Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 42.djvu/24

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The rectory and vicarage of Ross, Herefordshire, conferred on him 6 Dec. 1839, he held till his death. For a time he acted as domestic and examining chaplain to Archbishop Howley. He resigned his fellowship in 1834. On the foundation of a chair of pastoral theology in the university, Ogilvie became the first regius professor on 23 April 1842, and as professor he succeeded in 1849 to a canonry at Christ Church, under the provisions of the Act 3 and 4 Vict. c. 113. Through life he maintained a close friendship with Dr. Routh, president of Magdalen College, with whom he corresponded on literary subjects from 1847 to 1854. He was also very intimate with Joseph Blanco White. While lecturing on 15 Feb. 1873 he was seized with paralysis, and died in his house at Christ Church, Oxford, two days later. He was buried in the Latin Chapel in Christ Church Cathedral. By his marriage, on 18 April 1838, to Mary Ann Gurnell, daughter of Major Armstrong (who died 2 Oct. 1875), he had two daughters.

He published: 1. ‘On the Union of Classical and Mathematical Studies,’ printed in the ‘Oxford English Prize Essays,’ vol. iii. 1836. 2. ‘The Apostolic Origin of the Three Orders of the Christian Ministry,’ 1836. 3. ‘The Divine Glory manifested in the Conduct and Discourses of our Lord. Eight Sermons before the University at the Lecture founded by J. Bampton,’ 1836. 4. ‘Considerations on Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles,’ 1845. 5. ‘On Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles as by Law required of Candidates for Holy Orders and of the Clergy,’ 1863.

[Chapman's Reminiscences of Three Oxford Worthies, 1875, pp. 43–52; Burgon's Lives of Twelve Good Men, 1891, pp. 15, 484; Guardian, 19 Feb. 1873, p. 227; Men of the Time, 1872, p. 728; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. 1882, iii. 1296; Couch's Reminiscences of Oxford, 1892, pp. 208, &c.; Life of Rev. Joseph Blanco White, 1845; information from his daughter, Mrs. Lawrence.]

OGILVIE, JAMES (1760–1820), scholar, claimed connection with the Ogilvys, earls of Findlater. He was born in 1700 in Aberdeen, and was educated there. He may be the James Ogilvie who graduated at King's College, Aberdeen, in 1790. Emigrating to America, he for some time conducted a classical academy in Richmond, Virginia, leaving the impression of being 'a man of singular endowments,' gifted with the power of rousing the mind from its torpor and lending it wings' (Southern Literary Messenger, vol. xiv.) Of a philosophical temperament, Ogilvie developed from a school rhetorician into a public lecturer, rebutting the theories of Godwin, of which in youth he had been enamoured. For a time he rented a room in a remote Kentucky cabin, where he wrote his lectures, depending to some extent for his living on pecuniary help from former pupils (ib.) He is said to have lectured with great success throughout Virginia and the Atlantic states. He returned to Scotland to claim the lapsed earldom of Findlater as a relative of James Ogilvy, the last earl of Findlater and Seafield of the Ogilvy line, who had died at Dresden in 1811 [see under Ogilvy, James, (1714?-1770)]. Ogilvie's pretensions, however, were not entertained. Constitutionally sensitive and excitable, and worn out with narcotics, he is said to have committed suicide in Aberdeen on 18 Sept. 1820.

Ogilvie's 'Philosophical Essays' appeared at Philadelphia in 1816. The book is summarily discussed in 'Blackwood's Magazine,' xvii. 198, and it is criticised at length by E. T. Channing in the 'North American Review,' vol. iv.

[Autobiographical Sketch in Philosophical Essays; Recollections by a Pupil in Southern Literary Messenger, vol. xiv.; Irving's Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen; information from Mr. George Stronach, Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, and Mr. P. J. Anderson, University Library, Aberdeen.]

OGILVIE or OGILBY, JOHN (1580?–1615), Jesuit, born about 1580, was the eldest son of Walter Ogilvie of Drum, near Keith. At the age of twelve he went to the continent, and was there converted to Catholicism. About 1596 he entered the Scots College at Louvain, and subsequently visited the Benedictines at Ratisbon, and the Jesuit College at Olmütz, where he was admitted a member of the Society of Jesus. He spent two years of novitiate at Brunn, and between 1602 and 1613 lived at Gratz, Vienna, Olmütz, Paris, and Rouen. At Paris he was ordained priest in 1613. Towards the close of the year he and two other priests, Moffat and Campbell, were ordered by the superior of the Scottish mission of the Society of Jesus to repair to Scotland. Ogilvie landed in the disguise of a soldier, under the assumed name of Watson, and, having separated from his companions, proceeded to the north, probably to his native district. In six weeks he returned to Edinburgh, where he remained throughout the winter of 1613-14, as the guest of William Sinclair, advocate. Shortly before Easter (30 March) 1614 he set out for London on some mvsterious business. It has been alleged that he had then a private interview with King James, but the