Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 36.djvu/26

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assistant-surgeon died on the second day. Manby himself acted in their place, and, by the advice of a doctor at St. Kitts, dealt out large doses of calomel. But the anxiety brought on an attack of the fever, which nearly proved fatal. At Tortola a surgeon was procured, and after a terrible passage of six weeks, having lost a third of her crew, the Africaine arrived at Falmouth, whence she was sent to do a full quarantine at the Scilly Islands, after which she was paid out of commission.

About the time of his being appointed to the Africaine he was presented by Lady Townshend to the Princess of Wales, who treated him with much cordiality (G. W. Manby, p. 32). It was afterwards sworn by several witnesses that she conducted herself towards him with undue, if not with criminal familiarity (The Book, passim); on 22 Sept. 1806 Manby made affidavit that this testimony was 'a vile and wicked invention, wholly and absolutely false' (ib. pp. 181-2).

In 1807 Manby, in the Thalia, in command of a small squadron, was stationed at Jersey, and in 1808 was sent, in company with the Medusa frigate and a brig, to look out for two French frigates, supposed to have gone to Davis Straits to prey on the whalers. After a trying and unsuccessful cruise of twelve weeks, they filled up with wood and water at a harbour on the coast of Labrador, which Manby surveyed and named Port Manvers. Thence they returned to England by Newfoundland, the Azores, and Gibraltar. The Arctic service had severely tried a constitution already impaired by yellow fever. Manby's health was utterly ruined, and he was obliged to give up his command. He purchased an estate at Northwold in Norfolk, where he settled down for the rest of his life.

He was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral 27 May 1825. He died from an overdose of opium, at the George Hotel, Southampton, on 18 June 1834. He married in 1800 Miss Hamond of Northwold, and had by her two daughters.

[Marshall's Roy. Nav. Biog. iii. (vol. ii.) 199; United Service Journ. 1834, pt. ii. p. 524; G. W. Manby's Reminiscences; 'The Book!' or the Proceedings and Correspondence upon the subject of the Inquiry into the Conduct of H.R.H. the Princess of Wales (2nd edit. 1813); James's Nav. Hist.; Troude's Batailles Navales de la France.]

MANCHESTER, Dukes of. [See Montagu, Charles, 1664–1722, first Duke; Montagu, George, 1737–1788, fourth Duke; Montagu, William, 1771–1843, fifth Duke.]

MANCHESTER, Earls of. [See Montagu, Sir Henry, first Earl, 1563?–1642; Montagu, Edward, second Earl, 1602–1671.]

MANDERSTOWN, WILLIAM (fl. 1515–1540), philosopher, was born in the diocese of St. Andrews, probably at the town of Manderston, Stirlingshire. Educated apparently at St. Andrews, he subsequently proceeded to the university of Paris, where he graduated licentiate in medicine, and became one of the school of Terminists, at whose head was John Major (1469–1550) [q. v.] In 1518 Manderstown published at Paris two works, ‘Bipartitum in Morali Philosophia Opusculum,’ 12mo, dedicated to James Beaton [q. v.], archbishop of St. Andrews, and ‘Tripartitum Epithoma Doctrinale,’ 12mo; in the first work he is said to have plagiarised from ‘Hieronymus Angestus;’ copies of both are preserved in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. On 15 Dec. 1525 he was chosen one of the rectors of the university of Paris (Du Boulay, Univ. Paris. vi. 977). Before 1539 he had returned to Scotland, for in that year, along with John Major, he founded a bursary or chaplaincy in St. Salvator's, and endowed it with the rents of certain houses in South Street, St. Andrews. On 3 April in the same year Manderstown witnessed a charter at Dunfermline Monastery, and also appears as rector of Gogar. The date of his death is unknown. Tanner wrongly places it in 1520. Besides the books above mentioned, Tanner attributes to Manderstown: 1. ‘In Ethicam Aristotelis ad Nicomachum Comment.’ 2. ‘Quæstionem de Futuro Contingenti.’ 3. ‘De Arte Chymica.’

[Du Boulay's Univ. Paris. Hist. vi. 977; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. p. 505; Chronicles and Memorials of Scotland—Reg. Magni Sigilli, 1513–1546; Mackay's Life of John Mair, pp. 76, 97; Cat. Advocates' Library.]

MANDEVIL, ROBERT (1578–1618), puritan divine, was a native of Cumberland. He was 'entered either a batler or servitor' of Queen's College, Oxford, early in 1596, and matriculated on 25 June; he proceeded B.A. 17 June 1600, and, after migrating to St. Edmund's Hall, M.A. 6 July 1603. In July 1607 he was elected vicar of Holm Cultram in Cumberland by the chancellor and scholars of the university of Oxford, and remained there till his death in 1618. His life was characterised by great piety and zeal for the puritan cause, and he was specially active in persuading his parishioners to a stricter observance of the Sabbath.

He wrote: 'Timothies Taske; or a Chris-