married, first in 1835, and again in 1857.

Longmuir was a man of versatile attainments, and has left proofs of his ability as geologist, poet, antiquary, philologist, and preacher. His first publication was ‘The College and other Poems’ (anon., Aberdeen, 1825). The leading poem deals with the defects of the academic system of the time, and probably contains his best verse. Three later volumes of verse were ‘Bible Lays,’ a collection of original poems (1st. edit. Aberdeen, 1838; 2nd edit. Edinburgh, 1877); ‘Ocean Lays,’ a compilation, with twenty-five original poems (Edinburgh, 1854); and ‘Lays for the Lambs,’ forty-two pieces written for the children of his church (Aberdeen, 1860). He produced two excellent guidebooks, one to Dunnottar Castle (Aberdeen, 1835), which has passed through nine editions; the other to Speyside (Aberdeen, 1860), which is out of print, and is now rare. His ‘Maiden Stone of Bennachie’ (Aberdeen, 1869), originally given as a lecture, contains a lithograph of this curious monolith, and a tradition connected with it, which he put into verse. In ‘A Run through the Land of Burns and the Covenanters’ (Aberdeen, 1872) he confuted Sheriff Napier's attempt to disprove that two female covenanters were drowned at Wigton, and celebrated the ‘two Margarets’ in some vigorous stanzas. His edition of Ross's ‘Helenore’ (Edinburgh, 1866), with a life of the author, is the standard one.

Longmuir was also a competent lexicographer. He edited a combined version of Walker's and Webster's ‘Dictionaries’ (London, 1864), and Walker's ‘Rhyming Dictionary’ (London, 1865), with a long introduction on English versification. A revision of Jamieson's ‘Scottish Dictionary’ long occupied him. His abridged edition was issued at Aberdeen in 1867, and an elaborate complete edition in 4 vols. quarto (Paisley, 1879–82). The last is probably his most important work. On the title-page he appears as joint-editor with David Donaldson (cf. Preface to vol. i.) He has made the ‘Dictionary’ a mine of philological wealth. As a preacher Longmuir's style was homely and conversational. Several of his sermons were published separately, generally with an original hymn attached. He had a powerful voice, and sometimes showed real oratorical ability. Fluent and ready-witted he was very popular as a platform speaker, and was especially successful as a temperance advocate. In appearance he was tall and burly.

[Walker's Bards of Bon-Accord, which is, however, inaccurate in some particulars; Edwards's Modern Scottish Poets, 2nd ser.; obituary notices in Aberdeen newspapers; Irving's Eminent Scotsmen; private information from his son, A. D. Longmuir, esq., Sherborne; personal knowledge.]

J. C. H.

LONGSTROTHER, JOHN (d. 1471), lord treasurer of England, was a knight of the order of St. John of Jerusalem. He was a favourite of Henry VI, who transacted business with him connected with his order in 1453. He then held the position of castellan of Rhodes. In 1454 he went to Rome,