Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 36.djvu/118

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58, 87). It was probably the knowledge of these sentiments and his fame as a satirist that earned Map the repute of being the true Golias. Of his poems against the Cistercians, one line appears to have been preserved:—

Lancea Longini grex albus ordo nefandus.

This occurs in a reply by W. Bothewald, subprior of St. Prideswide's, Oxford, dating from the twelfth century (printed in Latin Poems, p. xxxv). In one place Bothewald seems to allude to the 'De Nugis' (ib. p. xxxvii). It is noticeable that the metre of this line is different from that of any of the poems commonly attributed to Map. Giraldus says that Map's hostility to the Cistercians arose out of a dispute with the Cistercians of Flixley as to the rights of his church of Westbury (Opera, iv. 219-24, 140). He also refers to Map's poetic tastes in a long letter which he addressed to him (ib. i. 271-89}, and preserves a poem which he sent to Map with a stick, and Map's reply in twelve elegiacs (ib. i, 362-363). The letter appears to be the only undoubted product of Map's muse which is now extant.

The famous so-called 'Drinking-Song' —

Meum est propositum in taberna mori,
Vinum sit appositum morientis ori,
Ut dicant cum venerint angelorum chori,
Deus sit propitius huic potatori—

which more than all else has secured Map a popular repute in modern times, consists of two separate extracts from the 'Confessio Goliæ,' lines 45–52, and 61–76. The first four of these lines form the opening verse of another drinking-song given in Sloane MS. 2593, f. 78, which dates from the fifteenth century (printed in Latin Poems, p. xlv). It is therefore probable that before that date the well-known song had been constructed out of the 'Confessio.' There have been many modern translations of this song (cf. Notes and Queries, 7th ser. viii. 108, 211, 252). Among these are versions by Leigh Hunt, Sir Theodore Martin, and Mr. J. A, Symonds (Wine, Women, and Song). Its supposed authorship must in all probability be abandoned, and in any case the titles of 'the jovial archdeacon and 'the Anacreon of his age' which it has earned for Map are utterly inappropriate.

Many specimens of Map's wit. are preserved by Giraldus (cf. Opera, iii. 145, iv. 140, 219–24). A version of the fable of the hind in the ox-stall is given as 'ex dictis W. Map,' in C.C.C. MS. 139. It is printed in Wright's edition of the 'De Nugis.' p. 244.

[Almost all our knowledge of Map's life is due to the De Nugis Curialium and the frequent references in the works of Giraldus Cambrensis; the latter are quoted from the edition in the Rolls Series; there are two passages relating to him in the life of S. Hugh of Lincoln by Adam of Eynsham in the Rolls Ser.; there are also a few references in the Pipe Rolls and Calendars of Patent and Close Rolls. The most valuable modern account is to be found in Ward's Catalogue of Romances in the British Museum, i. 218, 345–66, 734–41; see also Wright's prefaces to the De Nugis Curialium, and Latin Poems attributed to Walter Map, and his Biographia Britannica Literaria, ii. 295–310; Foss's Judges of England, i. 275–8. For various points in connection with Map's supposed share in the Arthurian romances see Paulin Paris's Romans de la Table Ronde, esp. v. 351–67, and Manuscrits François de la Bibliothèque du Roi; Gaston Paris's Littérature Française au Moyen Age, §§ 60, 62, 63; Jonckbloët's Le Roman de la Charrette par Gauthier Map et Chrestien de Troyes, The Hague, 1850; Maertens's 'Lanzelotsage, eine litterarhistorische Untersuchung,' in Romanische Studien, v. 557–706; Romania, i. 457–72, 'De l'origine et du développement des romans de la Table Ronde,' by Paulin Paris, x. 470, on the Lanzelet of Ulrich of Zatzikhoven by Gaston Paris, and xii. 459–534, 'Le Conte de la Charrette,' by Gaston Paris; Nutt's Studies in the Legend of the Holy Graal. The writer has to thank Mr. H. L. D. Ward of the British Museum for some valuable assistance.]

MAPLET, JOHN (d. 1592), miscellaneous writer, matriculated as a sizar of Queens' College, Cambridge, in December 1500, proceeded B.A. in 1553–4. was a fellow of Catharine Hall in August 1564, and commenced M.A. in 1567. On 26 Nov. 1568 he instituted, on the presentation of Sir Thomas Mildmay, to the rectory of Great Leighs, Essex, which he exchanged for the vicarage of Northall (now Northolt), Middlesex, on 30 April 1670 (Newcourt, Repertorium, i. 222, 703, ii. 385). He was buried in the chancel of Northolt Church on 7 Sept. 1593 (parish register), leaving issue: John, Thomas (b. 1577), Margaret, Ellen (b. 1575-6l), and Mary (b. 1581). His wife was apparently a widow named Ellen Leap. A few weeks after Maplet's death she married Matthew Randall, servant on her husband's glebe, and died at Ealing in 1595 (Probate Act in Vic. Gen. Book, Bp. London, 1595, f. 32 b). Randall, who became a prosperous yeoman at Ealing, survived until 1630 (Act Book, Comm. Court of Land. 1627–30, f 115 b).

To Northolt Church Maplet left his 'Byble of the greatest vollome' and some small benefactions to the parish (will registered in P. C. C, 70, Scott).

Maplet wrote: 1. 'A Greene Forest, or a Naturall Historie. Wherein may bee seene