Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 39.djvu/56

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tion in Persia was then established) from October 1809 to the following summer, he remained engaged in the business of the embassy, first under Adair, and then (1810–12) as secretary of legation under his successor, Stratford Canning. (Some letters written during the period of his employment at Tabriz are published in Lane-Poole's 'Life of Stratford Canning.') On the termination of Canning's appointment, Morier accompanied him (July 1812) on his return to England. In 1813 he was attached to Lord Aberdeen's mission to Vienna, and during the years 1813-1815 was continually employed in the most important diplomatic transactions of the century the negotiations which accompanied the 'settlement of Europe' after the fall of Napoleon. He was with Lord Castlereagh at the conferences at Chatillon-sur-Seine, and assisted in the preparation of the treaties of Paris of May 1814. In the same year he attended the foreign minister at the famous congress of Vienna, and, when the Duke of Wellington succeeded Castlereagh in his difficult mission, Morier remained as one of the secretaries. In July 1815, after the final overthrow of Napoleon, Morier accompanied Castlereagh to Paris, and was occupied till September in drafting the celebrated treaties of 1815. He had been appointed consul-general for France in November 1814, but he did not take over the post until September of the following year, when the work upon the treaties was completed; and in the meanwhile he had married. At the same time he was named a commissioner for the settlement of the claims of British subjects upon the French government. The consul-generalship was abolished, and Morier retired on a pension 5 April 1832, but was almost immediately (5 June) appointed minister plenipotentiary to the Swiss Confederated States, a post which had previously been held by his old chief and lifelong friend, Stratford Canning. The fifteen years of his residence at Berne endeared him to British travellers and all who came under his genial and sympathetic influence. On 19 June 1847, at the age of sixty-three, he finally retired from the diplomatic service, and spent the remaining thirty years of his life in retirement.

Morier was a man of warm sympathies and transparent simplicity and honesty of character, and his varied experience of life and mankind never succeeded in chilling his heart or in clouding his gracious benignity. He was a staunch friend, and his affection for Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, for example, lasted unchanged for seventy years. His deep sense of religion led him to publish two pamphlets, entitled 'What has Religion to do with Politics?' (London, 1848), and 'The Basis of Morality' (London, 1869). At the age of seventy-three he published his one novel, 'Photo, the Suliote, a Tale of Modern Greece,' London, 1857, in which 'imperfect sketch' or 'fragment,' as he calls it, a vivid picture of Greek and Albanian life in the first quarter of the century is presented, with something of the graphic power of his more literary brother, the author of 'Hajji Baba.' The materials for the story, beyond his personal recollections, were supplied by a Greek physician with whom Morier was compelled to spend a period of quarantine at Corfu. He died in London 13 July 1877 at the age of ninety-three, but in full possession of his natural vivacity, a model, as Dean Stanley said, of the 'piety and virtue of the antique mould.' His only son, and last male representative of the family, Sir Robert Burnett David Morier, is noticed separately.

[Foreign Office List, 1877; Times (Dean Stanley), 16 July 1877; Lane-Poole's Life of Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe; private information.]

MORIER, ISAAC (1750–1817), consul-general of the Levant Company at Constantinople, belonged to a Huguenot family, which on the revocation of the edict of Nantes migrated to Château d'Oex, in the valley of the Sarine, east of Montreux in Switzerland, where the name is still preserved. Some of the Moriers engaged in commerce at Smyrna, where Isaac was born 12 Aug. 1750, and where he married, in 1775, Clara van Lennep, daughter of the Dutch consul-general and president of the Dutch Levant Company. One of her sisters was married to Admiral Waldegrave, afterwards first Baron Radstock [q. v.], and another to the Marquis de Chabannes de la Palice, whose sons became as distinguished in France as their Morier cousins in England. The three sisters were all celebrated for their beauty, and Romney painted portraits of each of them. Isaac Morier was naturalised in England, but, losing his fortune in 1803, was obliged to seek employment in the East, and in 1804 was appointed the first consul-general of the Levant Company at Constantinople, a post which, on the dissolution of the company in 1806, was converted into that of his Britannic majesty's consul. To this Isaac Morier joined the functions of agent to the East India Company, and held these appointments till his death, of the plague, at Constantinople, in 1817. Four of his sons—David Richard, James Justinian, John Philip, and William—are noticed separately.

[Private information.]