Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 34.djvu/161

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11 March 1812, and was buried in Chiswick churchyard, where there is a monument to him designed by Sir John Soane, and bearing an inscription composed by Dr. C. L. Moody. De Loutherbourg was highly respected in private life.

De Loutherbourg's landscapes and marine subjects are characterised by romantic feeling, and, although they have a tendency to staginess, are wholly free from vulgarity. His acquaintance with Alpine scenery and his knowledge of the continent generally did not impair his admiration for English landscape. A series of engravings in aquatint of English scenery, from drawings by him, was published in 1801 under the title of 'Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain,' and a second and similar set was issued in 1805. His large battle-pieces and scenes in the lives of banditti excited the admiration of his contemporaries. The former include 'Admiral Duncan's Victory at Camperdown,' 1797 (engraved by J. Fittler), 'Earl Howe's Victory on 1 June 1794' (engraved by J. Fittler), 'The Landing of the British Troops in Egypt, 1801' (engraved by L. Schiavonetti), and 'The Grand Attack on Valenciennes under the Duke of York, 25 July 1793' (engraved by W. Bromley). Early examples of De Loutherbourg's painting are to be met with in provincial galleries in France and in private collections in England. A 'View in Cumberland,' formerly in the Vernon collection (engraved by W. Richardson), is now in the National Gallery, and a landscape by De Loutherbourg has recently been presented by Mr. Tate to the South Kensington Museum. Drawings by him are in the print room of the British Museum, together with a collection of his etchings, most of which he produced at an early date in his career, and they include some burlesque pieces (for a catalogue of his etchings see Baudicour, Peintre Graveur Français). De Loutherbourg's services were also largely employed in book-illustration. He drew many of the plates and vignettes in Macklin's 'Bible,' Bowyer's 'History of England,'Bell's 'British Theatre,' and similar works. His portrait, drawn from a miniature by J. Jackson, R.A., was engraved by H. Meyer for Cadell's 'Contemporary Portraits.'

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Jal's Dict. Crit. de Biographie; Sandby's Hist. of the Royal Academy; Biographie Générale; Magasin Encyclopédiqoe, vol. iv.; Dussieux's Les Artistes Français à l'Étranger; Mariette's Abecedario; Chennevière's Archives de l'Art Français; Bellier de la Chavignerie's Dictionnaire des Artistes de l'École Français; Nagler's Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon; Baudicour's Peintre Graveur Français; Library of the Fine Arts, i. 327; Faulkner's Hist. of Hammersmith; Faulkner's Hist. of Brentford, Chiswick, and Isleworth; Magazine of Art, January 1886.]

LOVAT, Lord (1667?–1747), Jacobite intriguer. [See Fraser, Simon.]

LOVE, CHRISTOPHER (1618–1651), puritan minister, born at Cardiff, Glamorganshire, in 1618, was the youngest son of Christopher Love, and at fourteen years of age was converted by William Erbury [q. v.], the independent. The father disapproved of his religious impressions, and apprenticed him in London, whereupon Erbury and Mrs. Love sent him to Oxford at their joint expense. He entered as a poor scholar of New Inn Hall under Dr. Rogers in June 1636, and graduated B.A. 2 May 1639. Wood says he was accustomed to ascend the pulpit of the church of St. Peter-in-the-Bayly at Oxford, and 'hold out prating' for more than an hour. On the other hand, his wife declares that he was often brought into the bishop's court 'for hearing of sermons.' He was the first to refuse subscription to Laud's new canons of 1640, and although allowed to proceed M.A. on 26 March 1642, he was expelled from congregation. In 1639 he proceeded to London on the invitation of sheriff Warner to act as chaplain to his family. Here he met his future wife (Mary, daughter of Matthew Stone, formerly a merchant in London), who was the sheriff's ward. Subsequently Love received an invitation to become lecturer at St. Ann's, Aldersgate, but was for three years refused his allowance by the bishop of London because he had not been ordained. Declining episcopal ordination, he went to Scotland to seek it at the hands of the presbytery; but was disappointed, as the Scottish Church had decreed to ordain only those who settled among them. He refused 'large offers' to stay in Scotland, and on his return to England, about 1641, preached at Newcastle 'by invitation' before the mayor and aldermen, when he expressed himself so freely against the errors of the Book of Common Prayer, that he was committed to the common gaol. He was subsequently removed to London on a writ of Habeas Corpus, was tried in the king's bench, and was acquitted. About the outbreak of the civil war he preached as a lecturer at Tenterden, Kent, on the lawfulness of a defensive war, and was accused of treason, but he was acquitted and recovered his costs. Shortly afterwards he was made chaplain to Colonel Venn's regiment (State Papers, Dom. 1642, p. 372), and when Venn was made governor of Windsor