Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 49.djvu/498

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49» Index to Volume XLIX. PAGS Robflon, Stephen (1741-1779) . . . .62 KobsoD, Thomas Frederick (1822 ?-l 864), whose real name was Thomas liobson Brownbill 63 Robsoo, William (1785-1868) . ... 64 RobT, John (1793-18&0) 66 ^^ See Robv, William (1766-1830) Roctard, Francois Th^dore (rf. 1858). under Kochard, Simon Jacquei^. Rochard, Simon Jacques (1788-1872) Roche, Sir Boyle ( 1743-1 807 ) ... Roche, Dayid, Viscount Fermov(1573 ?-l63o) Roche, Kugenius (1786-1829) r Roche, James (1770-1858) . . . . Roche, Maorice, Viscount Fermoy (1595?- I(i60 ?). See under Roche, David, VLKJouut Fcrmov. Roche, Michael de In ( fi. 1710-1731 ) . Roche, Philip (d. 1798) .... Roche, Mrs. Resdna Maria (1761 ?-1845) Roche, Robert (15/6-1621)) . Rocbead, John Thomas (1814-1878) Roches, Peter des (</. 1238). See Peter. Rochester, Earls of. See Wilmot, Ilenrv, first Karl (1610?-16d9); Wilroot, John, second Earl (1618-1680); Hvde, Laurence, tirst Earl of the Hyde family (1641-1711). Rochester, Countess of (cf. 1725 ). See Ilyde, Jane. Rochester, Viscount. See Carr, Robert {d, ), afterwards Earl of Somerset. Rochester, Sir Robert ( 1494 ?-l 557) Rochester, Solomon de (c/. 1294) Rochford, Earls of. Sec Zulcstcin de Nassau, William Henry, first Earl (164.')-1709) ; Zulestein de Na<^au, William Henry, fourth Earl (1717-1781). Rochford, Viscount. See Bolevn, George (</. 1536). Rochford, Sir John de (/. 1390-1410) . Rochfort, Robert (16.V2-1727) . Roch fort, Simon («f. 1224) . . . . Rock,Daniel,D.D. (1799-1871) . Rockingham, Marquis of. See Wentworth, Charles Watson (1730-1782). Rockrav, Edmund (flf. 1597) . . . . Rockstfo, William Smith ( 1823-1895) . Rodd, Edward Hearle (1810-1880) . Rodd, Horatio (ft. 1859). See under Thomas, the elder. Rodd, Thomas, the elder (1763-1822) . Rodd, Thomas, the younger ( 1796-1819). under Rodd, Tlloma^ the elder. Roddam, Robert (1719-1808^ . . . . Roden, Earls of. See Jocelyn, Robert, first Earl (1731-1797) ; Jocelvn, Robert, third EarH 1788-1870). Roden, Willisni Thomas (1817-1892) . Roderic the Great (</.877). See Rhodri Mawr. Roderic O'Connor (1116-1198). See O'Connor. Roderick, Richard (rf. 1756) . . . . Rodes, Francis ( 1530 ?-l 588) . Rodger, Alexander (1784-1846) . Rodinj^on, John (ft, 1348) . . . , Rodnev, Georj^e iJrvdges, first Baron Rodncv (1719-1792) .'.....'. Rodney, John (1765-1817). See under Rod- ney, George Brydi^es, first Baron Rodney. Rodwell, George Herbert Buonaparte (1800- ) Roe, George Hamilton (1795-1873) Roe, John Septimus (1797-1878) . Rodd, See

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88 88 Roe, Richard (rf. 1858) . Roe, Sir Thomas (1581 ?-1644 ) Roebuck, John, M.D. (1718-1794') . Roebuck, John Arthur (1801-1879) Roebuck, Thomas (1781-1819) Roestraten. Pieter van (1627-1700) Roettiers, James (1663-1698) . Roettiers, James (1698-1772). See under Roettiers, James (1663-169^). Roettiers, James (1707-1781). See under Roettiers, Norbert. Roettiers, Rottier, or Rotier, John (1631- Roettiers, Norbert (1665?-! 727) . Roger de Breteuil, Earl of Hereford (fl, 1071- ). See Fitzwilliam, Roger. Roger de Montgomery, Earl of Shrewsbury and Arundel (d. 1093?); with his sons: Philip of Montgomery (d, 1099), and Amulf, Earlof Pembroke (.^. 1110) Rosrer Bigod (d. 1107). See under Bigod, Hugh, first Earl of Norfolk. Rosser the Poitevin {fl. 1110). See under Roger de Montgomery', Earl of Shrewsbury and Arundel. Roger Infans (fl. 1124) Roger of Salisbury (d, 1139), also colled Roger the Great ....... Roger Pauper (fl. 1139). See under Roger of Stlisburv. Roirer of Vord (fl. 1170), called also Roger Gustun, Gusto m, and Ro^er of Citeaux Roger of Hereford (/. 1178) .... Roger ((/.1 179) Roger of Pont P E veque (rf. 1 1 8 1 ) . Roger of Hoveden or Howden (d. 1201?). See Hoveden. Roger (//. 1202) Roger of Croyland (</. 1214 ?) Roger of Wendover (d. 1237). See Wendover. Rogerof Waltham((/. 1836; . . . . Roger of Chester (fl. 1339). See Chester. Rojier of St. Albans (/. 1450) Rogers, Benjamin (1614-1698) Kogers, Charles (1711-1784) . . . . Rogers, Charles (1825-1890) . . . . Rogers, Daniel (1538. J>-1591) . Rogers, Daniel (1573-1652) . . . . Rogers, Sir Edward (1498 ?-1567 ?) Rogers, Ezekiel (1584 ?-1661 ) . . Rogers, Francis James Newman (1791-1851 ). Rogers, Frederic, Lord Blachf.ird (1811-1889) Rogers, George, M.D. (1618-1697) . Rogers, Henry (1585 ?-1658) , . . . Rogers, Henrv( 1806-1877) . . . . Rogers, Isaac' (1754-1 839) . . . . Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (1823-1890 ) . Rogers, John (1500 ?-1555) . . . . Rogers, John (1540?-1603 ?). See under Rogers, John (1500 ?-1555). Rogers, John (1572 ?-1636) . . . . Rogers, John ( 1627-1665 ? ) . Rogers, John (1610-1680) . . . . Rotters, John (1630-1684). Sec under Rogers, N'atbaniel. Rogers, John (1679-1729) . . . • liogers, John (1740 ?-1814) . . . . Rogers, John (1778-1856) . . . . Rogers, Joseph (1821-1889). Sec under Rogers, James Edwin Thorold. Rogers, Josias (1755-1795) . . . . Rogers, Nathaniel (1598-1655) rAOK

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