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in these collections were some glazed earthenware coffins of the Parthian period. In 1853 he was sent out again to Babylon and Nineveh by the Assyrian Excavation Fund, and returned in 1855, bringing with him collections from Mukeyyer, Sherifkhan, Tellsifr, Senkerah, and Warka, which are now in the British Museum. These collections include some eighty tablets, besides vases and objects in metal. He was then appointed to the geological survey of India, but his health broke down from sun-stroke, following on repeated attacks of fever while in Assyria, and he was ordered to Rangoon to recruit. Owing partly to the interruption of the survey by the mutiny, he embarked for England on the Tyburnia in November 1858, and died on board within a week of starting, from the effects of an abscess of the liver.

In 1852 he issued a volume of lithographs of cuneiform inscriptions, without a title, and in 1857 he published ‘Travels and Researches in Chaldæa and Susiana.’ He also contributed to the ‘Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society’ papers ‘On the Geological Structure of the Mountain Range of Western Persia’ (1851, vii. 263) and ‘On the Geology of Portions of the Turko-Persian Frontier’ (1854, x. 464, and 1855, xi. 247); and, to the ‘Journal of the Royal Geographical Society,’ ‘Notes on a Journey from Bagdad to Busrah’ (1856, xxvi. 131), and on ‘The Determination of the River Eulæus of the Greek Historians’ (1857, xxvii. 120). Plants collected by him in Assyria and Persia are in the herbaria at Kew and at the British Museum, and some antiquities were presented by him to the Newcastle Museum.

[Gent. Mag. 1859, i. 435; Proceedings Royal Geographical Society, 1858–9, iii. 259; Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, 1853, p. 545; and information from the Brit. Mus. authorities.]

LOGAN, GEORGE (1678–1755), controversialist, born in 1678, was son of George Logan of the Ayrshire family, by his wife, a daughter of A. Cunningham, minister of Old Cumnock. He was educated at Glasgow University, and graduated M.A. in 1696. On 4 March 1703 he was licensed as a preacher in the church of Scotland, and became chaplain to John, earl of Lauderdale. He was successively minister of Lauder, Berwickshire, 1707; Sprouston, Roxburghshire, 1718; Dunbar, Haddingtonshire, 1721; and Trinity College Church, Edinburgh, 1732. On 8 May 1740 he was elected by a large majority moderator of the general assembly, and in that capacity solemnly deposed Ebenezer Erskine [q. v.] and seven other seceding brethren a week later. He strenuously supported the Hanoverian accession, and on the approach of the Jacobite army towards Edinburgh in 1745, was a warm but unsuccessful advocate for placing it in a state of defence. During the occupation of the town by the rebels his house near the Castle Hill, whence he had fled, was occupied by them as a guard-house. His views on hereditary right involved him in a lively contest with Thomas Ruddiman, the Earl of Cromarty, Sir George Mackenzie, John Sage, and other prominent Jacobites. He died on 13 Oct. 1755, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He married, first, a sister of Sir Alexander Home of Eccles, by whom he had a son, George, minister of Ormiston, Haddingtonshire, and a daughter. His second wife was Lilias Weir.

In person Logan was ‘a little neat man;’ his capacity was slender, and his writings subjected him to much ridicule (Chalmers, Life of Ruddiman; see, however, Chambers, Eminent Scotsmen, ii. 541). He wrote:

  1. ‘An Essay upon Gospel and Legal Preaching,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1723.
  2. ‘A modest and humble Inquiry concerning the Right and Power of electing and calling Ministers to vacant Churches,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1732.
  3. ‘A Continuation of the Inquiry,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1732.
  4. ‘A Vindication of the Inquiry,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1733.
  5. ‘An Overture for a right Constitution of the General Assembly, and an Illustration of it,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1736.
  6. ‘The Lawfulness and Necessity of Ministers, their reading the Act of Parliament for bringing to Justice the Murderers of Captain John Porteous,’ 12mo, Edinburgh, 1737.
  7. ‘A Treatise on Government: shewing that the right of the Kings of Scotland to the Crown was not strictly … hereditary,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1746, which was answered by Ruddiman.
  8. ‘A Second Treatise on Government,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1747.
  9. ‘The Finishing Stroke; or, Mr. Ruddiman self-condemned, being a Reply to Mr. Ruddiman's Answer,’ &c., 8vo, Edinburgh, 1748.
  10. ‘The Doctrine of the jure-divino-ship of hereditary indefensible Monarchy enquired into and exploded, in a Letter to Mr. Thomas Ruddiman,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1749.
  11. ‘A Second Letter to Mr. Thomas Ruddiman, vindicating Mr. Alexander Henderson from the vile Aspersions cast upon him by Messieurs Sage and Ruddiman,’ 8vo, Edinburgh, 1749.

[Hew Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot. vol. i. pt. i. pp. 37–8, 302, 369, pt. ii. pp. 473, 520; Anderson's Scottish Nation, ii. 689; Irving's Book of Scotsmen; Cat. of Advocates' Library.]

LOGAN, JAMES (1674–1751), Penn's agent in America and man of science, born at his father's house at Lurgan, co. Armagh,