Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 37.djvu/182

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and willing to perform all his exercises.’ He was senior collector of the determining bachelors in the following Lent, fellow of Magdalen College in 1652, and M.A. on 6 July 1654. He became a preacher in and near Oxford, and a constant attendant at the weekly independent meeting held by Goodwin, whom Mayne described as ‘a very great friend, and as a father.’ He was appointed, by Goodwin's influence, on 23 March 1657–8, lecturer at St. Julian's Church in Shrewsbury, where he ‘gave no disturbance to the town, but … had a fair reception and acceptation.’ While there he was inclined at the suggestion of Dr. Henry Hammond [q. v.] to accept ordination from the Bishop of Bangor. The death of Oliver Cromwell in 1658 interrupted the plan. On preaching ‘Concerning the Salvability of the Heathen and of Universal Redemption,’ in St. Mary's Church, Oxford, in February 1660, he was convened before the vice-chancellor, Dr. Conant, and threatened with expulsion. He retired to London till the following May. His religious opinions vacillated. He is said to have had a leaning towards Socinianism, and to have passed thence to Arianism. His published works distinctly show him to have held Arminian views. Scruples as to his authority prevented him from administering the sacraments while he was an independent preacher. At the Restoration he was expelled from his fellowship, and retired to Dalwood in Dorsetshire, where, about 1671, he became a schoolmaster. He remained there till 19 Jan. 1689–90, when he was made master of the free grammar school in Exeter. In his latter years he conformed to the church (probably as a layman), and enthusiastically welcomed the revolution. He died in Exeter on 11 Nov. 1694, and was buried in the north aisle of St. Peter's Church, Dalwood, where lie also the remains of several of his children. A son, Samuel, of Exeter College (B.A. 1698 and M.A. 1701), proceeded B. Med. from New Inn Hall in 1708, practised medicine in Northampton, and died there in 1750, aged about 73.

Mayne published: 1. ‘St. Paul's Travailing Pangs … or a Treatise of Justification,’ London, 1662. Wood, who had never seen a copy of this rare book, gives it as two. ‘J. G.,’ who signs the ‘Advice to the Reader,’ prefixed to the work, was John Goodwin [q. v.] 2. ‘The Snare Broken,’ Oxford, 1692, 1694, anon., written ten or twelve years previous to publication, in which the author recants Socinian and Arian views, and tries to confute various calumnies. Edmund Elys [q. v.] of Totnes prefixed a Latin epistle, and Francis Lee [q. v.] an English one. 3. ‘Sanctification by Faith Vindicated,’ London, 1693, with a preface by R. Burscough, rector of Totnes.

He communicated to the Royal Society the description of a waterspout that took place at Topsham, near Exeter, on 7 Aug. 1694 (Philosophical Transactions, xix. 28, and in the abridged versions, 1716, ii. 104, and 1809, iv. 12). Two letters by Mayne, dated from Dalwood, 8 Oct. 1669 and 3 May 1671, are printed in the ‘Gentleman's Magazine,’ 1794, part i. p. 11.

[Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714; Wood's Athenæ (Bliss), vol. iv. cols. 411–414; Wood's Fasti (Bliss), vol. ii. cols. 169, 182; Bloxam's Reg. of Magdalen Coll. vol. ii. pp. cxvii–cxviii, 75 n.; Hutchins's Dorset, ii. 248; Carlyle's Cromwell, 1850, iv. 444; Cal. of State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1657–8, p. 338; Carlisle's Endowed Grammar Schools, i. 317; notice by the Rev. J. Ingle Dredge in Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1889, p. 498; par. reg. of St. Petrock's, Exeter; information from the Rev. C. Lister James of Dalwood.]

B. P.

MAYNWARING. [See also Mainwaring and Manwaring.]

MAYNWARING, ARTHUR (1668- 1712), auditor of the imprests. [See Mainwaring.]

MAYNWARING, EVERARD, M.D. (1628–1699?), medical writer, born in 1628, was son of Kenelm Maynwaring, rector of Gravesend, Kent, and was educated at the grammar school there. On 21 June 1645 he was admitted a sizar of St. John's College, Cambridge, and proceeded M.B. on 1 July 1652 (Reg. of Admissions, ed. Mayor, pt. i. p. 71). He afterwards visited America, where he formed a lasting friendship with Christopher Lawrence, M.D. of Dublin. At Lawrence's invitation he went to Dublin in 1655 and was there created M.D. on 17 Aug. By September 1663 he had set up in business as ‘doctor in physick and hermetick phylosophy’ next to the Blue Boar on Ludgate Hill. He had a profound belief in specifics of his own compounding, and considered tobacco smoking productive of diseases such as scurvy, but he was in advance of his time in condemning the use of violent purgatives and indiscriminate bloodletting. During the plague year of 1665 he was entrusted by the society for employing the poor in Middlesex with the care of their pest-house, and he boasted that of eighty patients committed to him he returned fifty-six safe and sound. In 1666 he removed to a house in Clerkenwell Close, and is subsequently found residing in Fetter Lane (1671), Wine Office Court, Fleet Street (November 1678), Old Southampton Buildings by Gray's Inn (January