Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 48.djvu/9

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On 1 May 1885 he was appointed inspector-general of artillery, with the rank of major-general. On 28 July 1886 he died on board the steamer Mistletoe while engaged in the inspection of the artillery at Guernsey. He was buried with military honours at Cheriton, near Sandgate. A tablet and window in memory of him were put up in St. George's garrison church at Woolwich by his brother-officers.

Reilly's knowledge of all matters pertaining to his arm of the service was most comprehensive, and as a practical artilleryman he had no rival. The energy that underlay his normal composure was conspicuously shown in the last months of his life, when he vindicated the ordnance department from the charges formulated by Colonel Hope in the columns of the ‘Times.’ ‘I deny the charges you make; I defy you to prove them; I assert that they are false!’ was the last emphatic declaration of Reilly, written from Guernsey. A commission on warlike stores was appointed, under the chairmanship of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen [q. v.], to investigate the allegations; its report supported the charge of weak administration, but refuted that of corruption.

Reilly published, besides pamphlets on the artillery or military organisation of France and Prussia: 1. ‘An Account of the Artillery Operations before Sebastopol,’ 4to, 1859 (written by desire of the secretary of state for war). 2. ‘Military Forces of the Kingdom;’ pamphlet, 1867. 3. ‘Supply of Ammunition to an Army in the Field;’ pamphlet, 1873. 4. ‘War Material at the Vienna Exhibition;’ pamphlet, 1873.

[Official Army List; Records of the Royal Horse Artillery; Times, 19 April 1867; Pall Mall Gazette, 3 April 1873; Morning Post, 29 July 1886; private information. ]

REIMES, PHILIP de (1246?–1296), romance writer. [See Philip de Remi.]

REINAGLE, GEORGE PHILIP (1802–1835), marine painter, youngest son of Ramsay Richard Reinagle [q. v.], was born in 1802. He was a pupil of his father, but he gained much facility in the treatment of marine subjects by copying the works of the Dutch painters Bakhuisen and Willem van de Velde. He exhibited first at the Royal Academy in 1822, when he sent a portrait of a gentleman; but in 1824 he contributed a ‘Ship in a Storm firing a Signal of Distress,’ and a ‘Calm,’ and in 1825 ‘A Dutch Fleet of the Seventeenth Century coming to Anchor in a Breeze,’ and other naval subjects in the following years. In 1827 he was present on board the Mosquito at the battle of Navarino, and on his return he drew on stone, and published in 1828, ‘Illustrations of the Battle of Navarin,’ which was followed by ‘Illustrations of the Occurrences at the Entrance of the Bay of Patras between the English Squadron and Turkish Fleets, 1827.’ He also painted incidents of these engagements, which were exhibited in 1829, 1830, and 1831. He was present with the English fleet on the coast of Portugal in 1833, and his picture of ‘Admiral Napier's Glorious Triumph over the Miguelite Squadron’ was one of his contributions to the Royal Academy in 1834. Four naval subjects in 1835 were his last exhibited works. He worked both in oil and in watercolours, and gave much promise as a painter of shipping and marine pieces. His works appeared also at the British Institution, and occasionally at the Society of British Artists.

Reinagle died at 11 Great Randolph Street, Camden Town, London, on 6 Dec. 1835, aged 33.

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists of the English School, 1878; Royal Academy Exhibition Catalogues, 1822–35; British Institution Exhibition Catalogues (Living Artists), 1825–35.]

REINAGLE, JOSEPH (1762–1836), music composer, the son of a German musician resident in England, was born at Portsmouth in 1762. He was at first intended for the navy, but became apprentice to a jeweller in Edinburgh. Then, adopting music as a profession, he studied the French horn and trumpet with his father, and soon appeared in public as a player of those instruments. Acting on medical advice, he abandoned the wind instruments, and studied the violoncello under Schetky (who married his sister), and the violin under Aragoni and Pinto. He succeeded so well that he was appointed leader of the Edinburgh Theatre band. After appearing as a 'cellist in London, he went in 1784 to Dublin, where he remained for two years. Returning to London, he took a prominent position in the chief orchestras, and was principal 'cello at the Salomon concerts under Haydn, who showed him much kindness. Engaged to play at the Oxford concerts, he was so well received that he settled in the city and died there in 1836. Reinagle was a very able violoncellist, and enjoyed a wide popularity. Nathaniel Gow [q. v.] was one of his Edinburgh pupils. He composed a good deal of music for violin, violoncello, and pianoforte, and wrote a ‘Concise Introduction to the Art of playing the Violoncello,’ London, 1835, which went through four editions. A younger