Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 36.djvu/127

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than any now extant (Monumenta Ritualia Eccl. Angliæ, vol. i. p. xxv), but the conjecture cannot be substantiated. Marbeck's intention seems to have been to prevent 'the great diversity in saying and singing' of which the compilers of 'Edward VI's First Prayer Book' had expressed disapproval in their preface, and to follow out their suggestion that 'the whole realm' should 'have but one use.' But his book received no authorisation from the ecclesiastical authorities, and was not in sufficient demand in his day to render a second edition needful (Maskell, Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, 1882, p. xi). It was reprinted by Whittingham for Pickering in 1844, in facsimile; by Rimbault in 1845; and in Jebb's 'Choral Responses for Litanies,' 1857.

About the date of the appearance of his 'Book of Common Prayer' Marbeck is said to have supplicated for the degree of Bachelor of Music at Oxford, but the university register of the time is defective, and the result of his supplication is not known. He continued his musical and theological studies for more than thirty years later, and was still organist in 1565. Foxe notes that he was alive in 1583, when the second English edition of the 'Actes and Monuments' appeared. He is said to have died at Windsor in 1585. Roger Marbeck [q. v.] was his son. A hymn for three voices by Marbeck is printed in Hawkins's 'History of Music.' Portions of a mass for five voices, 'Per arma Justitiæ,' are in Burney's 'Musical Extracts,' vol. vi. (Addit. MS. 11686), and in the Oxford Music School. Other musical manuscripts by him are at Peterhouse, Cambridge.

Besides the works already noted, Marbeck published:

  1. 'The Lyues of Holy Sainctes, Prophetes, Patriarches, and others contaynd in Holye Scripture,' dedicated to Lord Burghley, London (by Henry Denham and Richard Watkins), 1574, 4to (Brit. Mus.); 2nd edit. 1685, with addresses to 'Christian Reader,' (signed R. M.)
  2. 'The Holie Historie of King Dauid … Drawne into English Meetre for the Youth to reade,' London (by Henrie Middleton for John Harrison), 1579, 4to (a copy is at Britwell).
  3. 'A Ripping vp of the Popes Fardel,' London, 1581, 8vo.
  4. 'A Booke of Notes and Commonplaces with their Exposition collected and gathered out of the Workes of diuers singular Writers and brought Alphabetically into Order,' London (by Thomas East), 1581, 8vo, dedicated to the Earl of Huntingdon, about 1200 pp. (Brit. Mus.)
  5. 'Examples drawn out of Holy Scriptures with their Application: also a Brief Conference between the Pope and his Secretary, wherein is opened his great blasphemous pride,' London 1582, 8vo.
  6. 'A Dialogue between Youth and Olde Age, wherein is declared the Persecutions of Christ's Religion, since the Fall of Adam, hitherto,' London, 1584.

Marbeck spelt his name either thus, or with a final 'e' added.

[Information kindly supplied by W. Barclay Squire, esq.; Wood's Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 130; Bale's Scriptores; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.; Fuller's Worthies; Grove's Dict. of Musicians, s.v. 'Merbecke;' Notes and Queries, 4th ser. v. 293; authorities cited.]

MARBECK, MARKBEEKE, or MERBECK, ROGER (1536–1605), provost of Oriel College, Oxford, and physician, was born in 1536, probably at Windsor, where his father, John Marbeck [q. v.], was organist. He was educated at Eton, was elected student of Christ Church, Oxford, in 1552, and seems to have resided there for about fifteen years. He graduated B.A. on 26 Jan. 1554-5, and M.A. on 28 June 1558. On 3 Feb. 1559 he was made prebendary of Withington in Hereford Cathedral. In 1562 he was senior proctor, and again in 1564, and on 18 Nov. of the same year he was appointed first public orator for life, with a yearly pension of twenty nobles (6l. 13s. 4d.) from the university chest. Copies of some of his speeches and addresses, which are notable for their elegant latinity, are among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Library. Early in 1565 he was made canon of Christ Church, and after some negotiation with the visitor, Nicholas Bullingham [q. v.], bishop of Lincoln, Marbeck was unanimously elected provost of Oriel College by the whole body of fellows on 9 March 1564-5. Although he held clerical appointment, Marbeck does not seem to have been ordained. Early in 1566 Queen Elizabeth paid a visit to Oxford, and Marbeck, who was 'delicise Latinarum literarum,' delivered a Latin speech. The queen received him very graciously, and said to him, 'We have heard of you before, but now we know you.' She visited Oxford again in the same year (6 Sept.), and Marbeck again delivered the customary Latin oration. At this time there seems to have been no more popular or distinguished member of the university; but an unhappy and discreditable marriage, which took place or was discovered soon after, forced him to resign all his offices, to leave Oxford, and to change his whole plan of life.

His wife died early, and he turned his noughts to medicine. Where he conducted his professional studies is not known, but on L July 1573 he became B.M. of Oxford, and D.M. on the following day. There is appa-