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married, and Walpole (Anecdotes, i. 401) mentions a print of his wife inscribed ‘Dorothea Narbona, uxor D. Thomæ Rawlins supremi sculptoris sigilli Carol. I. et Carol. II.;’ this is probably identical with the engraving by Anton Van der Does in the print-room at the British Museum.

The signature of Rawlins on his coins and tokens is ‘R.’ His medals—most of which are cast and chased—are signed R., T. R., and with his full name. In technical finish and sureness of touch Rawlins is inferior to Thomas Simon, the great medallist of the Commons, yet much of his work is decidedly pleasing and elegant. Evelyn says that he excelled in medals and in intaglios; and in Flecknoe's ‘Miscellanies’ there is a poem on that excellent cymelist or sculptor in gold and precious stones, Thomas Rawlins. The following is a list of his principal medals: 1. ‘William Wade,’ 1641. 2. ‘Declaration of Parliament,’ 1642. 3–7. ‘Peace or War,’ rev. Sword and olive-branch; ‘Forlorn Hope’ badge; ‘Sir Robert Welch’ (Medallic Illustrations, i. 302); ‘Bristol taken;’ ‘Meeting of Charles I and Henrietta Maria at Kineton,’ 1643. 8–9. ‘Sir William Parkhurst;’ ‘Badges of Charles I and Henrietta Maria,’ 1644. 10. ‘Sir Robert Heath,’ 1645. 11. ‘Thomas Harper of Alveton Lodge, Staffordshire,’ 1647. 12. ‘Sir Robert Bolles,’ 1655. 13. ‘Coronation Medal,’ rev. Charles II as a Shepherd (‘Dixi custodiam’), 1661. 14. ‘Dominion of the Sea,’ rev. ‘Nos penes imperium,’ 1665. He also executed numerous badges with portraits of the Royal Family, and the medals ‘Death of Charles I,’ (1) rev. Hammer striking diamond on anvil, 1648; (2) rev. Rock buffeted by Winds; and (3) rev. Salamander amid flames, 1648.

Two comedies, both printed after the year of his death, are usually assigned to Rawlins: 1. ‘Tom Essence, or the Modish Life’ (sometimes erroneously attributed to Ravenscroft), a successful play which owes much to Molière's ‘Cocu Imaginaire;’ it was licensed for performance at Dorset Garden on 4 Nov. 1676, and printed in 1677, 4to. 2. ‘Tunbridge Wells, or a Day's Courtship,’ an indifferent comedy, printed in 1678, 4to. A collection of poems called ‘Calanthe’ (subjoined to ‘Good Friday, being Meditations on that Day,’ 1648, 8vo) is signed ‘T. R.’, initials which Oldys identified with Thomas Rawlins. Complimentary verses by Rawlins are prefixed to ‘Messallina,’ a tragedy, by his friend Nathaniel Richards [q. v.], and to Lovelace's ‘Lucasta.’

[Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, i. 400, 401; Hawkins's Medallic Illustrations, ed. Franks and Grueber; Numismatic Chronicle, xiii. 129 f.; Grueber's Guide to English Medals in Brit. Mus.; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; numismatic works of Ruding, Hawkins, and Kenyon; Hunter's Chorus Vatum, Addit. MS. 24489, ff. 32–3; Evelyn's Numismata, p. 239; Oldys's Notes and Collections, ed. Yeowell, 1863, p. 33; Langbaine's English Dram. Poets, 1699, p. 117; Baker's Biogr. Dram.; Genest's English Stage; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Coins, Medals, and Tokens, by Rawlins, in Brit. Mus.; authorities cited above.]

RAWLINSON, CHRISTOPHER (1677–1733), antiquary, born at Springfield, Essex, on 13 June 1677, was the second son of Curwen Rawlinson of Carke Hall in Cartmell, Lancashire, and M.P. for Lancaster in 1688, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Nicholas Monck [q. v.], bishop of Hereford, and brother of George Monck, duke of Albemarle. He matriculated from Queen's College, Oxford, on 14 June 1695, and, devoting himself to Anglo-Saxon studies, published in 1698, with assistance from Edward Thwaites [q. v.], fellow of Queen's College, Alfred's Saxon version of Boethius (‘Consolationis Philosophiæ Libri V,’ 1698, 8vo), from a transcript at Oxford made by Francis Junius. This was printed with the Junian types. He inherited his father's estates, and died in Holborn Row, London, on 8 Jan. 1733. He was buried in the abbey church of St. Albans, Hertfordshire. His portrait, engraved by J. Nutting, with those of other members of his family, is in the Bodleian Library (Bromley).

Rawlinson died unmarried and intestate, and his landed estates passed to the issue of his father's sisters Anne and Katherine. The furniture of Carke Hall was sold by auction at his death, and his manuscripts were at the same time disposed of in bundles, and were bought for pence by the villagers. Rawlinson had made valuable collections for the history of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, all of which have probably perished. Sir Daniel Fleming had, however, copied extracts from the portion relating to Westmoreland, and these extracts were deposited in the collection of manuscripts at Rydal Hall, and were used about 1777 by Nicolson and Burn for their ‘Westmoreland and Cumberland.’

[Whitaker's Whalley, ed. Lyons, ii. 591; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Gent. Mag. 1733, p. 45; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. iv. 146; Baines's Lancaster, ii. (ed. 1870), p. 668; Nicholson and Burn's Westmoreland and Cumberland, i. 500.]

RAWLINSON, Sir CHRISTOPHER (1806–1888), Indian judge, born at Combe on 10 July 1806, was second son of John Rawlinson (d. 1847) of Combe and Alresford, Hampshire, by his wife Felicia (Watson). He was educated at the Charterhouse and at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1828, M.A.