Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 43.djvu/277

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Parker finished it after four years' work. In his epistle 'candido lectori' he claims that all Sanford's matter required rearranging. Parker derives Hades from Adam, and traces the whole Greek theogeny to Hebrew roots and derivations. 3. 'De politeia ecclesiastica Christi et hierarchica opposita libri tres, in quibus tam verse disciplinae fundamenta quam omnes fere de eadem controversiae summo cum judicio et doctrina methodice pertractantur' (Frankfort, 1616); a posthumous work, and incomplete. Paget claims the work as a portraiture of the presbyterian church organisation (Paget, Defence of Church Government, p. 105). 4. 'An Exposition of the pouring-out of the fourth Vial mentioned in the 16th of Revelation,' London, 1650 (2 July), a portion of which reappeared in 'The Mystery of the Vialls opened,' another posthumous tract by Parker, London, 1651 (21 Aug.)

Parker must be distinguished from Richard Parker, who was vicar of Bulbridge and Ditchampton, separate vicarages of the rectory of Wilton, from 1571 to his death in 1611 (Hoare, Wilts), rector of North Benfleet, 28 March 1571-12 Oct. 1572; removed to West Hanningfield, 14 Oct. 1572 till 1 584, and was presented to Dedham, Essex, 30 June 1582. At Dedham he 'was suspended for not subscribing Whitgift's articles, and, being restored again, hath now since the bishop's visitation a day set him for deprivation for not yielding to wear the surplice' (Part of a Register, p. 584). After his second persecution he left the county and removed to Wiltshire. It is certain from the manuscript records of the Essex puritan assembly of 1582-9, of which this Parker of Dedham was the scribe, that his name was Richard, and not Robert.

[Hanbury's Hist. Memorials ; Morse and Parish's Hist. of New Engl. p. 75 ; Forbes's Anatomy of Independency, 1644; Baillie's Letters; Wood's Athenae Oxon.; Bloxam's Magd. Coll. Reg.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Clark's Oxford Register; Watt's Bibl. Brit; Sumner's Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden (Massachusetts Hist. Soc. 3rd ser.vol.ix.); Horn's Hist. Eccl. 1687; Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers, pp. 436-9, quoting Governor Bradford's Dialogue, or the sum of a conference between some young men born in New England and sundry ancient men that came out of Holland and England; Lechford's Plain Dealing, or Newes from New England (Massachusetts Hist. Soc. 3rd ser. iii. 93); Hubbard's Gen. Hist. of New England (Massachusetts Hist. Soc. 3rd ser. v. 1 18, 187); Steven's Hist. of the Scottish Church at Rotterdam (makes Parker minister of Delft, 163G-41); Pierce's Vindication of the Dissenters, 1717, p. 170 ; Winthrop's Hist. of New Engl., ed. James Savage ; Hunter's Collection concerning the Separatist Church at Scrooby; Prince's Chronological Hist, of New Engl.; Brook's Puritans, ii. 237; Neal's Puritans; Best's Church's Plea for her Right, Amsterdam, 1635 ; Canne's Necessity of Separation; Hist. MSS. Comm. 7th Rep. p. 183a; information kindly supplied by the Rev. P. H. Jackson, rector of Patney, by the Rev. D. Olivier, rector of Wilton, and by the Rev. J. T. Dixon Stewart, rector of Stanton, Wiltshire.]

PARKER, ROBERT (fl. 1718), soldier, born near Kilkenny between 1665 and 1668, was son of a farmer, and was educated at Kilkenny. He joined a company of the protestant schoolboys formed by James Butler (1665–1745) [q. v.], afterwards second Duke of Ormonde, and with them learned military exercises. In October 1683 he enlisted in Captain Frederick Hamilton's independent company, which was afterwards drafted into Lord Mountjoy's regiment and ordered to Charlemont in North Ireland in April 1684. He was disbanded by Tyrconnel on account of his religion in 1687, and returned home. In April 1689 he again enlisted under Hamilton, who was major of the Earl of Meath's regiment of foot, and went through the campaign in Ireland. In 1694 he was serving in Flanders. At the action on 20 Aug. 1695, at the breach of the Terra Nova, near Salsine Abbey, he was badly wounded and invalided for thirty weeks. For his gallantry on this occasion he was given a commission, being placed over seven ensigns at once. His regiment was now styled the ‘royal regiment of foot of Ireland.’ He next served under the Earl of Athlone, and then under Marlborough (1702). At the storming of Menin in 1706, being then captain-lieutenant and adjutant, he was wounded in the head. He was now made captain of grenadiers. Upon his colonel, Lieutenant-general Ingoldsby, being appointed commander-in-chief in Ireland in 1707, he asked Marlborough to send Parker to him, in order to introduce among the raw Irish recruits the discipline enforced in Flanders. Accordingly, Parker left the army at Helchin and proceeded to Dublin, where he remained for two years. On the termination of his engagement the government presented him with a gratuity of 200l., and he returned to Flanders.

At the close of the war Parker was chosen by his brother officers to go over to London to lay the claims of their regiment before the board of general officers. He found it impossible to gain justice, despite the friendly assurances of the Duke of Ormonde, who remembered him, but for whose conduct as a