Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 42.djvu/47

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The eldest son, Sir John Ogle of Pinchbeck, was knighted at Oxford on 2 Feb. 1645-6; and, dying unmarried on 26 March 1663, was buried in St. John the Baptist Chapel of Westminster Abbey (Chester, p. 168). A second son, Thomas (d. 1702), was knighted in 1660, and became governor of Chelsea Hospital in 1696. Of Ogle's seven daughters, Livina was wife of Sir John Manwood [q. v.], the judge. The names of three other daughters — Utricia or Eutretia (1600-1642), Trajectina, and Henerica — commemorated his connection with the Low Countries.

[Pedigree by Mr. Everard Green, F.S.A., in Genealogist, i. 321; Gardiner's History; Cal. State Papers, 1690-1640; Markham's Fighting Veres, passim; Van der Aa's Biograph. Woordenboek der Nederlander, xiv. 58.]

OGLE, JOHN (1647?–1685?), gamester and buffoon, commonly known as 'Jack Ogle' or 'Mad Ogle,' the son of respectable and well-to-do parents, was born at Ashburton in Devonshire, and educated at Exeter. He lost his father when young, and, inheriting near 200l. per annum upon coming of age, went up to London, dissipated his estate, and gained notoriety by his duels, his licentious pranks and low humour. His sister, who, like himself, received a good education, became a gentlewoman to the Countess of Inchiquin, and subsequently mistress to the Duke of York. She may have been the Anne Ogle, maid of honour, with whom Pepys had the felicity of dining in 1669, but whom Roscommon, in his 'Faithful Catalogue of Eminent Ninnies,' described as 'lewd Ogle.' Through her influence Ogle obtained a saddle in the first troop of horse-guards during the colonelcy of the Duke of Monmouth (1668-1679). His necessities precluded him from maintaining a horse and other proper equipments of his own, and there were many ludicrous stories of the shifts to which he was reduced in order to appear on parade. Steele, in the 'Tatler ' (No. 132), describing the society of the Trumpet tavern, mentions how on entering the room the company 'were naming a red petticoat and a cloak, by which I knew that the Bencher had been diverting them with a story of Jack Ogle.' The bencher in question, writes Steele, 'the greatest wit of our company next myself, frequented in his youth the ordinaries about Charing Cross, and pretends to have been intimate with Jack Ogle. ... If any modern wit be mentioned, or any town frolic spoken of, he shakes his head at the dulness of the present age, and tells us a story of Jack Ogle.' The town residence of the 'Captain,' as Ogle called himself, was Waterman's Lane, Whitefriars, a well-known hotbed of rascality. According to Theophilus Lucas, he lost by cock-fighting what he gained at the gaming-table or in less creditable fashion. His excesses killed him in or about 1686, in his thirty-ninth year. His name was long a byword for eccentric profligacy, his 'diverting humours' being prefixed to such favourite 'cracks' as the 'Frolicks of Lord Mohun' and 'Charles II and his Three Concubines.' The British Museum possesses a copy of his 'Humours' in a chap-book printed for the Travelling Stationers at Warrington in 1805. His portrait has been engraved.

[Eccentric Magazine, i. 192-6; Lucas's Memoirs of Gamesters, 183-92; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, p. 254 ; Granger's Biogr. Hist. 1779, iv. 199.]

OGLE, OWEN, second Baron Ogle (1439?–1486?), eldest son of Robert Ogle, first baron Ogle [q.v.], and Isabel, heiress of Sir Alexander Kirkby of Kirkby Ireleth in Furness, though about thirty years of age at his father's death in 1469, was not summoned to parliament until 1483 (Dugdale, Baronage, i. 263). Ogle was present on the royal side at the battle of Stoke in 1486, and in 1493 or 1494 he, with other northern barons, accompanied Thomas Howard, earl of Surrey, to relieve Norham Castle, which the Scots were besieging. There is no record of his being summoned to parliament after September 1485. By his wife Eleanor, daughter of Sir William Hilton, he left a son Ralph, who succeeded him as third Baron Ogle, and in October 1509 received a writ of summons to the first parliament of Henry VIII. A younger brother of Owen, called John, was the founder of the Lancashire branch of the family settled at Whiston, close to Prescot; that branch was in the middle of the seventeenth century represented by an heiress, who carried the estate into the family of Case of Huyton ; in their possession it still remains (Gregson, Portfolio of Fragments, p. 183, ed. 1817).

On the death of Cuthbert, seventh lord Ogle, without male issue, in 1697, the barony fell into abeyance between his two daughters, Joan and Catherine. But Joan, who was wife of the seventh Earl of Shrewsbury, died in 1627. Thereupon Catherine, then widow of Sir Charles Cavendish, was by letters patent, dated 4 Dec. 1628, declared to baroness Ogle; and on her death next year she was succeeded in the ancient barony by her son, William Cavendish, in whose favour a new barony of Ogle of Bothal had been created in 1620. He was further created Ear