was nominated a K.C.B. He died on 13 Feb. 1884, at his residence at Botley, Hampshire. He married, in 1826, Jane Matilda Lily, eldest daughter of the Rev. Montagu John Wynyard, by whom he had a large family. His eldest son predeceased him in 1870; he was succeeded in the baronetcy by his grandson, Thomas Edward Sabine Pasley.
[O'Byrne's Nav. Biogr. Dict.; Navy Lists; Burke's Baronetage; Times, 18 Feb. 1884.]
PASOR, MATTHIAS (1599–1658), mathematician, linguist, and theologian, was the son of George Pasor (1570–1637), an eminent philologist, and of his wife, Apollonia, daughter of Peter Hendschius, senator of Herborn in Nassau. He was born at Herborn on 12 April 1599, and there received his first instruction in Latin and Greek. In 1614 the plague caused him to spend a year at Marburg in Hesse, where he commenced the study of Hebrew. In 1616 he went to Heidelberg, where, in addition to his own study, he gave private lessons in mathematics and Hebrew. On 20 Feb. 1617 he took the degree of M.A. at Heidelberg, and in 1619 was made professor of philosophy at the university there. On 23 April 1620 he became professor of mathematics, but was obliged to fly in September 1622, when the town was sacked by the Bavarian troops under Tilly. In the disorder he lost his books and his manuscripts. In October 1622 he reached Herborn, and was employed in the academy there till the end of 1623, when he removed to Leyden. In 1624 he arrived in England, settled at Oxford, and taught mathematics and Hebrew. He was incorporated M.A. of Oxford on 5 June 1624. He passed the winter of 1624–5 in Paris, studying Chaldee and Arabic under Gabriel Sionita, and on his return to Oxford found the place deserted on account of the plague. He declined to accompany Ussher to Ireland, preferring to continue his studies in Oxford. As soon as the sickness abated, he obtained pupils in divinity and the oriental languages. On 25 Oct. 1626, at his own request, he was made reader of Arabic, Chaldee, and Syriac in the university. He held the post for about three years, together with a Hebrew lectureship at New College. Among his pupils were John Roberts or Robartes (1606–1685), afterwards Earl of Radnor [q. v.] and Edward Pocock [q. v.] He left Oxford in the summer of 1629, when he was made professor of philosophy in the university at Groningen. In 1635 the professorship of mathematics was added to that of philosophy. He received the degree of D.D. at Groningen on 24 Oct. 1645, when he gave up his professorship of mathematics, but retained that of philosophy. He died at Groningen on 28 Jan. 1658.
A list of Pasor's published theses is given in Witte's ‘Diarium Biographicum.’ He also published: 1. ‘Oratio pro Lingua Arabica,’ Oxford, 1627. 2. ‘Tractatus de Græcis Novi Testamenti Accentibus,’ London, 1644. Much of his time was spent in editing his father's works. A Latin life of him, containing extracts from his journal, was published at Groningen in 1658.
[Vriemoet's Athenæ Frisiacæ, pp. 237–45; Ersch and Gruber's Allgemeine Encyklopädie, sect. iii. pt. 13; Saxe's Onomasticon; Migne's Dict. Bibl.; Foppens's Bibliotheca Belgica, i. 341; Crenius's Animadversiones (for references to criticisms on Pasor's Lexicon), pt. iv. p. 176; Bayle's Dictionary; Effigies et Vitæ Professorum Academiæ Groningæ et Omlandiæ, p. 109 (with portrait); Wood's Athenæ (Bliss), iv. 444–6; Wood's Fasti (Bliss), i. 416.]
PASS (VAN DE PAS or PASSE, PASSÆUS), SIMON (1595?–1647), and WILLIAM (1598?–1637?), engravers, were sons of Crispin (or Crispiaen) van de Pas (or Passe) (1565?–1637), a famous engraver in the Netherlands, whose works found a ready market in Holland, France, and England. The father, apparently a native of Arnemuÿden, near Middelburg, resided in Cologne from 1594 till 1612, when he permanently settled in Utrecht. By his wife, Magdalena de Bock, he had eight children, and he brought up his three sons and one daughter to practise as engravers. The second son, Crispin (1597?–1667?), found employment in Paris, and later at Amsterdam; while Simon, the eldest son, and William, the third, came to England.
Simon, born about 1595 at Cologne, was educated by his father there, and removed with him to Utrecht in 1612. His earliest works, including a portrait of Henry, prince of Wales, are dated in that year; a small portrait of Sir Thomas Overbury [q. v.] belongs to 1613, and a few other engravings, including a portrait of Goltzius, to 1614. In 1616 he appears to have settled in London, engraving in that year an equestrian portrait of Anne of Denmark, with portraits of various courtiers. He continued to produce similar engravings up to 1622, contributing to the ‘Baziliωlogia’ in 1618, and ‘Herωologia’ in 1622 [see Holland, Henry, 1583–1650?]. Pass is sometimes reckoned the earliest copperplate engraver in England. He had certainly been preceded, among others, by William Rogers [q. v.] Renold Elstracke [q. v.] and Francis Delaram [q. v.] But